> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 12854-13043 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 12854-13043 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4142 83-88 Protein denotes IFN-α
T4143 101-106 Protein denotes IFN-γ
T4144 172-182 Protein denotes luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4875 19-24 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4818 0-3 IN denotes For
T4819 4-15 NN denotes stimulation
T4820 16-18 IN denotes of
T4821 19-24 NNS denotes cells
T4822 24-25 , denotes ,
T4823 26-31 JJ denotes final
T4824 32-46 NNS denotes concentrations
T4825 47-49 IN denotes of
T4826 50-52 CD denotes 20
T4827 53-58 NN denotes ng/ml
T4828 59-62 NNP denotes TPA
T4829 63-64 -LRB- denotes (
T4830 64-69 NNP denotes Sigma
T4831 69-70 -RRB- denotes )
T4832 71-73 CC denotes or
T4833 74-76 CD denotes 30
T4834 77-82 JJ denotes ng/ml
T4835 83-88 NN denotes IFN-α
T4836 89-91 CC denotes or
T4837 92-94 CD denotes 30
T4838 95-100 JJ denotes ng/ml
T4839 101-106 NNP denotes IFN-γ
T4840 107-108 -LRB- denotes (
T4841 108-116 NNP denotes Tebu-Bio
T4842 116-117 -RRB- denotes )
T4843 118-122 VBD denotes were
T4844 123-130 VBN denotes applied
T4845 131-144 RB denotes approximately
T4846 145-147 CD denotes 15
T4847 148-149 NN denotes h
T4848 150-156 IN denotes before
T4849 157-167 VBG denotes harvesting
T4850 168-171 IN denotes for
T4851 172-182 NN denotes luciferase
T4852 183-188 NN denotes assay
T4853 188-189 . denotes .
R4017 T4818 T4844 prep For,applied
R4018 T4819 T4818 pobj stimulation,For
R4019 T4820 T4819 prep of,stimulation
R4020 T4821 T4820 pobj cells,of
R4021 T4822 T4844 punct ",",applied
R4022 T4823 T4824 amod final,concentrations
R4023 T4824 T4844 nsubjpass concentrations,applied
R4024 T4825 T4824 prep of,concentrations
R4025 T4826 T4827 nummod 20,ng/ml
R4026 T4827 T4828 compound ng/ml,TPA
R4027 T4828 T4825 pobj TPA,of
R4028 T4829 T4828 punct (,TPA
R4029 T4830 T4828 appos Sigma,TPA
R4030 T4831 T4828 punct ),TPA
R4031 T4832 T4824 cc or,concentrations
R4032 T4833 T4835 nummod 30,IFN-α
R4033 T4834 T4835 amod ng/ml,IFN-α
R4034 T4835 T4824 conj IFN-α,concentrations
R4035 T4836 T4835 cc or,IFN-α
R4036 T4837 T4839 nummod 30,IFN-γ
R4037 T4838 T4839 compound ng/ml,IFN-γ
R4038 T4839 T4835 conj IFN-γ,IFN-α
R4039 T4840 T4839 punct (,IFN-γ
R4040 T4841 T4839 appos Tebu-Bio,IFN-γ
R4041 T4842 T4839 punct ),IFN-γ
R4042 T4843 T4844 auxpass were,applied
R4043 T4844 T4844 ROOT applied,applied
R4044 T4845 T4846 advmod approximately,15
R4045 T4846 T4847 nummod 15,h
R4046 T4847 T4844 dobj h,applied
R4047 T4848 T4844 prep before,applied
R4048 T4849 T4848 pcomp harvesting,before
R4049 T4850 T4849 prep for,harvesting
R4050 T4851 T4852 compound luciferase,assay
R4051 T4852 T4850 pobj assay,for
R4052 T4853 T4844 punct .,applied


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4166 0-189 Sentence denotes For stimulation of cells, final concentrations of 20 ng/ml TPA (Sigma) or 30 ng/ml IFN-α or 30 ng/ml IFN-γ (Tebu-Bio) were applied approximately 15 h before harvesting for luciferase assay.
