> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 354-756 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 354-756 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T447 5-18 JJ denotes proliferative
T448 19-29 NN denotes dermatitis
T449 30-33 CC denotes and
T450 34-46 VB denotes dysregulated
T451 47-56 NN denotes secretion
T452 57-59 IN denotes of
T453 60-61 NN denotes T
T454 62-69 NN denotes helper1
T455 70-71 -LRB- denotes (
T456 71-74 NN denotes Th1
T457 74-75 -RRB- denotes )
T458 76-79 CC denotes and
T459 80-83 NN denotes Th2
T460 84-93 NN denotes cytokines
T461 95-98 DT denotes The
T462 99-107 JJ denotes cellular
T463 108-111 CC denotes and
T464 112-121 JJ denotes molecular
T465 122-132 NN denotes mechanisms
T466 133-143 VB denotes underlying
T467 144-148 DT denotes this
T468 149-161 JJ denotes inflammatory
T469 162-171 NN denotes phenotype
T470 172-178 VB denotes remain
T471 179-186 JJ denotes elusive
T472 188-197 JJ denotes Dendritic
T473 198-203 NN denotes cells
T474 204-207 MD denotes may
T475 208-218 VB denotes contribute
T476 219-221 TO denotes to
T477 222-225 DT denotes the
T478 226-236 NN denotes initiation
T479 237-240 CC denotes and
T480 241-252 NN denotes progression
T481 253-255 IN denotes of
T482 256-259 DT denotes the
T483 260-269 NN denotes phenotype
T484 270-272 IN denotes of
T485 273-290 JJ denotes SHARPIN-deficient
T486 291-295 NN denotes mice
T487 296-303 IN denotes because
T488 304-306 IN denotes of
T489 307-312 PRP-DOLLAR- denotes their
T490 313-320 JJ denotes pivotal
T491 321-325 NN denotes role
T492 326-328 IN denotes in
T493 329-335 JJ denotes innate
T494 336-339 CC denotes and
T495 340-348 JJ denotes adaptive
T496 349-357 NN denotes immunity
T497 359-363 RB denotes Here
T498 364-366 PRP denotes we
T499 367-371 VB denotes show
T500 372-374 IN denotes by
T501 375-379 NN denotes flow
T502 380-389 NN denotes cytometry
T503 390-394 IN denotes that
R361 T448 T447 arg1Of dermatitis,proliferative
R362 T448 T449 arg1Of dermatitis,and
R365 T451 T449 arg2Of secretion,and
R366 T451 T450 arg2Of secretion,dysregulated
R367 T451 T452 arg1Of secretion,of
R368 T454 T453 arg1Of helper1,T
R369 T454 T455 arg1Of helper1,(
R370 T454 T458 arg1Of helper1,and
R371 T456 T455 arg2Of Th1,(
R372 T457 T455 arg3Of ),(
R373 T459 T458 arg2Of Th2,and
R374 T460 T452 arg2Of cytokines,of
R375 T460 T454 arg1Of cytokines,helper1
R376 T460 T459 arg1Of cytokines,Th2
R377 T462 T463 arg1Of cellular,and
R378 T464 T463 arg2Of molecular,and
R379 T465 T461 arg1Of mechanisms,The
R380 T465 T462 arg1Of mechanisms,cellular
R381 T465 T464 arg1Of mechanisms,molecular
R382 T465 T466 arg1Of mechanisms,underlying
R383 T465 T470 arg1Of mechanisms,remain
R384 T465 T471 arg1Of mechanisms,elusive
R385 T469 T466 arg2Of phenotype,underlying
R386 T469 T467 arg1Of phenotype,this
R387 T469 T468 arg1Of phenotype,inflammatory
R388 T471 T470 arg2Of elusive,remain
R389 T473 T472 arg1Of cells,Dendritic
R390 T473 T474 arg1Of cells,may
R391 T473 T475 arg1Of cells,contribute
R392 T475 T474 arg2Of contribute,may
R393 T475 T476 arg1Of contribute,to
R394 T475 T487 arg1Of contribute,because
R395 T478 T479 arg1Of initiation,and
R396 T479 T476 arg2Of and,to
R397 T479 T477 arg1Of and,the
R398 T479 T481 arg1Of and,of
R399 T480 T479 arg2Of progression,and
R400 T483 T481 arg2Of phenotype,of
R401 T483 T482 arg1Of phenotype,the
R402 T483 T484 arg1Of phenotype,of
R403 T486 T484 arg2Of mice,of
R404 T486 T485 arg1Of mice,SHARPIN-deficient
R405 T487 T488 arg1Of because,of
R406 T491 T487 arg2Of role,because
R407 T491 T489 arg1Of role,their
R408 T491 T490 arg1Of role,pivotal
R409 T491 T492 arg1Of role,in
R410 T493 T494 arg1Of innate,and
R411 T495 T494 arg2Of adaptive,and
R412 T496 T492 arg2Of immunity,in
R413 T496 T493 arg1Of immunity,innate
R414 T496 T495 arg1Of immunity,adaptive
R415 T498 T499 arg1Of we,show
R416 T499 T497 arg1Of show,Here
R417 T499 T500 arg1Of show,by
R418 T502 T500 arg2Of cytometry,by
R419 T502 T501 arg1Of cytometry,flow


