> top > docs > PMC:2889865 > spans > 12210-12806 > annotations

PMC:2889865 / 12210-12806 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16309 224-234 Anaphor denotes the levels
T16310 142-152 Antecedent denotes expression
R13287 T16309 T16310 boundBy the levels,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16175 0-18 JJ denotes Cytokine/chemokine
T16176 19-25 NNS denotes levels
T16177 26-30 VBD denotes were
T16178 31-41 VBN denotes determined
T16179 42-47 VBG denotes using
T16180 48-53 NNP denotes ELISA
T16181 54-63 VBG denotes following
T16182 64-74 NN denotes incubation
T16183 75-77 IN denotes of
T16184 78-84 NNP denotes Jurkat
T16185 85-92 NNS denotes T-cells
T16186 93-97 IN denotes with
T16187 98-101 NNP denotes NAI
T16188 102-103 -LRB- denotes (
T16189 103-104 CD denotes 1
T16190 105-106 NN denotes h
T16191 106-107 -RRB- denotes )
T16192 108-111 CC denotes and
T16193 112-123 NN denotes stimulation
T16194 124-125 -LRB- denotes (
T16195 125-127 CD denotes 24
T16196 128-129 NN denotes h
T16197 129-130 -RRB- denotes )
T16198 130-131 . denotes .
T16199 132-133 -LRB- denotes (
T16200 133-134 NNP denotes A
T16201 134-135 -RRB- denotes )
T16202 136-141 NNP denotes CXCL8
T16203 142-152 NN denotes expression
T16204 153-156 VBD denotes was
T16205 157-166 RB denotes partially
T16206 167-176 VBN denotes inhibited
T16207 177-186 VBG denotes following
T16208 187-190 NNP denotes PMA
T16209 191-202 NN denotes stimulation
T16210 203-204 -LRB- denotes (
T16211 204-208 NN denotes grey
T16212 209-213 NNS denotes bars
T16213 213-214 -RRB- denotes )
T16214 214-215 , denotes ,
T16215 216-223 IN denotes whereas
T16216 224-227 DT denotes the
T16217 228-234 NNS denotes levels
T16218 235-239 VBD denotes were
T16219 240-243 RB denotes not
T16220 244-251 VBN denotes altered
T16221 252-261 VBG denotes following
T16222 262-273 NN denotes stimulation
T16223 274-278 IN denotes with
T16224 279-281 NNP denotes HK
T16225 282-284 NNP denotes E.
T16226 285-289 NNS denotes coli
T16227 290-291 -LRB- denotes (
T16228 291-296 JJ denotes black
T16229 297-301 NNS denotes bars
T16230 301-302 -RRB- denotes )
T16231 302-303 , denotes ,
T16232 304-308 DT denotes this
T16233 309-318 VBZ denotes indicates
T16234 319-321 DT denotes an
T16235 322-331 NN denotes induction
T16236 332-338 RB denotes mainly
T16237 339-348 VBN denotes regulated
T16238 349-351 IN denotes by
T16239 352-356 NN denotes AP-1
T16240 356-357 . denotes .
T16241 358-359 -LRB- denotes (
T16242 359-360 NNP denotes B
T16243 360-361 -RRB- denotes )
T16244 362-365 NNP denotes TNF
T16245 366-376 NN denotes expression
T16246 377-380 VBD denotes was
T16247 381-384 RB denotes not
T16248 385-393 VBN denotes affected
T16249 394-396 IN denotes by
T16250 397-400 NNP denotes NAI
T16251 400-401 . denotes .
T16252 402-403 -LRB- denotes (
T16253 403-404 $ denotes C
T16254 404-405 -RRB- denotes )
T16255 406-410 NN denotes IL-6
T16256 411-418 NN denotes release
T16257 419-422 VBD denotes was
T16258 423-433 RB denotes completely
T16259 434-443 VBN denotes inhibited
T16260 444-446 IN denotes by
T16261 447-450 NNP denotes NAI
T16262 451-460 VBG denotes following
T16263 461-464 NNP denotes PMA
T16264 465-473 NN denotes exposure
T16265 473-474 , denotes ,
T16266 475-485 VBG denotes indicating
T16267 486-496 NN denotes regulation
T16268 497-504 IN denotes through
T16269 505-510 NNP denotes NF-κB
T16270 511-516 IN denotes since
T16271 517-521 NNP denotes IL-6
T16272 522-532 NN denotes expression
T16273 533-536 VBD denotes was
T16274 537-550 RB denotes significantly
T16275 551-560 VBN denotes increased
T16276 561-563 IN denotes in
T16277 564-572 NN denotes response
T16278 573-575 TO denotes to
T16279 576-578 NNP denotes HK
T16280 579-581 NNP denotes E.
