> top > docs > PMC:3062687 > spans > 3751-3987 > annotations

PMC:3062687 / 3751-3987 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2167 70-74 P25963 denotes IκBα
T2168 113-117 P23396 denotes RPS3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2107 11-12 -LRB- denotes (
T2108 12-17 NN denotes PMA+I
T2109 17-18 -RRB- denotes )
T2110 19-29 VB denotes stimulated
T2111 30-35 JJ denotes rapid
T2112 36-51 NN denotes phosphorylation
T2113 52-55 CC denotes and
T2114 56-66 NN denotes degradaion
T2115 67-69 IN denotes of
T2116 70-74 NN denotes IκBα
T2117 75-81 IN denotes within
T2118 82-83 CD denotes 5
T2119 84-87 NN denotes min
T2120 88-93 WDT denotes which
T2121 94-97 VB denotes was
T2122 98-109 VB denotes accompanied
T2123 110-112 IN denotes by
T2124 113-117 NN denotes RPS3
T2125 118-133 NN denotes phosphorylation
T2126 134-136 IN denotes on
T2127 137-143 NN denotes serine
T2128 144-152 NN denotes residues
T2129 153-154 -LRB- denotes (
T2130 154-158 NN denotes Fig.
T2131 159-161 NN denotes 1b
T2132 162-165 CC denotes and
T2133 166-170 NN denotes data
T2134 171-174 RB denotes not
T2135 175-180 VB denotes shown
T2136 180-181 -RRB- denotes )
T2137 181-182 -COMMA- denotes ,
T2138 183-190 JJ denotes similar
T2139 191-193 TO denotes to
T2140 194-197 DT denotes the
T2141 198-200 FW denotes in
T2142 201-205 FW denotes vivo
T2143 206-214 NN denotes labeling
T2144 216-218 PRP denotes We
T2145 219-222 VB denotes did
T2146 223-226 RB denotes not
T2147 227-233 VB denotes detect
R1678 T2108 T2107 arg2Of PMA+I,(
R1679 T2109 T2107 arg3Of ),(
R1680 T2110 T2117 arg1Of stimulated,within
R1681 T2112 T2111 arg1Of phosphorylation,rapid
R1682 T2112 T2113 arg1Of phosphorylation,and
R1683 T2113 T2110 arg2Of and,stimulated
R1684 T2114 T2113 arg2Of degradaion,and
R1685 T2114 T2115 arg1Of degradaion,of
R1686 T2116 T2115 arg2Of IκBα,of
R1687 T2119 T2117 arg2Of min,within
R1688 T2119 T2118 arg1Of min,5
R1689 T2119 T2120 arg1Of min,which
R1690 T2119 T2121 arg1Of min,was
R1691 T2119 T2122 arg2Of min,accompanied
R1692 T2122 T2121 arg2Of accompanied,was
R1693 T2125 T2122 arg1Of phosphorylation,accompanied
R1694 T2125 T2123 arg2Of phosphorylation,by
R1695 T2125 T2124 arg1Of phosphorylation,RPS3
R1696 T2125 T2126 arg1Of phosphorylation,on
R1697 T2128 T2126 arg2Of residues,on
R1698 T2128 T2127 arg1Of residues,serine
R1699 T2128 T2129 arg1Of residues,(
R1700 T2128 T2137 arg1Of residues,","
R1701 T2128 T2138 arg1Of residues,similar
R1702 T2131 T2130 arg1Of 1b,Fig.
R1703 T2131 T2132 arg1Of 1b,and
R1704 T2132 T2129 arg2Of and,(
R1705 T2133 T2132 arg2Of data,and
R1706 T2133 T2135 arg2Of data,shown
R1707 T2135 T2134 arg1Of shown,not
R1708 T2136 T2129 arg3Of ),(
R1709 T2138 T2139 arg1Of similar,to
R1710 T2142 T2141 arg1Of vivo,in
R1711 T2143 T2139 arg2Of labeling,to
R1712 T2143 T2140 arg1Of labeling,the
R1713 T2143 T2142 arg1Of labeling,vivo
R1714 T2144 T2145 arg1Of We,did
R1715 T2144 T2147 arg1Of We,detect
R1716 T2147 T2145 arg2Of detect,did
R1717 T2147 T2146 arg1Of detect,not


