> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 17258-17394 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 17258-17394 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
22348129-11034386-89575690 127-129 11034386 denotes 28
22348129-14978071-89575691 132-134 14978071 denotes 30
T94596 127-129 11034386 denotes 28
T64234 132-134 14978071 denotes 30


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6232 0-2 IN denotes In
T6233 3-11 NN denotes addition
T6234 12-14 TO denotes to
T6235 15-21 NN denotes TLR3/4
T6236 22-30 NN denotes agonists
T6237 30-31 -COMMA- denotes ,
T6238 32-35 DT denotes the
T6239 36-40 NN denotes TLR2
T6240 41-47 NN denotes ligand
T6241 48-55 NN denotes Pam3CYS
T6242 56-59 VB denotes was
T6243 60-64 VB denotes used
T6244 65-70 IN denotes since
T6245 71-73 PRP denotes it
T6246 74-77 VB denotes has
T6247 78-82 VB denotes been
T6248 83-88 VB denotes shown
T6249 89-91 TO denotes to
T6250 92-98 VB denotes induce
T6251 99-103 CC denotes both
T6252 104-107 NN denotes Th1
T6253 108-111 CC denotes and
T6254 112-115 NN denotes Th2
T6255 116-125 NN denotes responses
T6256 126-127 -LRB- denotes [
T6257 127-129 CD denotes 28
T6258 129-130 -RRB- denotes ]
T6259 130-131 CD denotes
T6260 131-132 -LRB- denotes [
T6261 132-134 CD denotes 30
T6262 134-135 -RRB- denotes ]
R5051 T6232 T6234 arg1Of In,to
R5052 T6233 T6232 arg2Of addition,In
R5053 T6236 T6232 arg3Of agonists,In
R5054 T6236 T6235 arg1Of agonists,TLR3/4
R5055 T6241 T6238 arg1Of Pam3CYS,the
R5056 T6241 T6239 arg1Of Pam3CYS,TLR2
R5057 T6241 T6240 arg1Of Pam3CYS,ligand
R5058 T6241 T6242 arg1Of Pam3CYS,was
R5059 T6241 T6243 arg2Of Pam3CYS,used
R5060 T6243 T6232 arg1Of used,In
R5061 T6243 T6237 arg1Of used,","
R5062 T6243 T6242 arg2Of used,was
R5063 T6243 T6244 arg1Of used,since
R5064 T6245 T6246 arg1Of it,has
R5065 T6245 T6247 arg1Of it,been
R5066 T6245 T6248 arg2Of it,shown
R5067 T6245 T6250 arg1Of it,induce
R5068 T6248 T6244 arg2Of shown,since
R5069 T6248 T6246 arg2Of shown,has
R5070 T6248 T6247 arg2Of shown,been
R5071 T6250 T6248 arg3Of induce,shown
R5072 T6250 T6249 arg1Of induce,to
R5073 T6250 T6260 arg1Of induce,[
R5074 T6252 T6253 arg1Of Th1,and
R5075 T6254 T6253 arg2Of Th2,and
R5076 T6255 T6250 arg2Of responses,induce
R5077 T6255 T6251 arg1Of responses,both
R5078 T6255 T6252 arg1Of responses,Th1
R5079 T6255 T6254 arg1Of responses,Th2
R5080 T6255 T6256 arg1Of responses,[
R5081 T6255 T6259 arg1Of responses,–
R5082 T6257 T6256 arg2Of 28,[
R5083 T6258 T6256 arg3Of ],[
R5084 T6261 T6260 arg2Of 30,[
R5085 T6262 T6260 arg3Of ],[


