> top > docs > PMC:1942070 > spans > 591-832 > annotations

PMC:1942070 / 591-832 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T130 6-8 IN denotes in
T131 9-10 NN denotes B
T132 11-22 NN denotes lymphocytes
T133 24-28 NNP denotes Mol.
T134 29-33 NNP denotes Cell
T135 34-39 NNP denotes Biol.
T136 40-42 CD denotes 26
T137 42-43 -COMMA- denotes ,
T138 44-53 CD denotes 1569–1577
T139 53-54 -RRB- denotes ]
T140 56-58 PRP denotes We
T141 59-62 RB denotes now
T142 63-67 VB denotes show
T143 68-72 IN denotes that
T144 73-77 NN denotes PKDs
T145 78-81 VB denotes are
T146 82-86 RB denotes also
T147 87-95 VB denotes required
T148 96-98 TO denotes to
T149 99-107 VB denotes regulate
T150 108-113 NN denotes HSP27
T151 114-129 NN denotes phosphorylation
T152 130-132 IN denotes in
T153 133-137 NN denotes DT40
T154 138-145 NN denotes B-cells
T155 147-154 RB denotes However
T156 154-155 -COMMA- denotes ,
T157 156-158 IN denotes in
T158 159-167 NN denotes contrast
T159 168-170 TO denotes to
T160 171-179 JJ denotes previous
T161 180-192 NN denotes observations
T162 193-195 IN denotes in
T163 196-201 JJ denotes other
T164 202-206 NN denotes cell
T165 207-212 NN denotes types
T166 212-213 -COMMA- denotes ,
T167 214-217 NN denotes PKD
T168 218-225 NN denotes enzymes
T169 226-228 VB denotes do
T170 229-232 RB denotes not
T171 233-241 VB denotes regulate
R103 T132 T130 arg2Of lymphocytes,in
R104 T132 T131 arg1Of lymphocytes,B
R105 T135 T133 arg1Of Biol.,Mol.
R106 T135 T134 arg1Of Biol.,Cell
R107 T135 T136 arg1Of Biol.,26
R108 T135 T137 arg1Of Biol.,","
R109 T138 T137 arg2Of 1569–1577,","
R110 T138 T139 arg1Of 1569–1577,]
R111 T140 T142 arg1Of We,show
R112 T142 T141 arg1Of show,now
R113 T144 T145 arg1Of PKDs,are
R114 T144 T147 arg2Of PKDs,required
R115 T144 T149 arg1Of PKDs,regulate
R116 T147 T142 arg2Of required,show
R117 T147 T143 arg1Of required,that
R118 T147 T145 arg2Of required,are
R119 T147 T146 arg1Of required,also
R120 T149 T147 arg3Of regulate,required
R121 T149 T148 arg1Of regulate,to
R122 T149 T152 arg1Of regulate,in
R123 T151 T149 arg2Of phosphorylation,regulate
R124 T151 T150 arg1Of phosphorylation,HSP27
R125 T154 T152 arg2Of B-cells,in
R126 T154 T153 arg1Of B-cells,DT40
R127 T158 T157 arg2Of contrast,in
R128 T158 T159 arg1Of contrast,to
R129 T161 T159 arg2Of observations,to
R130 T161 T160 arg1Of observations,previous
R131 T161 T162 arg1Of observations,in
R132 T165 T162 arg2Of types,in
R133 T165 T163 arg1Of types,other
R134 T165 T164 arg1Of types,cell
R135 T168 T167 arg1Of enzymes,PKD
R136 T168 T169 arg1Of enzymes,do
R137 T168 T171 arg1Of enzymes,regulate
R138 T171 T155 arg1Of regulate,However
R139 T171 T156 arg1Of regulate,","
R140 T171 T157 arg1Of regulate,in
R141 T171 T166 arg1Of regulate,","
R142 T171 T169 arg2Of regulate,do
R143 T171 T170 arg1Of regulate,not