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2264 11-12 -LRB- denotes (
T2265 12-17 NNP denotes PMA+I
T2266 17-18 -RRB- denotes )
T2267 19-29 VBD denotes stimulated
T2268 30-35 JJ denotes rapid
T2269 36-51 NN denotes phosphorylation
T2270 52-55 CC denotes and
T2271 56-66 NN denotes degradaion
T2272 67-69 IN denotes of
T2273 70-74 NNP denotes IκBα
T2274 75-81 IN denotes within
T2275 82-83 CD denotes 5
T2276 84-87 NN denotes min
T2277 88-93 WDT denotes which
T2278 94-97 VBD denotes was
T2279 98-109 VBN denotes accompanied
T2280 110-112 IN denotes by
T2281 113-117 CD denotes RPS3
T2282 118-133 NN denotes phosphorylation
T2283 134-136 IN denotes on
T2284 137-143 NN denotes serine
T2285 144-152 NNS denotes residues
T2286 153-154 -LRB- denotes (
T2287 154-158 NNP denotes Fig.
T2288 159-161 CD denotes 1b
T2289 162-165 CC denotes and
T2290 166-170 NNS denotes data
T2291 171-174 RB denotes not
T2292 175-180 VBN denotes shown
T2293 180-181 -RRB- denotes )
T2294 181-182 , denotes ,
T2295 183-190 JJ denotes similar
T2296 191-193 TO denotes to
T2297 194-197 DT denotes the
T2298 198-200 IN denotes in
T2299 201-205 NN denotes vivo
T2300 206-214 VBG denotes labeling
T2301 214-215 . denotes .
T2302 216-218 PRP denotes We
T2303 219-222 VBD denotes did
T2304 223-226 RB denotes not
T2305 227-233 VB denotes detect
R1821 T2264 T2265 punct (,PMA+I
R1824 T2267 T2267 ROOT stimulated,stimulated
R1825 T2268 T2269 amod rapid,phosphorylation
R1826 T2269 T2267 dobj phosphorylation,stimulated
R1827 T2270 T2269 cc and,phosphorylation
R1828 T2271 T2269 conj degradaion,phosphorylation
R1829 T2272 T2269 prep of,phosphorylation
R1830 T2273 T2272 pobj IκBα,of
R1831 T2274 T2267 prep within,stimulated
R1832 T2275 T2276 nummod 5,min
R1833 T2276 T2274 pobj min,within
R1834 T2277 T2279 nsubjpass which,accompanied
R1835 T2278 T2279 auxpass was,accompanied
R1836 T2279 T2276 relcl accompanied,min
R1837 T2280 T2279 agent by,accompanied
R1838 T2281 T2282 nummod RPS3,phosphorylation
R1839 T2282 T2280 pobj phosphorylation,by
R1840 T2283 T2282 prep on,phosphorylation
R1841 T2284 T2285 compound serine,residues
R1842 T2285 T2283 pobj residues,on
R1843 T2286 T2282 punct (,phosphorylation
R1844 T2287 T2282 appos Fig.,phosphorylation
R1845 T2288 T2287 nummod 1b,Fig.
R1846 T2289 T2282 cc and,phosphorylation
R1847 T2290 T2282 conj data,phosphorylation
R1848 T2291 T2292 neg not,shown
R1849 T2292 T2279 conj shown,accompanied
R1850 T2293 T2292 punct ),shown
R1851 T2294 T2292 punct ",",shown
R1852 T2295 T2292 conj similar,shown
R1853 T2296 T2295 prep to,similar
R1854 T2297 T2296 pobj the,to
R1855 T2298 T2297 prep in,the
R1856 T2299 T2300 compound vivo,labeling
R1857 T2300 T2267 advcl labeling,stimulated
R1858 T2301 T2267 punct .,stimulated
R1859 T2302 T2305 nsubj We,detect
R1860 T2303 T2305 aux did,detect
R1861 T2304 T2305 neg not,detect
R1862 T2305 T2305 ROOT detect,detect


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2353 36-51 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016310 denotes phosphorylation
T2354 118-133 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016310 denotes phosphorylation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2494 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T2495 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T2496 36-51 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T2497 56-66 Protein_catabolism denotes degradaion
T2498 70-74 Protein denotes IκBα
T2499 113-117 Protein denotes RPS3
T2500 118-133 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T2501 137-152 Entity denotes serine residues
R1974 T2496 T2495 themeOf phosphorylation,stimulated
R1975 T2497 T2494 themeOf degradaion,stimulated
R1976 T2498 T2496 themeOf IκBα,phosphorylation
R1977 T2498 T2497 themeOf IκBα,degradaion
R1978 T2501 T2500 themeOf serine residues,phosphorylation
R1979 T2501 T2499 partOf serine residues,RPS3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2392 70-74 Protein denotes IκBα
T2393 113-117 Protein denotes RPS3
T2394 36-51 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T2395 56-66 Protein_catabolism denotes degradaion
T2396 118-133 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T2397 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T2398 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T2399 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T2400 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
R1907 T2392 T2394 themeOf IκBα,phosphorylation
R1908 T2392 T2395 themeOf IκBα,degradaion
R1909 T2393 T2396 themeOf RPS3,phosphorylation
R1910 T2394 T2397 themeOf phosphorylation,stimulated
R1911 T2394 T2399 themeOf phosphorylation,stimulated
R1912 T2395 T2398 themeOf degradaion,stimulated
R1913 T2395 T2400 themeOf degradaion,stimulated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1998 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T1999 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T2000 36-51 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T2001 56-66 Protein_catabolism denotes degradaion
T2002 70-74 Protein denotes IκBα
T2003 113-117 Protein denotes RPS3
T2004 118-133 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T2005 137-152 Entity denotes serine residues
R1577 T2000 T1999 themeOf phosphorylation,stimulated
R1578 T2001 T1998 themeOf degradaion,stimulated
R1579 T2002 T2000 themeOf IκBα,phosphorylation
R1580 T2002 T2001 themeOf IκBα,degradaion
R1581 T2005 T2004 themeOf serine residues,phosphorylation
R1582 T2005 T2003 partOf serine residues,RPS3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T1975 19-29 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated true
T1976 36-51 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation true
T1977 70-74 Protein denotes IκBα
T1978 113-117 Protein denotes RPS3
T1979 118-133 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T1980 137-143 Entity denotes serine
R1564 T1976 T1975 themeOf phosphorylation,stimulated
R1565 T1977 T1976 themeOf IκBα,phosphorylation
R1566 T1978 T1979 themeOf RPS3,phosphorylation