> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 19831-19970 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 19831-19970 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8014 0-10 VB denotes Stimulated
T8015 11-15 NN denotes cpdm
T8016 16-20 NN denotes BMDC
T8017 21-30 VB denotes exhibited
T8018 31-41 JJ denotes Th2-biased
T8019 42-43 NN denotes T
T8020 44-59 JJ denotes cell-polarizing
T8021 60-72 NN denotes capabilities
T8022 72-73 -COMMA- denotes ,
T8023 74-84 JJ denotes consistent
T8024 85-89 IN denotes with
T8025 90-93 DT denotes the
T8026 94-97 NN denotes Th2
T8027 98-115 JJ denotes cytokine-dominant
T8028 116-125 NN denotes phenotype
T8029 126-128 IN denotes in
T8030 129-133 NN denotes cpdm
T8031 134-138 NN denotes mice
R6622 T8016 T8014 arg2Of BMDC,Stimulated
R6623 T8016 T8015 arg1Of BMDC,cpdm
R6624 T8016 T8017 arg1Of BMDC,exhibited
R6625 T8017 T8022 arg1Of exhibited,","
R6626 T8017 T8023 arg1Of exhibited,consistent
R6627 T8021 T8017 arg2Of capabilities,exhibited
R6628 T8021 T8018 arg1Of capabilities,Th2-biased
R6629 T8021 T8019 arg1Of capabilities,T
R6630 T8021 T8020 arg1Of capabilities,cell-polarizing
R6631 T8023 T8024 arg1Of consistent,with
R6632 T8028 T8024 arg2Of phenotype,with
R6633 T8028 T8025 arg1Of phenotype,the
R6634 T8028 T8026 arg1Of phenotype,Th2
R6635 T8028 T8027 arg1Of phenotype,cytokine-dominant
R6636 T8028 T8029 arg1Of phenotype,in
R6637 T8031 T8029 arg2Of mice,in
R6638 T8031 T8030 arg1Of mice,cpdm


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6880 0-10 VBN denotes Stimulated
T6881 11-15 NN denotes cpdm
T6882 16-20 NNP denotes BMDC
T6883 21-30 VBD denotes exhibited
T6884 31-41 JJ denotes Th2-biased
T6885 42-43 NNP denotes T
T6886 44-59 JJ denotes cell-polarizing
T6887 60-72 NNS denotes capabilities
T6888 72-73 , denotes ,
T6889 74-84 JJ denotes consistent
T6890 85-89 IN denotes with
T6891 90-93 DT denotes the
T6892 94-97 NNP denotes Th2
T6893 98-115 JJ denotes cytokine-dominant
T6894 116-125 NN denotes phenotype
T6895 126-128 IN denotes in
T6896 129-133 NN denotes cpdm
T6897 134-138 NNS denotes mice
T6898 138-139 . denotes .
R5486 T6880 T6883 advcl Stimulated,exhibited
R5487 T6881 T6882 compound cpdm,BMDC
R5488 T6882 T6883 nsubj BMDC,exhibited
R5489 T6883 T6883 ROOT exhibited,exhibited
R5490 T6884 T6887 amod Th2-biased,capabilities
R5491 T6885 T6887 compound T,capabilities
R5492 T6886 T6887 compound cell-polarizing,capabilities
R5493 T6887 T6883 dobj capabilities,exhibited
R5494 T6888 T6887 punct ",",capabilities
R5495 T6889 T6887 amod consistent,capabilities
R5496 T6890 T6889 prep with,consistent
R5497 T6891 T6894 det the,phenotype
R5498 T6892 T6894 nmod Th2,phenotype
R5499 T6893 T6894 amod cytokine-dominant,phenotype
R5500 T6894 T6890 pobj phenotype,with
R5501 T6895 T6894 prep in,phenotype
R5502 T6896 T6897 compound cpdm,mice
R5503 T6897 T6895 pobj mice,in
R5504 T6898 T6883 punct .,exhibited


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9198 44-48 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6769 0-139 Sentence denotes Stimulated cpdm BMDC exhibited Th2-biased T cell-polarizing capabilities, consistent with the Th2 cytokine-dominant phenotype in cpdm mice.
T134 0-139 Sentence denotes Stimulated cpdm BMDC exhibited Th2-biased T cell-polarizing capabilities, consistent with the Th2 cytokine-dominant phenotype in cpdm mice.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9457 94-97 Protein denotes Th2