T84 0-189 Sentence denotes For stimulation of cells, final concentrations of 20 ng/ml TPA (Sigma) or 30 ng/ml IFN-α or 30 ng/ml IFN-γ (Tebu-Bio) were applied approximately 15 h before harvesting for luciferase assay.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4455 0-3 IN denotes For
T4456 4-15 NN denotes stimulation
T4457 16-18 IN denotes of
T4458 19-24 NN denotes cells
T4459 24-25 -COMMA- denotes ,
T4460 26-31 JJ denotes final
T4461 32-46 NN denotes concentrations
T4462 47-49 IN denotes of
T4463 50-58 NN denotes 20 ng/ml
T4464 59-62 NN denotes TPA
T4465 63-64 -LRB- denotes (
T4466 64-69 NN denotes Sigma
T4467 69-70 -RRB- denotes )
T4468 71-73 CC denotes or
T4469 74-82 JJ denotes 30 ng/ml
T4470 83-88 NN denotes IFN-α
T4471 89-91 CC denotes or
T4472 92-100 CD denotes 30 ng/ml
T4473 101-106 NN denotes IFN-γ
T4474 107-108 -LRB- denotes (
T4475 108-116 NN denotes Tebu-Bio
T4476 116-117 -RRB- denotes )
T4477 118-122 VB denotes were
T4478 123-130 VB denotes applied
T4479 131-144 RB denotes approximately
T4480 145-149 RB denotes 15 h
T4481 150-156 IN denotes before
T4482 157-167 VB denotes harvesting
T4483 168-171 IN denotes for
T4484 172-182 NN denotes luciferase
T4485 183-188 NN denotes assay
R3675 T4456 T4455 arg2Of stimulation,For
R3676 T4456 T4457 arg1Of stimulation,of
R3677 T4458 T4457 arg2Of cells,of
R3678 T4461 T4460 arg1Of concentrations,final
R3679 T4461 T4462 arg1Of concentrations,of
R3680 T4461 T4477 arg1Of concentrations,were
R3681 T4461 T4478 arg2Of concentrations,applied
R3682 T4461 T4482 arg1Of concentrations,harvesting
R3683 T4464 T4463 arg1Of TPA,20 ng/ml
R3684 T4464 T4465 arg1Of TPA,(
R3685 T4464 T4468 arg1Of TPA,or
R3686 T4466 T4465 arg2Of Sigma,(
R3687 T4467 T4465 arg3Of ),(
R3688 T4468 T4462 arg2Of or,of
R3689 T4470 T4469 arg1Of IFN-α,30 ng/ml
R3690 T4470 T4471 arg1Of IFN-α,or
R3691 T4471 T4468 arg2Of or,or
R3692 T4473 T4471 arg2Of IFN-γ,or
R3693 T4473 T4472 arg1Of IFN-γ,30 ng/ml
R3694 T4473 T4474 arg1Of IFN-γ,(
R3695 T4475 T4474 arg2Of Tebu-Bio,(
R3696 T4476 T4474 arg3Of ),(
R3697 T4478 T4455 arg1Of applied,For
R3698 T4478 T4459 arg1Of applied,","
R3699 T4478 T4477 arg2Of applied,were
R3700 T4478 T4480 arg1Of applied,15 h
R3701 T4478 T4481 arg1Of applied,before
R3702 T4480 T4479 arg1Of 15 h,approximately
R3703 T4482 T4481 arg2Of harvesting,before
R3704 T4482 T4483 arg1Of harvesting,for
R3705 T4485 T4483 arg2Of assay,for
R3706 T4485 T4484 arg1Of assay,luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4932 83-88 Protein denotes IFN-α
T4933 101-106 Protein denotes IFN-γ
T4934 172-182 Protein denotes luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4943 83-88 Protein denotes IFN-α
T4944 172-182 Protein denotes luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4153 83-88 Protein denotes IFN-α
T4154 101-106 Protein denotes IFN-γ
T4155 172-182 Protein denotes luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4494 83-88 P01562 denotes IFN-α
T4495 101-106 P01579 denotes IFN-γ
T4496 172-182 P08659 denotes luciferase