> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 9109-9243 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 9109-9243 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2615 35-38 Protein denotes Vif


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3427 0-2 PRP denotes It
T3428 3-6 VBD denotes was
T3429 7-16 VBN denotes generated
T3430 17-19 IN denotes by
T3431 20-30 VBG denotes amplifying
T3432 31-34 DT denotes the
T3433 35-38 NNP denotes Vif
T3434 39-43 NN denotes gene
T3435 44-48 IN denotes from
T3436 49-55 JJ denotes pNL4-3
T3437 56-59 CC denotes and
T3438 60-68 VBG denotes ligating
T3439 69-71 PRP denotes it
T3440 72-76 IN denotes into
T3441 77-80 DT denotes the
T3442 81-87 NNP denotes pcDNA3
T3443 87-89 CD denotes .1
T3444 90-96 NN denotes vector
T3445 97-100 IN denotes via
T3446 101-106 NNP denotes BamHI
T3447 107-110 CC denotes and
T3448 111-115 NNP denotes XhoI
T3449 116-127 NN denotes restriction
T3450 128-133 NNS denotes sites
T3451 133-134 . denotes .
R2843 T3427 T3429 nsubjpass It,generated
R2844 T3428 T3429 auxpass was,generated
R2845 T3429 T3429 ROOT generated,generated
R2846 T3430 T3429 prep by,generated
R2847 T3431 T3430 pcomp amplifying,by
R2848 T3432 T3434 det the,gene
R2849 T3433 T3434 compound Vif,gene
R2850 T3434 T3431 dobj gene,amplifying
R2851 T3435 T3431 prep from,amplifying
R2852 T3436 T3435 pobj pNL4-3,from
R2853 T3437 T3436 cc and,pNL4-3
R2854 T3438 T3436 conj ligating,pNL4-3
R2855 T3439 T3438 dobj it,ligating
R2856 T3440 T3438 prep into,ligating
R2857 T3441 T3444 det the,vector
R2858 T3442 T3444 nmod pcDNA3,vector
R2859 T3443 T3442 nummod .1,pcDNA3
R2860 T3444 T3440 pobj vector,into
R2861 T3445 T3431 prep via,amplifying
R2862 T3446 T3450 nmod BamHI,sites
R2863 T3447 T3446 cc and,BamHI
R2864 T3448 T3446 conj XhoI,BamHI
R2865 T3449 T3450 compound restriction,sites
R2866 T3450 T3445 pobj sites,via
R2867 T3451 T3429 punct .,generated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T60 0-134 Sentence denotes It was generated by amplifying the Vif gene from pNL4-3 and ligating it into the pcDNA3.1 vector via BamHI and XhoI restriction sites.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3814 35-38 Protein denotes Vif


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3849 101-106 Protein denotes BamHI
T3850 111-133 Protein denotes XhoI restriction sites


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2632 35-38 Protein denotes Vif


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2680 35-38 P12504 denotes Vif