PMC:2728246 / 10974-11658 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"19652920-11430758-56190958","span":{"begin":340,"end":344},"obj":"11430758"}],"text":"Backbone amide group NH RDCs have been recorded and evaluated as described in (Lakomek et al. 2008a). For methyl group CH couplings, four constant-time 13C,1H-HSQC sub-spectra with varying 1JCH(+1DCH) evolution delays (Δ1 = 0, 1/6J, 1/3J, 1/2J) were recorded in an interleaved manner using the pulse sequence described by (Kontaxis and Bax 2001). Typically, each experiment included 89 complex increments in the indirect 13C dimension for the sampling of a 16-ppm sweep width, centered at 20 ppm. All experiments were recorded either on a 600 MHz DRX Bruker instrument equipped with a 5-mm H/C/N-probehead or on a 700 MHz Avance Bruker instrument equipped with a 5 mm H/C/N-probehead."}