> top > docs > PMC:2222968 > spans > 3182-3341 > annotations

PMC:2222968 / 3182-3341 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1062 0-1 DT denotes A
T1063 2-10 NN denotes hallmark
T1064 11-13 IN denotes of
T1065 14-17 NN denotes Th1
T1066 18-21 CC denotes and
T1067 22-25 NN denotes Th2
T1068 26-41 NN denotes differentiation
T1069 42-50 NN denotes pathways
T1070 51-53 VB denotes is
T1071 54-57 DT denotes the
T1072 58-71 NN denotes exclusiveness
T1073 72-74 IN denotes of
T1074 75-78 DT denotes the
T1075 79-89 JJ denotes individual
T1076 90-99 NN denotes phenotype
T1077 100-107 VB denotes leading
T1078 108-110 TO denotes to
T1079 111-117 CC denotes either
T1080 118-121 NN denotes Th1
T1081 122-124 CC denotes or
T1082 125-128 NN denotes Th2
T1083 128-129 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1084 130-133 CC denotes but
T1085 134-137 RB denotes not
T1086 138-140 TO denotes to
T1087 141-146 JJ denotes mixed
T1088 147-158 NN denotes populations
R825 T1063 T1062 arg1Of hallmark,A
R826 T1063 T1064 arg1Of hallmark,of
R827 T1063 T1070 arg1Of hallmark,is
R828 T1065 T1066 arg1Of Th1,and
R829 T1067 T1066 arg2Of Th2,and
R830 T1069 T1064 arg2Of pathways,of
R831 T1069 T1065 arg1Of pathways,Th1
R832 T1069 T1067 arg1Of pathways,Th2
R833 T1069 T1068 arg1Of pathways,differentiation
R834 T1072 T1070 arg2Of exclusiveness,is
R835 T1072 T1071 arg1Of exclusiveness,the
R836 T1072 T1073 arg1Of exclusiveness,of
R837 T1076 T1073 arg2Of phenotype,of
R838 T1076 T1074 arg1Of phenotype,the
R839 T1076 T1075 arg1Of phenotype,individual
R840 T1076 T1077 arg1Of phenotype,leading
R841 T1077 T1078 arg1Of leading,to
R842 T1077 T1086 arg1Of leading,to
R843 T1078 T1084 arg1Of to,but
R844 T1080 T1081 arg1Of Th1,or
R845 T1081 T1078 arg2Of or,to
R846 T1081 T1079 arg1Of or,either
R847 T1082 T1081 arg2Of Th2,or
R848 T1084 T1083 arg1Of but,","
R849 T1086 T1084 arg2Of to,but
R850 T1086 T1085 arg1Of to,not
R851 T1088 T1086 arg2Of populations,to
R852 T1088 T1087 arg1Of populations,mixed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1687 0-1 DT denotes A
T1688 2-10 NN denotes hallmark
T1689 11-13 IN denotes of
T1690 14-17 CD denotes Th1
T1691 18-21 CC denotes and
T1692 22-25 CD denotes Th2
T1693 26-41 NN denotes differentiation
T1694 42-50 NNS denotes pathways
T1695 51-53 VBZ denotes is
T1696 54-57 DT denotes the
T1697 58-71 NN denotes exclusiveness
T1698 72-74 IN denotes of
T1699 75-78 DT denotes the
T1700 79-89 JJ denotes individual
T1701 90-99 NN denotes phenotype
T1702 100-107 VBG denotes leading
T1703 108-110 TO denotes to
T1704 111-117 DT denotes either
T1705 118-121 CD denotes Th1
T1706 122-124 CC denotes or
T1707 125-128 CD denotes Th2
T1708 128-129 , denotes ,
T1709 130-133 CC denotes but
T1710 134-137 RB denotes not
T1711 138-140 TO denotes to
T1712 141-146 JJ denotes mixed
T1713 147-158 NNS denotes populations
T1714 158-159 . denotes .
R1445 T1705 T1703 pobj Th1,to
R1446 T1706 T1705 cc or,Th1
R1447 T1707 T1705 conj Th2,Th1
R1448 T1708 T1697 punct ",",exclusiveness
R1449 T1709 T1697 cc but,exclusiveness
R1450 T1710 T1712 neg not,mixed
R1451 T1711 T1712 aux to,mixed
R1452 T1712 T1697 conj mixed,exclusiveness
R1453 T1713 T1712 dobj populations,mixed
R1454 T1714 T1695 punct .,is
R1427 T1687 T1688 det A,hallmark
R1428 T1688 T1695 nsubj hallmark,is
R1429 T1689 T1688 prep of,hallmark
R1430 T1690 T1694 nummod Th1,pathways
R1431 T1691 T1690 cc and,Th1
R1432 T1692 T1690 conj Th2,Th1
R1433 T1693 T1694 compound differentiation,pathways
R1434 T1694 T1689 pobj pathways,of
R1435 T1695 T1695 ROOT is,is
R1436 T1696 T1697 det the,exclusiveness
R1437 T1697 T1695 attr exclusiveness,is
R1438 T1698 T1697 prep of,exclusiveness
R1439 T1699 T1701 det the,phenotype
R1440 T1700 T1701 amod individual,phenotype
R1441 T1701 T1698 pobj phenotype,of
R1442 T1702 T1701 acl leading,phenotype
R1443 T1703 T1702 prep to,leading
R1444 T1704 T1705 det either,Th1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T977 0-159 Sentence denotes A hallmark of Th1 and Th2 differentiation pathways is the exclusiveness of the individual phenotype leading to either Th1 or Th2, but not to mixed populations.
T24 0-159 Sentence denotes A hallmark of Th1 and Th2 differentiation pathways is the exclusiveness of the individual phenotype leading to either Th1 or Th2, but not to mixed populations.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2298 14-17 Protein denotes Th1
T2299 22-25 Protein denotes Th2