PMC:2813722 / 21234-22045 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"2813722","source_url":"","text":"N2 amplitudes: relations with behavioral performance\nA total of eight Pearson correlations were conducted to examine relations among mean N2 amplitude for the left- and right-hemisphere electrode clusters, median RTs, and no-go accuracy cost. Significant correlations were found between median RTs on the go/no-go task and the following: right-hemisphere N2 amplitudes on no-go trials, r = 0.30, p \u003c 0.05, left-hemisphere N2 amplitudes on go trials, r = 0.28, p \u003c 0.05, and left-hemisphere N2 amplitude on no-go trials, r = 0.35, p \u003c 0.05. Larger (i.e., more negative) N2 amplitudes were associated with faster responding on go trials. Correlations involving no-go accuracy cost were not significant (−0.13 \u003c r \u003c 0.11). These correlations indicate that larger N2 amplitudes are related to better EF performance.","divisions":[{"label":"title","span":{"begin":0,"end":52}}],"tracks":[]}