T16281 582-586 NNS denotes coli
T16282 587-591 IN denotes than
T16283 592-595 NNP denotes PMA
T16284 595-596 . denotes .
R13153 T16175 T16176 amod Cytokine/chemokine,levels
R13154 T16176 T16178 nsubjpass levels,determined
R13155 T16177 T16178 auxpass were,determined
R13156 T16178 T16178 ROOT determined,determined
R13157 T16179 T16178 advcl using,determined
R13158 T16180 T16179 dobj ELISA,using
R13159 T16181 T16178 prep following,determined
R13160 T16182 T16181 pobj incubation,following
R13161 T16183 T16182 prep of,incubation
R13162 T16184 T16185 compound Jurkat,T-cells
R13163 T16185 T16183 pobj T-cells,of
R13164 T16186 T16182 prep with,incubation
R13165 T16187 T16186 pobj NAI,with
R13166 T16188 T16190 punct (,h
R13167 T16189 T16190 nummod 1,h
R13168 T16190 T16187 appos h,NAI
R13169 T16191 T16190 punct ),h
R13170 T16192 T16190 cc and,h
R13171 T16193 T16190 conj stimulation,h
R13172 T16194 T16196 punct (,h
R13173 T16195 T16196 nummod 24,h
R13174 T16196 T16190 appos h,h
R13175 T16197 T16190 punct ),h
R13176 T16198 T16178 punct .,determined
R13177 T16199 T16206 punct (,inhibited
R13178 T16200 T16203 nmod A,expression
R13179 T16201 T16200 punct ),A
R13180 T16202 T16203 compound CXCL8,expression
R13181 T16203 T16206 nsubjpass expression,inhibited
R13182 T16204 T16206 auxpass was,inhibited
R13183 T16205 T16206 advmod partially,inhibited
R13184 T16206 T16233 advcl inhibited,indicates
R13185 T16207 T16206 prep following,inhibited
R13186 T16208 T16209 compound PMA,stimulation
R13187 T16209 T16207 pobj stimulation,following
R13188 T16210 T16212 punct (,bars
R13189 T16211 T16212 amod grey,bars
R13190 T16212 T16209 appos bars,stimulation
R13191 T16213 T16206 punct ),inhibited
R13192 T16214 T16206 punct ",",inhibited
R13193 T16215 T16220 mark whereas,altered
R13194 T16216 T16217 det the,levels
R13195 T16217 T16220 nsubjpass levels,altered
R13196 T16218 T16220 auxpass were,altered
R13197 T16219 T16220 neg not,altered
R13198 T16220 T16206 advcl altered,inhibited
R13199 T16221 T16220 prep following,altered
R13200 T16222 T16221 pobj stimulation,following
R13201 T16223 T16222 prep with,stimulation
R13202 T16224 T16226 compound HK,coli
R13203 T16225 T16226 compound E.,coli
R13204 T16226 T16223 pobj coli,with
R13205 T16227 T16226 punct (,coli
R13206 T16228 T16229 amod black,bars
R13207 T16229 T16226 appos bars,coli
R13208 T16230 T16226 punct ),coli
R13209 T16231 T16233 punct ",",indicates
R13210 T16232 T16233 nsubj this,indicates
R13211 T16233 T16233 ROOT indicates,indicates
R13212 T16234 T16235 det an,induction
R13213 T16235 T16233 dobj induction,indicates
R13214 T16236 T16237 advmod mainly,regulated
R13215 T16237 T16235 acl regulated,induction
R13216 T16238 T16237 agent by,regulated
R13217 T16239 T16238 pobj AP-1,by
R13218 T16240 T16233 punct .,indicates
R13219 T16241 T16248 punct (,affected
R13220 T16242 T16245 nmod B,expression
