PMC:2728246 / 58931-59730 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"19652920-11457127-56191016","span":{"begin":40,"end":44},"obj":"11457127"},{"id":"19652920-11448195-56191017","span":{"begin":66,"end":70},"obj":"11448195"}],"text":"Following in the steps of (Chou and Bax 2001; Mittermaier and Kay 2001), we address the question whether it is possible to model the mobility of side chain methyl groups based on RDC data. The MFA can provide in principle a detailed description of the side chain mobility with the five independent terms contained in the average spherical harmonics. Side chains with 2 methyl groups (Val, Ile, Leu) contain ten unique parameters to describe the intricate mobility occurring on a time scale faster than ms. For individual side chains pointing inside the hydrophobic core of the protein where motion is restricted, it would be interesting to try to describe the complex side chain fluctuations and decipher internal concerted motions, i.e., correlated rearrangements around consecutive torsion angles."}