PMC:2812709 / 30383-31227 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"2812709","source_url":"","text":"We propose a binary data standard for all experimental AUC data that replaces the currently used inefficient ASCII storage. An intrinsic absorbance spectrum can be derived by globally fitting wavelength scans taken at multiple concentrations. The spectra can be used as basis functions in the spectral decomposition fitting of spectra from mixtures (Demeler 2005). UltraScan further offers a complete data editing environment for absorbance, intensity, fluorescence, Rayleigh interference, and multiwavelength absorbance velocity and equilibrium data, and contains a module for import of legacy data and for conversion of binary formatted experimental data back to the legacy ASCII format. Intensity data can be converted to pseudo-absorbance data and corrected for time invariant noise contributions with the two-dimensional spectrum analysis.","tracks":[]}