> top > docs > PMC:314463 > spans > 60-391 > annotations

PMC:314463 / 60-391 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T178 40-145 sentence denotes Many members of the animal kingdom display coat or skin color differences along their dorsoventral axis.
T179 41-45 JJ denotes Many
T180 46-53 NNS denotes members
T181 76-83 VBP denotes display
T182 54-56 IN denotes of
T183 57-60 DT denotes the
T184 68-75 NN denotes kingdom
T185 61-67 NN denotes animal
T186 84-88 NN denotes coat
T187 103-114 NNS denotes differences
T188 89-91 CC denotes or
T189 92-96 NN denotes skin
T190 97-102 NN denotes color
T191 115-120 IN denotes along
T192 121-126 PRP$ denotes their
T193 140-144 NN denotes axis
T194 127-139 JJ denotes dorsoventral
T195 144-145 . denotes .
T197 146-148 TO denotes To
T198 149-158 VB denotes determine
T199 233-240 VBN denotes studied
T200 159-162 DT denotes the
T201 163-173 NNS denotes mechanisms
T202 174-178 WDT denotes that
T203 179-186 VBP denotes control
T204 187-195 JJ denotes regional
T205 196-207 NNS denotes differences
T206 208-210 IN denotes in
T207 211-223 NN denotes pigmentation
T208 223-225 , denotes ,
T209 225-227 PRP denotes we
T210 228-232 VBP denotes have
T211 241-244 WRB denotes how
T212 291-298 VBZ denotes affects
T213 245-246 DT denotes a
T214 263-271 NN denotes mutation
T215 247-256 JJ denotes classical
T216 257-262 NN denotes mouse
T217 271-273 , denotes ,
T218 273-279 JJ denotes droopy
T219 280-283 NN denotes ear
T220 284-285 -LRB- denotes (
T221 285-288 NN denotes deH
T222 288-289 -RRB- denotes )
T223 289-291 , denotes ,
T224 299-311 JJ denotes dorsoventral
T226 312-316 NN denotes skin
R7 T179 T180 amod Many,members
R8 T180 T181 nsubj members,display
R9 T182 T180 prep of,members
R10 T183 T184 det the,kingdom
R11 T184 T182 pobj kingdom,of
R13 T186 T187 nmod coat,differences
R14 T187 T181 dobj differences,display
R18 T191 T181 prep along,display
R19 T192 T193 poss their,axis
R20 T193 T191 pobj axis,along
R22 T195 T181 punct .,display
R23 T197 T198 aux To,determine
R24 T198 T199 advcl determine,studied
R25 T200 T201 det the,mechanisms
R26 T201 T198 dobj mechanisms,determine
R27 T202 T203 dep that,control
R28 T203 T201 relcl control,mechanisms
R29 T204 T205 amod regional,differences
R30 T205 T203 dobj differences,control
R31 T206 T205 prep in,differences
R32 T207 T206 pobj pigmentation,in
R33 T208 T199 punct ", ",studied
R34 T209 T199 nsubj we,studied
R35 T210 T199 aux have,studied
R36 T211 T212 advmod how,affects
R37 T212 T199 ccomp affects,studied
R39 T214 T212 nsubj mutation,affects
R40 T215 T214 amod classical,mutation
R41 T216 T214 compound mouse,mutation
R12 T185 T184 compound animal,kingdom
R15 T188 T186 cc or,coat
R16 T189 T190 compound skin,color
R17 T190 T186 conj color,coat
R21 T194 T193 amod dorsoventral,axis
R38 T213 T214 det a,mutation
R42 T217 T214 punct ", ",mutation
R43 T218 T219 amod droopy,ear
R44 T219 T214 appos ear,mutation
R45 T220 T219 punct (,ear
R46 T221 T219 appos deH,ear
R47 T222 T219 punct ),ear
R48 T223 T212 punct ", ",affects


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T46 61-67 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animal
T47 68-75 NCBITaxon:kingdom denotes kingdom
T48 84-88 UBERON:0010166 denotes coat
T49 179-186 GO:0065007 denotes control
T50 257-262 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T51 280-283 UBERON:0001690 denotes ear


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T102 61-67 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animal
T103 68-75 NCBITaxon:kingdom denotes kingdom
T104 84-88 UBERON:0010166 denotes coat
T105 92-96 UBERON_EXT:zone_of_skin_or_skin_of_body denotes skin
T106 179-186 GO:0065007 denotes control
T107 211-223 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_pigmentation_process_or_quality denotes pigmentation
T108 257-262 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T109 263-271 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes mutation
T110 280-283 UBERON:0001690 denotes ear
T111 312-316 UBERON_EXT:zone_of_skin_or_skin_of_body denotes skin