> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 28817-28939 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 28817-28939 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10783 0-3 DT denotes The
T10784 4-9 NN denotes cells
T10785 10-19 VB denotes incubated
T10786 20-24 IN denotes with
T10787 25-37 VB denotes biotinylated
T10788 38-52 NN denotes anti-TLR4/MD-2
T10789 53-57 VB denotes were
T10790 58-64 VB denotes washed
T10791 65-70 RB denotes twice
T10792 71-74 CC denotes and
T10793 75-84 VB denotes incubated
T10794 85-88 IN denotes for
T10795 89-91 CD denotes 30
T10796 92-99 NN denotes minutes
T10797 100-102 IN denotes on
T10798 103-106 NN denotes ice
T10799 107-111 IN denotes with
T10800 112-121 NN denotes avidin-PE
R8938 T10784 T10783 arg1Of cells,The
R8939 T10784 T10785 arg2Of cells,incubated
R8940 T10784 T10789 arg1Of cells,were
R8941 T10784 T10790 arg2Of cells,washed
R8942 T10784 T10793 arg2Of cells,incubated
R8943 T10785 T10786 arg1Of incubated,with
R8944 T10788 T10786 arg2Of anti-TLR4/MD-2,with
R8945 T10788 T10787 arg2Of anti-TLR4/MD-2,biotinylated
R8946 T10790 T10791 arg1Of washed,twice
R8947 T10790 T10792 arg1Of washed,and
R8948 T10792 T10789 arg2Of and,were
R8949 T10793 T10792 arg2Of incubated,and
R8950 T10793 T10794 arg1Of incubated,for
R8951 T10796 T10794 arg2Of minutes,for
R8952 T10796 T10795 arg1Of minutes,30
R8953 T10796 T10797 arg1Of minutes,on
R8954 T10798 T10797 arg2Of ice,on
R8955 T10798 T10799 arg1Of ice,with
R8956 T10800 T10799 arg2Of avidin-PE,with


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10544 0-3 DT denotes The
T10545 4-9 NNS denotes cells
T10546 10-19 VBN denotes incubated
T10547 20-24 IN denotes with
T10548 25-37 JJ denotes biotinylated
T10549 38-47 JJ denotes anti-TLR4
T10550 47-48 NN denotes /
T10551 48-52 NN denotes MD-2
T10552 53-57 VBD denotes were
T10553 58-64 VBN denotes washed
T10554 65-70 RB denotes twice
T10555 71-74 CC denotes and
T10556 75-84 VBN denotes incubated
T10557 85-88 IN denotes for
T10558 89-91 CD denotes 30
T10559 92-99 NNS denotes minutes
T10560 100-102 IN denotes on
T10561 103-106 NN denotes ice
T10562 107-111 IN denotes with
T10563 112-121 NNP denotes avidin-PE
T10564 121-122 . denotes .
R8698 T10546 T10545 acl incubated,cells
R8699 T10547 T10546 prep with,incubated
R8700 T10548 T10551 amod biotinylated,MD-2
R8701 T10549 T10551 amod anti-TLR4,MD-2
R8702 T10550 T10551 compound /,MD-2
R8703 T10551 T10547 pobj MD-2,with
R8704 T10552 T10553 auxpass were,washed
R8705 T10553 T10553 ROOT washed,washed
R8706 T10554 T10553 advmod twice,washed
R8707 T10555 T10553 cc and,washed
R8708 T10556 T10553 conj incubated,washed
R8709 T10557 T10556 prep for,incubated
R8710 T10558 T10559 nummod 30,minutes
R8711 T10559 T10557 pobj minutes,for
R8712 T10560 T10559 prep on,minutes
R8713 T10561 T10560 pobj ice,on
R8714 T10562 T10559 prep with,minutes
R8715 T10563 T10562 pobj avidin-PE,with
R8716 T10564 T10553 punct .,washed
R8696 T10544 T10545 det The,cells
R8697 T10545 T10553 nsubjpass cells,washed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10920 4-9 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10426 0-122 Sentence denotes The cells incubated with biotinylated anti-TLR4/MD-2 were washed twice and incubated for 30 minutes on ice with avidin-PE.
T198 0-122 Sentence denotes The cells incubated with biotinylated anti-TLR4/MD-2 were washed twice and incubated for 30 minutes on ice with avidin-PE.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10929 112-121 Protein denotes avidin-PE


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10908 43-47 O00206 denotes TLR4