R13221 T16243 T16242 punct ),B
R13222 T16244 T16245 compound TNF,expression
R13223 T16245 T16248 nsubjpass expression,affected
R13224 T16246 T16248 auxpass was,affected
R13225 T16247 T16248 neg not,affected
R13226 T16248 T16248 ROOT affected,affected
R13227 T16249 T16248 agent by,affected
R13228 T16250 T16249 pobj NAI,by
R13229 T16251 T16248 punct .,affected
R13230 T16252 T16253 punct (,C
R13231 T16253 T16253 ROOT C,C
R13232 T16254 T16253 punct ),C
R13233 T16255 T16256 compound IL-6,release
R13234 T16256 T16259 nsubjpass release,inhibited
R13235 T16257 T16259 auxpass was,inhibited
R13236 T16258 T16259 advmod completely,inhibited
R13237 T16259 T16259 ROOT inhibited,inhibited
R13238 T16260 T16259 agent by,inhibited
R13239 T16261 T16260 pobj NAI,by
R13240 T16262 T16259 prep following,inhibited
R13241 T16263 T16264 compound PMA,exposure
R13242 T16264 T16262 pobj exposure,following
R13243 T16265 T16259 punct ",",inhibited
R13244 T16266 T16259 advcl indicating,inhibited
R13245 T16267 T16266 dobj regulation,indicating
R13246 T16268 T16266 prep through,indicating
R13247 T16269 T16268 pobj NF-κB,through
R13248 T16270 T16275 mark since,increased
R13249 T16271 T16272 compound IL-6,expression
R13250 T16272 T16275 nsubjpass expression,increased
R13251 T16273 T16275 auxpass was,increased
R13252 T16274 T16275 advmod significantly,increased
R13253 T16275 T16266 advcl increased,indicating
R13254 T16276 T16275 prep in,increased
R13255 T16277 T16276 pobj response,in
R13256 T16278 T16277 prep to,response
R13257 T16279 T16281 compound HK,coli
R13258 T16280 T16281 compound E.,coli
R13259 T16281 T16278 pobj coli,to
R13260 T16282 T16275 prep than,increased
R13261 T16283 T16282 pobj PMA,than
R13262 T16284 T16259 punct .,inhibited


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16320 486-496 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0065007 denotes regulation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16321 406-410 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005138 denotes IL-6
T16322 517-521 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005138 denotes IL-6


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16323 87-92 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16166 0-596 Sentence denotes Cytokine/chemokine levels were determined using ELISA following incubation of Jurkat T-cells with NAI (1 h) and stimulation (24 h). (A) CXCL8 expression was partially inhibited following PMA stimulation (grey bars), whereas the levels were not altered following stimulation with HK E. coli (black bars), this indicates an induction mainly regulated by AP-1. (B) TNF expression was not affected by NAI. (C) IL-6 release was completely inhibited by NAI following PMA exposure, indicating regulation through NF-κB since IL-6 expression was significantly increased in response to HK E. coli than PMA.
