PMC:2813722 / 16963-17634 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"2813722","source_url":"","text":"N2 amplitudes and latency were analyzed using an ANOVA with cultural group as a between-subjects variable and go/no-go condition (go trials, no-go trials) and laterality (right, left) as within-subjects variables. Post hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments were carried out for all significant interactions. Figure 3 presents the grand-averaged waveforms of the N2 component at the corresponding pair of left-right electrode sites that best illustrate the effects reported below: electrode site 112 (on the right) for the no-go condition and electrode site 13 (on the left) for the go condition. Waveforms are also shown for all other sites in the montage.","tracks":[]}