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5928 0-2 IN denotes In
T5929 3-11 NN denotes addition
T5930 12-14 TO denotes to
T5931 15-21 CD denotes TLR3/4
T5932 22-30 NNS denotes agonists
T5933 30-31 , denotes ,
T5934 32-35 DT denotes the
T5935 36-40 CD denotes TLR2
T5936 41-47 NN denotes ligand
T5937 48-55 NNS denotes Pam3CYS
T5938 56-59 VBD denotes was
T5939 60-64 VBN denotes used
T5940 65-70 IN denotes since
T5941 71-73 PRP denotes it
T5942 74-77 VBZ denotes has
T5943 78-82 VBN denotes been
T5944 83-88 VBN denotes shown
T5945 89-91 TO denotes to
T5946 92-98 VB denotes induce
T5947 99-103 DT denotes both
T5948 104-107 CD denotes Th1
T5949 108-111 CC denotes and
T5950 112-115 CD denotes Th2
T5951 116-125 NNS denotes responses
T5952 126-127 NNP denotes [
T5953 127-129 CD denotes 28
T5954 129-130 NNP denotes ]
T5955 131-132 NNP denotes [
T5956 132-134 CD denotes 30
T5957 134-135 NNP denotes ]
T5958 135-136 . denotes .
R4749 T5928 T5939 prep In,used
R4750 T5929 T5928 pobj addition,In
R4751 T5930 T5929 prep to,addition
R4752 T5931 T5932 nummod TLR3/4,agonists
R4753 T5932 T5930 pobj agonists,to
R4754 T5933 T5932 punct ",",agonists
R4755 T5934 T5937 det the,Pam3CYS
R4756 T5935 T5937 nummod TLR2,Pam3CYS
R4757 T5936 T5937 compound ligand,Pam3CYS
R4758 T5937 T5939 nsubjpass Pam3CYS,used
R4759 T5938 T5939 auxpass was,used
R4760 T5939 T5939 ROOT used,used
R4761 T5940 T5944 mark since,shown
R4762 T5941 T5944 nsubjpass it,shown
R4763 T5942 T5944 aux has,shown
R4764 T5943 T5944 auxpass been,shown
R4765 T5944 T5939 advcl shown,used
R4766 T5945 T5946 aux to,induce
R4767 T5946 T5944 xcomp induce,shown
R4768 T5947 T5948 det both,Th1
R4769 T5948 T5946 dobj Th1,induce
R4770 T5949 T5948 cc and,Th1
R4771 T5950 T5948 conj Th2,Th1
R4772 T5951 T5939 nsubjpass responses,used
R4773 T5952 T5954 compound [,]
R4774 T5953 T5954 compound 28,]
R4775 T5954 T5951 nsubj ],responses
R4776 T5955 T5957 nmod [,]
R4777 T5956 T5957 nummod 30,]
R4778 T5957 T5954 appos ],]
R4779 T5958 T5939 punct .,used


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6455 41-47 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005488 denotes ligand


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5823 0-136 Sentence denotes In addition to TLR3/4 agonists, the TLR2 ligand Pam3CYS was used since it has been shown to induce both Th1 and Th2 responses [28]–[30].
T116 0-136 Sentence denotes In addition to TLR3/4 agonists, the TLR2 ligand Pam3CYS was used since it has been shown to induce both Th1 and Th2 responses [28]–[30].


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6530 15-19 Protein denotes TLR3
T6531 20-21 Protein denotes 4
T6532 22-30 Positive_regulation denotes agonists
T6533 22-30 Positive_regulation denotes agonists
T6534 36-40 Protein denotes TLR2
T6535 41-47 Binding denotes ligand
T6536 48-55 Protein denotes Pam3CYS
R5300 T6530 T6533 themeOf TLR3,agonists
R5301 T6531 T6532 themeOf 4,agonists
R5302 T6534 T6535 themeOf TLR2,ligand
R5303 T6536 T6535 themeOf Pam3CYS,ligand


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6561 36-55 Protein denotes TLR2 ligand Pam3CYS
T6562 104-107 Protein denotes Th1
T6563 112-115 Protein denotes Th2
T6564 92-98 Positive_regulation denotes induce
T6565 92-98 Positive_regulation denotes induce
R5315 T6562 T6564 themeOf Th1,induce
R5316 T6563 T6565 themeOf Th2,induce


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5797 15-19 Protein denotes TLR3
T5798 20-21 Protein denotes 4
T5799 22-30 Positive_regulation denotes agonists
T5800 22-30 Positive_regulation denotes agonists
T5801 36-40 Protein denotes TLR2
T5802 41-47 Binding denotes ligand
T5803 48-55 Protein denotes Pam3CYS
R4638 T5797 T5800 themeOf TLR3,agonists
R4639 T5798 T5799 themeOf 4,agonists
R4640 T5801 T5802 themeOf TLR2,ligand
R4641 T5803 T5802 themeOf Pam3CYS,ligand


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6435 15-19 O15455 denotes TLR3
T6436 36-40 O60603 denotes TLR2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5770 15-19 Protein denotes TLR3
T5771 20-21 Protein denotes 4
T5772 36-40 Protein denotes TLR2
T5773 41-47 Binding denotes ligand
T5774 48-55 Protein denotes Pam3CYS
R4625 T5772 T5773 themeOf TLR2,ligand
R4626 T5774 T5773 themeOf Pam3CYS,ligand