> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 38368-38503 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 38368-38503 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16081 0-10 JJ denotes Consistent
T16082 11-15 IN denotes with
T16083 16-20 DT denotes this
T16084 21-25 NN denotes data
T16085 25-26 , denotes ,
T16086 27-29 PRP denotes we
T16087 30-38 VBD denotes observed
T16088 39-41 DT denotes an
T16089 42-52 NN denotes interferon
T16090 53-62 NN denotes induction
T16091 63-65 IN denotes in
T16092 66-77 NNS denotes hepatocytes
T16093 78-81 IN denotes for
T16094 82-85 DT denotes the
T16095 86-95 NNS denotes fragments
T16096 96-103 VBG denotes ranging
T16097 104-111 IN denotes between
T16098 112-116 CD denotes 1025
T16099 117-120 CC denotes and
T16100 121-124 CD denotes 120
T16101 125-127 NN denotes bp
T16102 128-134 NN denotes length
T16103 134-135 . denotes .
R13103 T16081 T16087 advcl Consistent,observed
R13104 T16082 T16081 prep with,Consistent
R13105 T16083 T16084 det this,data
R13106 T16084 T16082 pobj data,with
R13107 T16085 T16087 punct ",",observed
R13108 T16086 T16087 nsubj we,observed
R13109 T16087 T16087 ROOT observed,observed
R13110 T16088 T16090 det an,induction
R13111 T16089 T16090 compound interferon,induction
R13112 T16090 T16087 dobj induction,observed
R13113 T16091 T16090 prep in,induction
R13114 T16092 T16091 pobj hepatocytes,in
R13115 T16093 T16090 prep for,induction
R13116 T16094 T16095 det the,fragments
R13117 T16095 T16093 pobj fragments,for
R13118 T16096 T16095 acl ranging,fragments
R13119 T16097 T16096 prep between,ranging
R13120 T16098 T16102 nummod 1025,length
R13121 T16099 T16098 cc and,1025
R13122 T16100 T16098 conj 120,1025
R13123 T16101 T16102 compound bp,length
R13124 T16102 T16097 pobj length,between
R13125 T16103 T16087 punct .,observed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13996 0-135 Sentence denotes Consistent with this data, we observed an interferon induction in hepatocytes for the fragments ranging between 1025 and 120 bp length.
T272 0-135 Sentence denotes Consistent with this data, we observed an interferon induction in hepatocytes for the fragments ranging between 1025 and 120 bp length.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14465 0-10 JJ denotes Consistent
T14466 11-15 IN denotes with
T14467 16-20 DT denotes this
T14468 21-25 NN denotes data
T14469 25-26 -COMMA- denotes ,
T14470 27-29 PRP denotes we
T14471 30-38 VB denotes observed
T14472 39-41 DT denotes an
T14473 42-52 NN denotes interferon
T14474 53-62 NN denotes induction
T14475 63-65 IN denotes in
T14476 66-77 NN denotes hepatocytes
T14477 78-81 IN denotes for
T14478 82-85 DT denotes the
T14479 86-95 NN denotes fragments
T14480 96-103 VB denotes ranging
T14481 104-111 IN denotes between
T14482 112-116 CD denotes 1025
T14483 117-120 CC denotes and
T14484 121-127 NN denotes 120 bp
T14485 128-134 NN denotes length
R11601 T14465 T14466 arg1Of Consistent,with
R11602 T14468 T14466 arg2Of data,with
R11603 T14468 T14467 arg1Of data,this
R11604 T14470 T14471 arg1Of we,observed
R11605 T14471 T14465 arg1Of observed,Consistent
R11606 T14471 T14469 arg1Of observed,","
R11607 T14474 T14471 arg2Of induction,observed
R11608 T14474 T14472 arg1Of induction,an
R11609 T14474 T14473 arg1Of induction,interferon
R11610 T14474 T14475 arg1Of induction,in
R11611 T14476 T14475 arg2Of hepatocytes,in
R11612 T14476 T14477 arg1Of hepatocytes,for
R11613 T14479 T14477 arg2Of fragments,for
R11614 T14479 T14478 arg1Of fragments,the
R11615 T14479 T14480 arg1Of fragments,ranging
R11616 T14480 T14481 arg1Of ranging,between
R11617 T14482 T14483 arg1Of 1025,and
R11618 T14483 T14481 arg2Of and,between
R11619 T14485 T14483 arg2Of length,and
R11620 T14485 T14484 arg1Of length,120 bp


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15506 42-52 Anaphor denotes interferon


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18221 42-52 Protein denotes interferon
T18222 53-62 Positive_regulation denotes induction
R14857 T18221 T18222 themeOf interferon,induction