T93 0-596 Sentence denotes Cytokine/chemokine levels were determined using ELISA following incubation of Jurkat T-cells with NAI (1 h) and stimulation (24 h). (A) CXCL8 expression was partially inhibited following PMA stimulation (grey bars), whereas the levels were not altered following stimulation with HK E. coli (black bars), this indicates an induction mainly regulated by AP-1. (B) TNF expression was not affected by NAI. (C) IL-6 release was completely inhibited by NAI following PMA exposure, indicating regulation through NF-κB since IL-6 expression was significantly increased in response to HK E. coli than PMA.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T16383 136-141 Protein denotes CXCL8
T16384 142-152 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16385 167-176 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited
T16386 244-251 Regulation denotes altered true
T16387 322-331 Positive_regulation denotes induction
T16388 339-348 Regulation denotes regulated
T16389 406-410 Protein denotes IL-6
T16390 411-418 Localization denotes release
T16391 434-443 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited
T16392 486-496 Regulation denotes regulation
T16393 517-521 Protein denotes IL-6
T16394 522-532 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16395 551-560 Positive_regulation denotes increased
R13331 T16383 T16384 themeOf CXCL8,expression
R13332 T16384 T16385 themeOf expression,inhibited
R13333 T16384 T16386 themeOf expression,altered
R13334 T16384 T16387 themeOf expression,induction
R13335 T16387 T16388 themeOf induction,regulated
R13336 T16389 T16390 themeOf IL-6,release
R13337 T16390 T16392 themeOf release,regulation
R13338 T16390 T16391 themeOf release,inhibited
R13339 T16393 T16394 themeOf IL-6,expression
R13340 T16394 T16395 themeOf expression,increased


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16398 136-141 Protein denotes CXCL8
T16399 279-283 Protein denotes HK E
T16400 352-356 Protein denotes AP-1
T16401 142-152 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16402 167-176 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited
T16403 362-365 Protein denotes TNF
T16404 366-376 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16405 385-393 Regulation denotes affected
T16406 505-510 Protein denotes NF-κB
T16407 517-521 Protein denotes IL-6
T16408 576-578 Protein denotes HK
T16409 522-532 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16410 551-560 Positive_regulation denotes increased
T16411 486-496 Regulation denotes regulation
R13342 T16398 T16401 themeOf CXCL8,expression
R13343 T16401 T16402 themeOf expression,inhibited
R13344 T16403 T16404 themeOf TNF,expression
R13345 T16404 T16405 themeOf expression,affected
R13346 T16407 T16409 themeOf IL-6,expression
R13347 T16409 T16410 themeOf expression,increased
R13348 T16410 T16411 themeOf increased,regulation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T16152 136-141 Protein denotes CXCL8
T16153 142-152 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16154 167-176 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited
T16155 244-251 Regulation denotes altered true
T16156 322-331 Positive_regulation denotes induction
T16157 339-348 Regulation denotes regulated
T16158 406-410 Protein denotes IL-6
T16159 411-418 Localization denotes release
T16160 434-443 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited
T16161 486-496 Regulation denotes regulation
T16162 517-521 Protein denotes IL-6
T16163 522-532 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16164 551-560 Positive_regulation denotes increased
R13136 T16152 T16153 themeOf CXCL8,expression
R13137 T16153 T16154 themeOf expression,inhibited
R13138 T16153 T16155 themeOf expression,altered
R13139 T16153 T16156 themeOf expression,induction
R13140 T16156 T16157 themeOf induction,regulated
R13141 T16158 T16159 themeOf IL-6,release
R13142 T16159 T16161 themeOf release,regulation
R13143 T16159 T16160 themeOf release,inhibited
R13144 T16162 T16163 themeOf IL-6,expression
R13145 T16163 T16164 themeOf expression,increased


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16311 136-141 P10145 denotes CXCL8
T16312 352-356 P05412 denotes AP-1
T16313 362-365 P01375 denotes TNF
T16314 406-410 P05231 denotes IL-6
T16315 517-521 P05231 denotes IL-6


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T16139 136-141 Protein denotes CXCL8
T16140 142-152 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16141 167-176 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited true
T16142 366-376 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16143 385-393 Regulation denotes affected
T16144 406-410 Protein denotes IL-6
T16145 411-418 Localization denotes release
T16146 434-443 Negative_regulation denotes inhibited
T16147 451-460 Positive_regulation denotes following
T16148 486-496 Regulation denotes regulation
T16149 517-521 Protein denotes IL-6
T16150 522-532 Gene_expression denotes expression
T16151 551-560 Positive_regulation denotes increased
R13126 T16139 T16140 themeOf CXCL8,expression
R13127 T16140 T16141 themeOf expression,inhibited
R13128 T16142 T16143 themeOf expression,affected
R13129 T16144 T16145 themeOf IL-6,release
R13130 T16145 T16146 themeOf release,inhibited
R13131 T16145 T16148 themeOf release,regulation
R13132 T16145 T16147 themeOf release,following
R13133 T16149 T16150 themeOf IL-6,expression
R13134 T16150 T16151 themeOf expression,increased
R13135 T16150 T16148 themeOf expression,regulation