> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 0-287 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 0-287 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T399 0-7 NN denotes SHARPIN
T400 8-10 VB denotes Is
T401 11-20 JJ denotes Essential
T402 21-24 IN denotes for
T403 25-33 NN denotes Cytokine
T404 34-44 NN denotes Production
T405 44-45 -COMMA- denotes ,
T406 46-51 NN denotes NF-κB
T407 52-61 NN denotes Signaling
T408 61-62 -COMMA- denotes ,
T409 63-66 CC denotes and
T410 67-76 NN denotes Induction
T411 77-79 IN denotes of
T412 80-83 NN denotes Th1
T413 84-99 NN denotes Differentiation
T414 100-102 IN denotes by
T415 103-112 JJ denotes Dendritic
T416 113-118 NN denotes Cells
T417 165-176 JJ denotes Spontaneous
T418 177-186 NN denotes mutations
T419 187-189 IN denotes of
T420 190-193 DT denotes the
T421 194-201 NNP denotes Sharpin
T422 202-203 -LRB- denotes (
T423 203-219 JJ denotes SHANK-associated
T424 220-222 NN denotes RH
T425 223-241 JJ denotes domain-interacting
T426 242-249 NN denotes protein
T427 249-250 -COMMA- denotes ,
T428 251-256 JJ denotes other
T429 257-264 NN denotes aliases
T430 264-265 -COLON- denotes :
T431 266-272 NN denotes Rbckl1
T432 272-273 -COMMA- denotes ,
T433 274-279 NN denotes Sipl1
T434 279-280 -RRB- denotes )
T435 281-285 NN denotes gene
R315 T399 T400 arg1Of SHARPIN,Is
R316 T399 T401 arg1Of SHARPIN,Essential
R317 T401 T400 arg2Of Essential,Is
R318 T401 T402 arg1Of Essential,for
R319 T404 T403 arg1Of Production,Cytokine
R320 T404 T405 arg1Of Production,","
R321 T405 T409 arg1Of ",",and
R322 T407 T405 arg2Of Signaling,","
R323 T407 T406 arg1Of Signaling,NF-κB
R324 T409 T402 arg2Of and,for
R325 T409 T408 arg1Of and,","
R326 T410 T409 arg2Of Induction,and
R327 T410 T411 arg1Of Induction,of
R328 T410 T414 arg1Of Induction,by
R329 T413 T411 arg2Of Differentiation,of
R330 T413 T412 arg1Of Differentiation,Th1
R331 T416 T414 arg2Of Cells,by
R332 T416 T415 arg1Of Cells,Dendritic
R333 T418 T417 arg1Of mutations,Spontaneous
R334 T418 T419 arg1Of mutations,of
R335 T426 T419 arg2Of protein,of
R336 T426 T420 arg1Of protein,the
R337 T426 T421 arg1Of protein,Sharpin
R338 T426 T422 arg1Of protein,(
R339 T426 T423 arg1Of protein,SHANK-associated
R340 T426 T424 arg1Of protein,RH
R341 T426 T425 arg1Of protein,domain-interacting
R342 T426 T427 arg1Of protein,","
R343 T429 T427 arg2Of aliases,","
R344 T429 T428 arg1Of aliases,other
R345 T429 T430 arg1Of aliases,:
R346 T431 T432 arg1Of Rbckl1,","
R348 T433 T432 arg2Of Sipl1,","
R349 T433 T434 arg1Of Sipl1,)
R350 T433 T435 arg1Of Sipl1,gene


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T127 61-62 , denotes ,
T128 63-66 CC denotes and
T129 67-76 NNP denotes Induction
T130 77-79 IN denotes of
T131 80-83 NNP denotes Th1
T132 84-99 NNP denotes Differentiation
T133 100-102 IN denotes by
T134 103-112 NNP denotes Dendritic
T135 113-118 NNP denotes Cells
T136 165-176 NNP denotes Spontaneous
T137 177-186 NNS denotes mutations
T138 187-189 IN denotes of
T139 190-193 DT denotes the
T140 194-201 NNP denotes Sharpin
T141 202-203 -LRB- denotes (
T142 203-219 JJ denotes SHANK-associated
T143 220-222 NNP denotes RH
T144 223-241 NN denotes domain-interacting
T145 242-249 NN denotes protein
T146 249-250 , denotes ,
T147 251-256 JJ denotes other
T148 257-264 NNS denotes aliases
T149 264-265 : denotes :
T150 266-272 NNS denotes Rbckl1
T151 272-273 , denotes ,
T152 274-279 NNP denotes Sipl1
T153 279-280 -RRB- denotes )
T154 281-285 NN denotes gene
T118 0-7 NNP denotes SHARPIN
T119 8-10 VBZ denotes Is
T120 11-20 JJ denotes Essential
T121 21-24 IN denotes for
T122 25-33 NNP denotes Cytokine
T123 34-44 NNP denotes Production
T124 44-45 , denotes ,
T125 46-51 NNP denotes NF-κB
T126 52-61 NNP denotes Signaling
R685 T118 T119 nsubj SHARPIN,Is
R686 T119 T119 ROOT Is,Is
R687 T120 T119 acomp Essential,Is
R688 T121 T119 prep for,Is
R689 T122 T123 compound Cytokine,Production
R690 T123 T121 pobj Production,for
R691 T124 T123 punct ",",Production
R692 T125 T126 compound NF-κB,Signaling
R693 T126 T123 conj Signaling,Production
R43 T127 T119 punct ",",Is
R44 T128 T119 cc and,Is
R46 T130 T129 prep of,Induction
R47 T131 T132 compound Th1,Differentiation
R48 T132 T130 pobj Differentiation,of
R49 T133 T129 agent by,Induction
R50 T134 T136 compound Dendritic,Spontaneous
R51 T135 T136 compound Cells,Spontaneous
R52 T136 T133 pobj Spontaneous,by
R53 T137 T129 conj mutations,Induction
R54 T138 T137 prep of,mutations
R55 T139 T140 det the,Sharpin
R56 T140 T138 pobj Sharpin,of
R57 T141 T145 punct (,protein
R58 T142 T145 amod SHANK-associated,protein
R59 T143 T145 compound RH,protein
R60 T144 T145 compound domain-interacting,protein
R61 T145 T140 appos protein,Sharpin
R62 T146 T148 punct ",",aliases
R63 T147 T148 amod other,aliases
R64 T148 T137 conj aliases,mutations
R65 T149 T148 punct :,aliases
R66 T150 T148 conj Rbckl1,aliases
R67 T151 T150 punct ",",Rbckl1
R68 T152 T154 nmod Sipl1,gene
R69 T153 T152 punct ),Sipl1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T699 25-44 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0001816 denotes Cytokine Production


