> top > docs > PMC:314463 > spans > 1330-1653 > annotations

PMC:314463 / 1330-1653 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T386 54-62 VBN denotes acquired
T393 3-9 NN denotes regard
T394 10-12 IN denotes to
T395 13-25 JJ denotes dorsoventral
T396 39-50 NNS denotes differences
T397 26-38 NN denotes pigmentation
T398 51-53 VBZ denotes is
T399 63-65 IN denotes by
T400 66-71 NN denotes E12.5
T401 71-73 , denotes ,
T402 73-78 WDT denotes which
T403 79-81 VBZ denotes is
T404 82-89 RB denotes shortly
T405 90-95 IN denotes after
T406 96-101 RB denotes early
T407 102-111 JJ denotes embryonic
T408 112-122 NN denotes expression
T409 123-125 IN denotes of
T410 126-131 NN denotes Tbx15
T411 131-132 . denotes .
T413 133-137 NN denotes Fate
T414 138-145 VBG denotes mapping
T415 137-138 HYPH denotes -
T416 146-153 NNS denotes studies
T417 154-158 VBP denotes show
T418 159-163 IN denotes that
T419 203-205 VBZ denotes is
T420 164-167 DT denotes the
T421 194-202 NN denotes boundary
T422 168-180 JJ denotes dorsoventral
T423 181-193 NN denotes pigmentation
T424 206-209 RB denotes not
T425 210-212 IN denotes in
T426 213-221 NN denotes register
T427 222-226 IN denotes with
T428 227-228 DT denotes a
T429 271-279 NN denotes boundary
T430 229-239 RB denotes previously
T431 240-250 VBN denotes identified
T432 251-257 JJ denotes dermal
T433 258-262 NN denotes cell
T434 263-270 NN denotes lineage
T435 279-281 , denotes ,
T436 281-284 CC denotes but
T437 285-291 RB denotes rather
T438 292-296 IN denotes with
T439 297-300 DT denotes the
T441 301-305 NN denotes limb
T442 306-318 JJ denotes dorsoventral
R211 T396 T394 pobj differences,to
R212 T397 T396 compound pigmentation,differences
R214 T399 T386 prep by,acquired
R215 T400 T399 pobj E12.5,by
R216 T401 T386 punct ", ",acquired
R217 T402 T403 dep which,is
R218 T403 T386 advcl is,acquired
R219 T404 T405 advmod shortly,after
R220 T405 T403 prep after,is
R221 T406 T407 advmod early,embryonic
R222 T407 T408 amod embryonic,expression
R223 T408 T405 pobj expression,after
R224 T409 T408 prep of,expression
R225 T410 T409 pobj Tbx15,of
R227 T413 T414 npadvmod Fate,mapping
R228 T414 T416 amod mapping,studies
R230 T416 T417 nsubj studies,show
R231 T418 T419 mark that,is
R232 T419 T417 ccomp is,show
R234 T421 T419 nsubj boundary,is
R235 T422 T421 amod dorsoventral,boundary
R236 T423 T421 compound pigmentation,boundary
R237 T424 T419 neg not,is
R238 T425 T419 prep in,is
R239 T426 T425 pobj register,in
R240 T427 T426 prep with,register
R241 T428 T429 det a,boundary
R242 T429 T427 pobj boundary,with
R248 T435 T419 punct ", ",is
R249 T436 T419 cc but,is
R250 T437 T419 conj rather,is
R251 T438 T437 prep with,rather
R209 T394 T393 prep to,regard
R210 T395 T396 amod dorsoventral,differences
R213 T398 T386 auxpass is,acquired
R229 T415 T414 punct -,mapping
R233 T420 T421 det the,boundary
R243 T430 T431 advmod previously,identified
R244 T431 T429 amod identified,boundary
R245 T432 T433 amod dermal,cell
R246 T433 T434 compound cell,lineage
R247 T434 T429 compound lineage,boundary


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T85 96-111 UBERON:0019248 denotes early embryonic
T86 112-122 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T87 126-131 PR:000016145 denotes Tbx15
T88 301-305 UBERON:0002101 denotes limb


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T150 26-38 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_pigmentation_process_or_quality denotes pigmentation
T151 96-111 UBERON:0019248 denotes early embryonic
T152 112-122 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T153 126-131 PR_EXT:000016145 denotes Tbx15
T154 181-193 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_pigmentation_process_or_quality denotes pigmentation
T155 251-257 UBERON_EXT:skin_or_dermis denotes dermal
T156 258-262 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T157 301-305 UBERON:0002101 denotes limb