PMC:2724173 / 22961-23893 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"2724173","source_url":"","text":"Fig. 3 Comparison of MxiC with the YopN–TyeA complex. a, Structure-based sequence alignment of MxiC and YopN–TyeA. The positions of helices for each protein are illustrated (cylinders) above and below the sequence. b, Ribbon diagrams of MxiC (green) and YopN (cyan) complexed with TyeA (yellow). Helix α9 of MxiC and the equivalent helix of YopN are shown as cylinders. Two orientations rotated by 90° about the long axis are shown. The conserved hydrophobic patch on MxiC consisting of residues Leu222, Met226, Gly239, Leu242 and Leu245 is circled in red. c, Electrostatic surfaces of MxiC (left) and YopN-TyeA (right) are shown in the same orientation as in b (lower panel). Electrostatic surfaces were calculated using the APBS48 plugin of PyMol [] with default settings. The electrostatic potential is displayed on the molecular surface and plotted in a red-white-blue scale (red, negative; blue, positive).","divisions":[{"label":"label","span":{"begin":0,"end":6}}],"tracks":[]}