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T107 0-118 Sentence denotes SHARPIN Is Essential for Cytokine Production, NF-κB Signaling, and Induction of Th1 Differentiation by Dendritic Cells
T108 165-265 Sentence denotes Spontaneous mutations of the Sharpin (SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein, other aliases:
T1 0-153 Sentence denotes SHARPIN Is Essential for Cytokine Production, NF-κB Signaling, and Induction of Th1 Differentiation by Dendritic Cells Role of SHARPIN in Dendritic Cells
T2 156-164 Sentence denotes Abstract
T3 165-265 Sentence denotes Spontaneous mutations of the Sharpin (SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein, other aliases:


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T802 0-7 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T803 177-186 Negative_regulation denotes mutations
T804 194-201 Protein denotes Sharpin
T805 203-249 Protein denotes SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein
T806 266-272 Protein denotes Rbckl1
T807 274-279 Protein denotes Sipl1
R694 T804 T803 themeOf Sharpin,mutations
R695 T805 T804 equivalentTo SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein,Sharpin
R696 T806 T804 equivalentTo Rbckl1,Sharpin
R697 T807 T804 equivalentTo Sipl1,Sharpin


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T838 0-7 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T839 46-51 Protein denotes NF-κB
T840 194-201 Protein denotes Sharpin
T841 203-208 Protein denotes SHANK
T842 220-222 Protein denotes RH
T843 266-272 Protein denotes Rbckl1
T844 274-279 Protein denotes Sipl1
T847 177-186 Gene_expression denotes mutations
T848 177-186 Gene_expression denotes mutations
T849 177-186 Gene_expression denotes mutations
T850 177-186 Gene_expression denotes mutations
T851 209-219 Gene_expression denotes associated
T852 209-219 Gene_expression denotes associated
T853 209-219 Gene_expression denotes associated
T854 209-219 Gene_expression denotes associated
R630 T840 T847 themeOf Sharpin,mutations
R631 T841 T851 themeOf SHANK,associated
R632 T842 T848 themeOf RH,mutations
R634 T843 T849 themeOf Rbckl1,mutations
R636 T844 T850 themeOf Sipl1,mutations
R633 T842 T852 themeOf RH,associated
R635 T843 T853 themeOf Rbckl1,associated
R637 T844 T854 themeOf Sipl1,associated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T71 0-7 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T72 177-186 Negative_regulation denotes mutations
T73 194-201 Protein denotes Sharpin
T74 203-249 Protein denotes SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein
T75 266-272 Protein denotes Rbckl1
T76 274-279 Protein denotes Sipl1
R672 T74 T73 equivalentTo SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein,Sharpin
R674 T76 T73 equivalentTo Sipl1,Sharpin
R671 T73 T72 themeOf Sharpin,mutations
R673 T75 T73 equivalentTo Rbckl1,Sharpin


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T667 0-7 Q9H0F6 denotes SHARPIN
T668 194-201 Q9H0F6 denotes Sharpin
T669 274-279 Q9H0F6 denotes Sipl1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T37 0-7 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T38 177-186 Negative_regulation denotes mutations
T39 194-201 Protein denotes Sharpin
T40 203-249 Protein denotes SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein
T41 266-272 Protein denotes Rbckl1
T42 274-279 Protein denotes Sipl1
R662 T39 T38 themeOf Sharpin,mutations
R663 T40 T39 equivalentTo SHANK-associated RH domain-interacting protein,Sharpin
R664 T41 T39 equivalentTo Rbckl1,Sharpin
R665 T42 T38 themeOf Sipl1,mutations
R666 T42 T39 equivalentTo Sipl1,Sharpin