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T317 6-8 IN denotes in
T318 9-10 NNP denotes B
T319 11-22 NNS denotes lymphocytes
T320 22-23 . denotes .
T321 24-27 NNP denotes Mol
T322 27-28 . denotes .
T323 29-33 NNP denotes Cell
T324 34-38 NNP denotes Biol
T325 38-39 . denotes .
T326 40-42 CD denotes 26
T327 42-43 , denotes ,
T328 44-48 CD denotes 1569
T329 49-53 CD denotes 1577
T330 53-54 NNP denotes ]
T331 54-55 . denotes .
T332 56-58 PRP denotes We
T333 59-62 RB denotes now
T334 63-67 VBP denotes show
T335 68-72 IN denotes that
T336 73-77 NNS denotes PKDs
T337 78-81 VBP denotes are
T338 82-86 RB denotes also
T339 87-95 VBN denotes required
T340 96-98 TO denotes to
T341 99-107 VB denotes regulate
T342 108-113 NNP denotes HSP27
T343 114-129 NN denotes phosphorylation
T344 130-132 IN denotes in
T345 133-137 NNP denotes DT40
T346 138-145 NNPS denotes B-cells
T347 145-146 . denotes .
T348 147-154 RB denotes However
T349 154-155 , denotes ,
T350 156-158 IN denotes in
T351 159-167 NN denotes contrast
T352 168-170 TO denotes to
T353 171-179 JJ denotes previous
T354 180-192 NNS denotes observations
T355 193-195 IN denotes in
T356 196-201 JJ denotes other
T357 202-206 NN denotes cell
T358 207-212 NNS denotes types
T359 212-213 , denotes ,
T360 214-217 NNP denotes PKD
T361 218-225 VBZ denotes enzymes
T362 226-228 VB denotes do
T363 229-232 RB denotes not
T364 233-241 VB denotes regulate
R281 T318 T319 compound B,lymphocytes
R282 T319 T317 pobj lymphocytes,in
R284 T321 T321 ROOT Mol,Mol
R285 T322 T321 punct .,Mol
R286 T323 T324 compound Cell,Biol
R287 T324 T324 ROOT Biol,Biol
R288 T325 T326 punct .,26
R289 T326 T324 nummod 26,Biol
R290 T327 T324 punct ",",Biol
R291 T328 T324 appos 1569,Biol
R292 T329 T324 appos 1577,Biol
R293 T330 T330 ROOT ],]
R294 T331 T324 punct .,Biol
R295 T332 T334 nsubj We,show
R296 T333 T334 advmod now,show
R297 T334 T334 ROOT show,show
R298 T335 T339 mark that,required
R299 T336 T339 nsubjpass PKDs,required
R300 T337 T339 auxpass are,required
R301 T338 T339 advmod also,required
R302 T339 T334 ccomp required,show
R303 T340 T341 aux to,regulate
R304 T341 T339 xcomp regulate,required
R305 T342 T343 compound HSP27,phosphorylation
R306 T343 T341 dobj phosphorylation,regulate
R307 T344 T343 prep in,phosphorylation
R308 T345 T346 compound DT40,B-cells
R309 T346 T344 pobj B-cells,in
R310 T347 T334 punct .,show
R311 T348 T364 advmod However,regulate
R312 T349 T364 punct ",",regulate
R313 T350 T364 prep in,regulate
R314 T351 T350 pobj contrast,in
R315 T352 T351 prep to,contrast
R316 T353 T354 amod previous,observations
R317 T354 T352 pobj observations,to
R318 T355 T354 prep in,observations
R319 T356 T358 amod other,types
R320 T357 T358 compound cell,types
R321 T358 T355 pobj types,in
R322 T359 T364 punct ",",regulate
R323 T360 T364 nsubj PKD,regulate
R324 T361 T364 nsubj enzymes,regulate
R325 T362 T364 aux do,regulate
R326 T363 T364 neg not,regulate
R327 T364 T364 ROOT regulate,regulate


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T22 114-129 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016310 denotes phosphorylation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T401 140-145 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T402 202-206 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17 24-55 Sentence denotes Mol. Cell Biol. 26, 1569–1577].
T18 56-146 Sentence denotes We now show that PKDs are also required to regulate HSP27 phosphorylation in DT40 B-cells.
T5 24-28 Sentence denotes Mol.
T6 29-39 Sentence denotes Cell Biol.
T7 40-55 Sentence denotes 26, 1569–1577].
T8 56-146 Sentence denotes We now show that PKDs are also required to regulate HSP27 phosphorylation in DT40 B-cells.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T425 87-95 Positive_regulation denotes required
T426 99-107 Regulation denotes regulate
T427 108-113 Protein denotes HSP27
T428 114-129 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
R410 T426 T425 themeOf regulate,required
R411 T427 T428 themeOf HSP27,phosphorylation
R412 T428 T426 themeOf phosphorylation,regulate


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T440 73-77 Protein denotes PKDs
T441 108-113 Protein denotes HSP27
T442 114-129 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T443 99-107 Regulation denotes regulate
T444 87-95 Positive_regulation denotes required
T445 214-225 Protein denotes PKD enzymes
T448 233-241 Regulation denotes regulate
R364 T440 T443 causeOf PKDs,regulate
R365 T440 T444 causeOf PKDs,required
R366 T441 T442 themeOf HSP27,phosphorylation
R367 T442 T443 themeOf phosphorylation,regulate
R368 T443 T444 themeOf regulate,required
R369 T445 T448 causeOf PKD enzymes,regulate


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10 87-95 Positive_regulation denotes required
T11 99-107 Regulation denotes regulate
T12 108-113 Protein denotes HSP27
T13 114-129 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
R371 T11 T10 themeOf regulate,required
R372 T12 T13 themeOf HSP27,phosphorylation
R373 T13 T11 themeOf phosphorylation,regulate


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T204 108-113 P04792 denotes HSP27


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5 87-95 Positive_regulation denotes required
T6 99-107 Regulation denotes regulate
T7 108-113 Protein denotes HSP27
T8 114-129 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
R4 T6 T5 themeOf regulate,required
R5 T7 T8 themeOf HSP27,phosphorylation
R6 T8 T6 themeOf phosphorylation,regulate