> top > docs > PMC:314463 > spans > 48262-48581 > annotations

PMC:314463 / 48262-48581 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10351 0-319 sentence denotes (Ectopic pigmentation of the ventral footpads that develops in En1 mutant mice is unrelated to pigment-type synthesis and instead likely reflects a requirement for En1, independent of Wnt7a, to repress migration or proliferation (or both) of pigment cells in ventral epidermis [Cygan et al. 1997; Loomis et al. 1998].)
T10352 1-2 -LRB- denotes (
T10353 80-82 VBZ denotes is
T10354 2-9 JJ denotes Ectopic
T10355 10-22 NN denotes pigmentation
T10356 23-25 IN denotes of
T10357 26-29 DT denotes the
T10358 38-46 NNS denotes footpads
T10359 30-37 JJ denotes ventral
T10360 47-51 WDT denotes that
T10361 52-60 VBZ denotes develops
T10362 61-63 IN denotes in
T10363 64-67 NN denotes En1
T10364 75-79 NNS denotes mice
T10365 68-74 NN denotes mutant
T10366 83-92 JJ denotes unrelated
T10367 93-95 IN denotes to
T10368 96-103 NN denotes pigment
T10369 104-108 NN denotes type
T10370 103-104 HYPH denotes -
T10371 109-118 NN denotes synthesis
T10372 119-122 CC denotes and
T10373 123-130 RB denotes instead
T10374 138-146 VBZ denotes reflects
T10375 131-137 RB denotes likely
T10376 147-148 DT denotes a
T10377 149-160 NN denotes requirement
T10378 161-164 IN denotes for
T10379 165-168 NN denotes En1
T10380 168-170 , denotes ,
T10381 170-181 JJ denotes independent
T10382 182-184 IN denotes of
T10383 185-190 NN denotes Wnt7a
T10384 190-192 , denotes ,
T10385 192-194 TO denotes to
T10386 195-202 VB denotes repress
T10387 203-212 NN denotes migration
T10388 213-215 CC denotes or
T10389 216-229 NN denotes proliferation
T10390 230-231 -LRB- denotes (
T10391 231-233 CC denotes or
T10392 234-238 DT denotes both
T10393 238-239 -RRB- denotes )
T10394 240-242 IN denotes of
T10395 243-250 NN denotes pigment
T10396 251-256 NNS denotes cells
T10397 257-259 IN denotes in
T10398 260-267 JJ denotes ventral
T10399 268-277 NN denotes epidermis
T10400 278-279 -LRB- denotes [
T10401 279-284 NNP denotes Cygan
T10402 285-287 FW denotes et
T10403 288-291 FW denotes al.
T10404 292-296 CD denotes 1997
T10405 296-297 : denotes ;
T10406 298-304 NNP denotes Loomis
T10407 305-307 FW denotes et
T10408 308-311 FW denotes al.
T10409 312-316 CD denotes 1998
T10410 316-317 -RRB- denotes ]
T10411 317-318 . denotes .
T10412 318-319 -RRB- denotes )
R7021 T10352 T10353 punct (,is
R7022 T10354 T10355 amod Ectopic,pigmentation
R7023 T10355 T10353 nsubj pigmentation,is
R7024 T10356 T10355 prep of,pigmentation
R7025 T10357 T10358 det the,footpads
R7026 T10358 T10356 pobj footpads,of
R7027 T10359 T10358 amod ventral,footpads
R7028 T10360 T10361 dep that,develops
R7029 T10361 T10355 relcl develops,pigmentation
R7030 T10362 T10361 prep in,develops
R7031 T10363 T10364 compound En1,mice
R7032 T10364 T10362 pobj mice,in
R7033 T10365 T10364 compound mutant,mice
R7034 T10366 T10353 acomp unrelated,is
R7035 T10367 T10366 prep to,unrelated
R7036 T10368 T10369 compound pigment,type
R7037 T10369 T10371 compound type,synthesis
R7038 T10370 T10369 punct -,type
R7039 T10371 T10367 pobj synthesis,to
R7040 T10372 T10353 cc and,is
R7041 T10373 T10374 advmod instead,reflects
R7042 T10374 T10353 conj reflects,is
R7043 T10375 T10374 advmod likely,reflects
R7044 T10376 T10377 det a,requirement
R7045 T10377 T10374 dobj requirement,reflects
R7046 T10378 T10377 prep for,requirement
R7047 T10379 T10378 pobj En1,for
R7048 T10380 T10377 punct ", ",requirement
R7049 T10381 T10377 amod independent,requirement
R7050 T10382 T10381 prep of,independent
R7051 T10383 T10382 pobj Wnt7a,of
R7052 T10384 T10377 punct ", ",requirement
R7053 T10385 T10386 aux to,repress
R7054 T10386 T10377 acl repress,requirement
R7055 T10387 T10386 dobj migration,repress
R7056 T10388 T10387 cc or,migration
R7057 T10389 T10387 conj proliferation,migration
R7058 T10390 T10387 punct (,migration
R7059 T10391 T10387 cc or,migration
R7060 T10392 T10387 conj both,migration
R7061 T10393 T10392 punct ),both
R7062 T10394 T10387 prep of,migration
R7063 T10395 T10396 compound pigment,cells
R7064 T10396 T10394 pobj cells,of
R7065 T10397 T10387 prep in,migration
R7066 T10398 T10399 amod ventral,epidermis
R7067 T10399 T10397 pobj epidermis,in
R7068 T10400 T10401 punct [,Cygan
R7069 T10401 T10374 meta Cygan,reflects
R7070 T10402 T10401 nmod et,Cygan
R7071 T10403 T10401 nmod al.,Cygan
R7072 T10404 T10401 nummod 1997,Cygan
R7073 T10405 T10401 punct ;,Cygan
R7074 T10406 T10401 nmod Loomis,Cygan
R7075 T10407 T10401 nmod et,Cygan
R7076 T10408 T10401 nmod al.,Cygan
R7077 T10409 T10401 nummod 1998,Cygan
R7078 T10410 T10401 punct ],Cygan
R7079 T10411 T10353 punct .,is
R7080 T10412 T10353 punct ),is


