> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 27030-27161 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 27030-27161 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9903 0-3 DT denotes All
T9904 4-9 NN denotes mouse
T9905 10-14 NN denotes work
T9906 15-18 VB denotes was
T9907 19-26 VB denotes carried
T9908 27-30 RP denotes out
T9909 31-33 IN denotes in
T9910 34-40 JJ denotes strict
T9911 41-51 NN denotes accordance
T9912 52-56 IN denotes with
T9913 57-60 DT denotes the
T9914 61-69 VB denotes approved
T9915 70-79 NN denotes protocols
T9916 80-82 IN denotes by
T9917 83-86 DT denotes the
T9918 87-100 NNP denotes Institutional
T9919 101-107 NNP denotes Animal
T9920 108-112 NNP denotes Care
T9921 113-116 CC denotes and
T9922 117-120 NNP denotes Use
T9923 121-130 NNP denotes Committee
R8157 T9905 T9903 arg1Of work,All
R8158 T9905 T9904 arg1Of work,mouse
R8159 T9905 T9906 arg1Of work,was
R8160 T9905 T9907 arg2Of work,carried
R8161 T9907 T9906 arg2Of carried,was
R8162 T9907 T9908 arg1Of carried,out
R8163 T9907 T9909 arg1Of carried,in
R8164 T9911 T9909 arg2Of accordance,in
R8165 T9911 T9910 arg1Of accordance,strict
R8166 T9911 T9912 arg1Of accordance,with
R8167 T9915 T9912 arg2Of protocols,with
R8168 T9915 T9913 arg1Of protocols,the
R8169 T9915 T9914 arg2Of protocols,approved
R8170 T9920 T9918 arg1Of Care,Institutional
R8171 T9920 T9919 arg1Of Care,Animal
R8172 T9920 T9921 arg1Of Care,and
R8173 T9921 T9907 arg1Of and,carried
R8174 T9921 T9916 arg2Of and,by
R8175 T9921 T9917 arg1Of and,the
R8176 T9923 T9921 arg2Of Committee,and
R8177 T9923 T9922 arg1Of Committee,Use


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9764 0-3 DT denotes All
T9765 4-9 NN denotes mouse
T9766 10-14 NN denotes work
T9767 15-18 VBD denotes was
T9768 19-26 VBN denotes carried
T9769 27-30 RP denotes out
T9770 31-33 IN denotes in
T9771 34-40 JJ denotes strict
T9772 41-51 NN denotes accordance
T9773 52-56 IN denotes with
T9774 57-60 DT denotes the
T9775 61-69 VBN denotes approved
T9776 70-79 NNS denotes protocols
T9777 80-82 IN denotes by
T9778 83-86 DT denotes the
T9779 87-100 JJ denotes Institutional
T9780 101-107 NNP denotes Animal
T9781 108-112 NNP denotes Care
T9782 113-116 CC denotes and
T9783 117-120 NNP denotes Use
T9784 121-130 NNP denotes Committee
T9785 130-131 . denotes .
R8013 T9764 T9766 det All,work
R8014 T9765 T9766 compound mouse,work
R8015 T9766 T9768 nsubjpass work,carried
R8016 T9767 T9768 auxpass was,carried
R8017 T9768 T9768 ROOT carried,carried
R8018 T9769 T9768 prt out,carried
R8019 T9770 T9768 prep in,carried
R8020 T9771 T9772 amod strict,accordance
R8021 T9772 T9770 pobj accordance,in
R8022 T9773 T9772 prep with,accordance
R8023 T9774 T9776 det the,protocols
R8024 T9775 T9776 amod approved,protocols
R8025 T9776 T9773 pobj protocols,with
R8026 T9777 T9776 prep by,protocols
R8027 T9778 T9784 det the,Committee
R8028 T9779 T9781 compound Institutional,Care
R8029 T9780 T9781 compound Animal,Care
R8030 T9781 T9784 nmod Care,Committee
R8031 T9782 T9781 cc and,Care
R8032 T9783 T9784 compound Use,Committee
R8033 T9784 T9777 pobj Committee,by
R8034 T9785 T9768 punct .,carried


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9635 0-131 Sentence denotes All mouse work was carried out in strict accordance with the approved protocols by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
T180 0-131 Sentence denotes All mouse work was carried out in strict accordance with the approved protocols by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.