PMC:3216509 / 25908-26815 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"3216509","source_url":"","text":"Proposed feeding areas for two Atlantic salmon populations indicated by the strength of correlation between temporal records of sea surface temperature and scale collagen δ13C values.\nEight month summer SST (March to October) records were extracted from the HADISST dataset4950 at the native one-degree grid square resolution between 45–75°N latitude and 65°W–20°E longitude for the period 1985 to 2002. Yearly median summer temperatures were calculated for each degree square throughout the period studied. Correlations are based on LOESS fits to temporal data (span = 0.5). Colours indicate the significance of the correlation (p value) after adjustment of effective degrees of freedom to account for autocorrelation in both time series51. Each map represents feeding areas for a specific population and cohort: (a) North East Coast 1SW, (b) North East Coast MSW, (c) River Frome 1SW, (d) River Frome MSW.","divisions":[{"label":"title","span":{"begin":0,"end":183}}],"tracks":[]}