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9971 38-46 UBERON:0013623 denotes footpads
T9972 64-67 PR:000007070 denotes En1
T9973 75-79 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T9974 96-103 CHEBI:26130 denotes pigment
T9975 165-168 PR:000007070 denotes En1
T9976 185-190 PR:000017448 denotes Wnt7a
T9981 216-229,203-212,240-242,251-256,251-256 GO:0008283 denotes proliferation migration of cells cells
T9982 243-250 CHEBI:26130 denotes pigment
T9983 243-256 CL:0000147 denotes pigment cells
T9984 268-277 UBERON:0007376 denotes epidermis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
14737183-9362463-84903045 292-296 9362463 denotes 1997
14737183-9463360-84903046 312-316 9463360 denotes 1998
T39161 292-296 9362463 denotes 1997
T1447 312-316 9463360 denotes 1998


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10095 10-22 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_pigmentation_process_or_quality denotes pigmentation
T10096 38-46 UBERON:0013623 denotes footpads
T10097 64-67 PR_EXT:000007070 denotes En1
T10098 68-74 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T10099 75-79 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T10100 96-103 CHEBI_EXT:26130 denotes pigment
T10101 165-168 PR_EXT:000007070 denotes En1
T10102 185-190 PR_EXT:000017448 denotes Wnt7a
T10107 216-229,203-212,240-242,251-256,251-256 GO:0008283 denotes proliferation migration of cells cells
T10108 243-250 CHEBI_EXT:26130 denotes pigment
T10109 243-256 CL:0000147 denotes pigment cells
T10110 251-256 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T10111 268-277 UBERON:0007376 denotes epidermis