PMC:2846953 / 21949-22671 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"2846953","source_url":"","text":"The model for EPI8 contains predictors TOTNN, OHP, CRCL, AST, WEIGHTK, and VITAMIN and it accounts for 41% of the total variability in EPI8 in all subjects (Table 3). Higher total NNAL (up to 1452 ng/24 h), OHP (if less than 473 ng/24 h), creatinine clearance and weight were predictors of higher 24-hour excretion of urinary 8-epi-ProstaglandinF2α Type III. Higher serum AST was either a predictor of higher or lower 24-hour excretion of urinary 8-epi-ProstaglandinF2α Type III, depending on its concentration level. Use of vitamin supplements was a predictor of lower 24-hour excretion of urinary 8-epi-ProstaglandinF2α Type III. In the validation data set the same predictors were significant with the exception of AST.","tracks":[]}