> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 29571-29761 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 29571-29761 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20172 177-180 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20565 57-61 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019013 denotes core
T20566 84-89 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20197 18-33 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006351 denotes transcriptional


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20378 0-1 DT denotes A
T20379 2-8 JJ denotes GC-box
T20380 9-17 NNS denotes mediates
T20381 18-33 JJ denotes transcriptional
T20382 34-42 NN denotes activity
T20383 43-45 IN denotes of
T20384 46-49 DT denotes the
T20385 50-53 CD denotes 180
T20386 54-56 NN denotes bp
T20387 57-61 NN denotes core
T20388 62-70 NN denotes promoter
T20389 70-71 . denotes .
T20390 72-73 -LRB- denotes (
T20391 73-74 NNP denotes A
T20392 74-75 -RRB- denotes )
T20393 76-78 NNP denotes A3
T20394 78-81 CD denotes .01
T20395 82-83 NNP denotes T
T20396 84-89 NNS denotes cells
T20397 90-94 VBD denotes were
T20398 95-106 VBN denotes transfected
T20399 107-111 IN denotes with
T20400 112-120 NN denotes reporter
T20401 121-128 NN denotes plasmid
T20402 129-139 JJ denotes pGL3-Basic
T20403 140-150 VBG denotes containing
T20404 151-154 CD denotes 180
T20405 154-155 , denotes ,
T20406 156-159 CD denotes 150
T20407 160-162 CC denotes or
T20408 163-166 CD denotes 120
T20409 167-169 NN denotes bp
T20410 170-172 IN denotes of
T20411 173-176 DT denotes the
T20412 177-180 NNP denotes A3G
T20413 181-189 NN denotes promoter
T20414 189-190 . denotes .
R16347 T20378 T20382 det A,activity
R16348 T20379 T20382 amod GC-box,activity
R16349 T20380 T20382 nmod mediates,activity
R16350 T20381 T20382 compound transcriptional,activity
R16351 T20382 T20382 ROOT activity,activity
R16352 T20383 T20382 prep of,activity
R16353 T20384 T20388 det the,promoter
R16354 T20385 T20388 nummod 180,promoter
R16355 T20386 T20388 compound bp,promoter
R16356 T20387 T20388 compound core,promoter
R16357 T20388 T20383 pobj promoter,of
R16358 T20389 T20382 punct .,activity
R16359 T20390 T20398 punct (,transfected
R16360 T20391 T20396 det A,cells
R16361 T20392 T20393 punct ),A3
R16362 T20393 T20396 nmod A3,cells
R16363 T20394 T20396 nummod .01,cells
R16364 T20395 T20396 compound T,cells
R16365 T20396 T20398 nsubjpass cells,transfected
R16366 T20397 T20398 auxpass were,transfected
R16367 T20398 T20398 ROOT transfected,transfected
R16368 T20399 T20398 prep with,transfected
R16369 T20400 T20401 compound reporter,plasmid
R16370 T20401 T20402 compound plasmid,pGL3-Basic
R16371 T20402 T20403 nsubj pGL3-Basic,containing
R16372 T20403 T20399 pcomp containing,with
R16373 T20404 T20409 nummod 180,bp
R16374 T20405 T20404 punct ",",180
R16375 T20406 T20404 conj 150,180
R16376 T20407 T20406 cc or,150
R16377 T20408 T20406 conj 120,150
R16378 T20409 T20403 dobj bp,containing
R16379 T20410 T20409 prep of,bp
R16380 T20411 T20413 det the,promoter
R16381 T20412 T20413 compound A3G,promoter
R16382 T20413 T20410 pobj promoter,of
R16383 T20414 T20398 punct .,transfected


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20190 0-190 Sentence denotes A GC-box mediates transcriptional activity of the 180 bp core promoter. (A) A3.01 T cells were transfected with reporter plasmid pGL3-Basic containing 180, 150 or 120 bp of the A3G promoter.
T208 0-190 Sentence denotes A GC-box mediates transcriptional activity of the 180 bp core promoter. (A) A3.01 T cells were transfected with reporter plasmid pGL3-Basic containing 180, 150 or 120 bp of the A3G promoter.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20231 0-1 DT denotes A
T20232 2-8 NN denotes GC-box
T20233 9-17 VB denotes mediates
T20234 18-33 JJ denotes transcriptional
T20235 34-42 NN denotes activity
T20236 43-45 IN denotes of
T20237 46-49 DT denotes the
T20238 50-56 NN denotes 180 bp
T20239 57-61 NN denotes core
T20240 62-71 NN denotes promoter.
T20241 72-73 -LRB- denotes (
T20242 73-74 NN denotes A
T20243 74-75 -RRB- denotes )
T20244 76-83 NN denotes A3.01 T
T20245 84-89 NN denotes cells
T20246 90-94 VB denotes were
T20247 95-106 VB denotes transfected
T20248 107-111 IN denotes with
T20249 112-120 NN denotes reporter
T20250 121-128 NN denotes plasmid
T20251 129-139 JJ denotes pGL3-Basic
T20252 140-150 VB denotes containing
T20253 151-154 CD denotes 180
T20254 154-155 -COMMA- denotes ,
T20255 156-159 CD denotes 150
T20256 160-162 CC denotes or
T20257 163-169 NN denotes 120 bp
T20258 170-172 IN denotes of
T20259 173-176 DT denotes the
T20260 177-180 NN denotes A3G
T20261 181-189 NN denotes promoter
R16213 T20232 T20231 arg1Of GC-box,A
R16214 T20232 T20233 arg1Of GC-box,mediates
R16215 T20235 T20233 arg2Of activity,mediates
R16216 T20235 T20234 arg1Of activity,transcriptional
R16217 T20235 T20236 arg1Of activity,of
R16218 T20240 T20236 arg2Of promoter.,of
R16219 T20240 T20237 arg1Of promoter.,the
R16220 T20240 T20238 arg1Of promoter.,180 bp
R16221 T20240 T20239 arg1Of promoter.,core
R16222 T20240 T20241 arg1Of promoter.,(
R16223 T20240 T20246 modOf promoter.,were
R16224 T20242 T20241 arg2Of A,(
R16225 T20243 T20241 arg3Of ),(
R16226 T20245 T20244 arg1Of cells,A3.01 T
R16227 T20245 T20246 arg1Of cells,were
R16228 T20245 T20247 arg2Of cells,transfected
R16229 T20247 T20246 arg2Of transfected,were
R16230 T20247 T20248 arg1Of transfected,with
R16231 T20250 T20248 arg2Of plasmid,with
R16232 T20250 T20249 arg1Of plasmid,reporter
R16233 T20250 T20251 arg1Of plasmid,pGL3-Basic
R16234 T20250 T20252 arg1Of plasmid,containing
R16235 T20253 T20254 arg1Of 180,","
R16236 T20254 T20256 arg1Of ",",or
R16237 T20255 T20254 arg2Of 150,","
R16238 T20256 T20252 arg2Of or,containing
R16239 T20257 T20256 arg2Of 120 bp,or
R16240 T20257 T20258 arg1Of 120 bp,of
R16241 T20261 T20258 arg2Of promoter,of
R16242 T20261 T20259 arg1Of promoter,the
R16243 T20261 T20260 arg1Of promoter,A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20613 177-180 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20623 177-189 Protein denotes A3G promoter


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20180 177-180 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20365 177-180 Q9HC16 denotes A3G