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T166 5-18 JJ denotes proliferative
T167 19-29 NN denotes dermatitis
T168 30-33 CC denotes and
T169 34-46 VBD denotes dysregulated
T170 47-56 NN denotes secretion
T171 57-59 IN denotes of
T172 60-61 NNP denotes T
T173 62-69 CD denotes helper1
T174 70-71 -LRB- denotes (
T175 71-74 NN denotes Th1
T176 74-75 -RRB- denotes )
T177 76-79 CC denotes and
T178 80-83 JJ denotes Th2
T179 84-93 NNS denotes cytokines
T180 93-94 . denotes .
T181 95-98 DT denotes The
T182 99-107 JJ denotes cellular
T183 108-111 CC denotes and
T184 112-121 JJ denotes molecular
T185 122-132 NNS denotes mechanisms
T186 133-143 VBG denotes underlying
T187 144-148 DT denotes this
T188 149-161 JJ denotes inflammatory
T189 162-171 NN denotes phenotype
T190 172-178 VBP denotes remain
T191 179-186 JJ denotes elusive
T192 186-187 . denotes .
T193 188-197 JJ denotes Dendritic
T194 198-203 NNS denotes cells
T195 204-207 MD denotes may
T196 208-218 VB denotes contribute
T197 219-221 TO denotes to
T198 222-225 DT denotes the
T199 226-236 NN denotes initiation
T200 237-240 CC denotes and
T201 241-252 NN denotes progression
T202 253-255 IN denotes of
T203 256-259 DT denotes the
T204 260-269 NN denotes phenotype
T205 270-272 IN denotes of
T206 273-290 JJ denotes SHARPIN-deficient
T207 291-295 NNS denotes mice
T225 390-394 WDT denotes that
T208 296-303 IN denotes because
T209 304-306 IN denotes of
T210 307-312 PRP$ denotes their
T211 313-320 JJ denotes pivotal
T212 321-325 NN denotes role
T213 326-328 IN denotes in
T214 329-335 NN denotes innate
T215 336-339 CC denotes and
T216 340-348 JJ denotes adaptive
T217 349-357 NN denotes immunity
T218 357-358 . denotes .
T219 359-363 RB denotes Here
T220 364-366 PRP denotes we
T221 367-371 VBP denotes show
T222 372-374 IN denotes by
T223 375-379 NN denotes flow
T224 380-389 NN denotes cytometry
T226 395-402 NNP denotes SHARPIN
R82 T166 T167 compound proliferative,dermatitis
R84 T168 T167 cc and,dermatitis
R85 T169 T170 amod dysregulated,secretion
R86 T170 T167 conj secretion,dermatitis
R87 T171 T170 prep of,secretion
R88 T172 T173 compound T,helper1
R89 T173 T171 pobj helper1,of
R90 T174 T175 punct (,Th1
R91 T175 T170 appos Th1,secretion
R92 T176 T175 punct ),Th1
R93 T177 T170 cc and,secretion
R94 T178 T179 amod Th2,cytokines
R95 T179 T170 conj cytokines,secretion
R97 T181 T185 det The,mechanisms
R98 T182 T185 amod cellular,mechanisms
R99 T183 T182 cc and,cellular
R100 T184 T182 conj molecular,cellular
R101 T185 T190 nsubj mechanisms,remain
R102 T186 T185 acl underlying,mechanisms
R103 T187 T189 det this,phenotype
R104 T188 T189 amod inflammatory,phenotype
R105 T189 T190 nsubj phenotype,remain
R106 T190 T190 ROOT remain,remain
R107 T191 T190 acomp elusive,remain
R108 T192 T190 punct .,remain
R109 T193 T194 amod Dendritic,cells
R110 T194 T196 nsubj cells,contribute
R111 T195 T196 aux may,contribute
R112 T196 T196 ROOT contribute,contribute
R113 T197 T196 prep to,contribute
R114 T198 T199 det the,initiation
R115 T199 T197 pobj initiation,to
R116 T200 T199 cc and,initiation
R117 T201 T199 conj progression,initiation
R118 T202 T199 prep of,initiation
R119 T203 T204 det the,phenotype
R120 T204 T202 pobj phenotype,of
R121 T205 T204 prep of,phenotype
R122 T206 T207 amod SHARPIN-deficient,mice
R123 T207 T205 pobj mice,of
R124 T208 T196 prep because,contribute
R125 T209 T208 pcomp of,because
R126 T210 T212 poss their,role
R127 T211 T212 amod pivotal,role
R128 T212 T208 pobj role,because
R129 T213 T212 prep in,role
R130 T214 T217 amod innate,immunity
R131 T215 T214 cc and,innate
R132 T216 T214 conj adaptive,innate
R133 T217 T213 pobj immunity,in
R134 T218 T196 punct .,contribute
R135 T219 T221 advmod Here,show
R136 T220 T221 nsubj we,show
R137 T221 T221 ROOT show,show
R138 T222 T221 prep by,show
R139 T223 T222 pobj flow,by
R140 T224 T221 dobj cytometry,show


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T703 47-56 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0046903 denotes secretion
T705 99-107 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0007349 denotes cellular


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T727 198-203 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T110 95-187 Sentence denotes The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this inflammatory phenotype remain elusive.
T111 188-358 Sentence denotes Dendritic cells may contribute to the initiation and progression of the phenotype of SHARPIN-deficient mice because of their pivotal role in innate and adaptive immunity.
T5 95-187 Sentence denotes The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this inflammatory phenotype remain elusive.
T6 188-358 Sentence denotes Dendritic cells may contribute to the initiation and progression of the phenotype of SHARPIN-deficient mice because of their pivotal role in innate and adaptive immunity.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T723 19-29 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/ICD10/L30.9 denotes dermatitis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T808 273-280 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T809 281-290 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T810 395-402 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R698 T808 T809 themeOf SHARPIN,deficient


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T845 60-69 Protein denotes T helper1
T846 71-74 Protein denotes Th1
T855 47-56 Localization denotes secretion
T856 47-56 Localization denotes secretion
T857 34-46 Regulation denotes dysregulated
T858 34-46 Regulation denotes dysregulated
T859 273-280 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T860 281-290 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T861 395-402 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R638 T845 T855 themeOf T helper1,secretion
R639 T846 T856 themeOf Th1,secretion
R640 T855 T857 themeOf secretion,dysregulated
R641 T856 T858 themeOf secretion,dysregulated
R642 T859 T860 themeOf SHARPIN,deficient


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T77 273-280 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T78 281-290 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T79 395-402 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R675 T77 T78 themeOf SHARPIN,deficient


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T670 273-280 Q9H0F6 denotes SHARPIN
T671 395-402 Q9H0F6 denotes SHARPIN


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T43 273-280 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T44 281-290 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T45 395-402 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R667 T43 T44 themeOf SHARPIN,deficient