> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 0-257 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 0-257 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T22 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T23 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
T24 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T25 27-40 Transcription denotes transcription
T26 54-62 Protein denotes APOBEC3G
T27 79-87 Protein denotes APOBEC3G true
T28 89-92 Protein denotes A3G
T29 171-180 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T11310 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T11311 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
R16 T22 T24 causeOf Sp1,regulate
R17 T23 T24 causeOf Sp3,regulate
R18 T25 T24 themeOf transcription,regulate
R19 T26 T25 themeOf APOBEC3G,transcription
R20 T27 T29 themeOf APOBEC3G,expressed
R21 T28 T27 equivalentTo A3G,APOBEC3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T73 27-40 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006351 denotes transcription
T11409 27-40 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006351 denotes transcription


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T42 195-200 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000178 denotes blood


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T318 0-3 CD denotes Sp1
T319 4-7 CC denotes and
T320 8-11 JJ denotes Sp3
T321 12-20 VB denotes regulate
T322 21-26 JJ denotes basal
T323 27-40 NN denotes transcription
T324 41-43 IN denotes of
T325 44-47 DT denotes the
T326 48-53 JJ denotes human
T327 54-62 NNP denotes APOBEC3G
T328 63-67 NN denotes gene
T329 79-87 NNP denotes APOBEC3G
T330 88-89 -LRB- denotes (
T331 89-92 NNP denotes A3G
T332 92-93 -RRB- denotes )
T333 93-94 , denotes ,
T334 95-96 DT denotes a
T335 97-103 NN denotes member
T336 104-106 IN denotes of
T337 107-110 DT denotes the
T338 111-119 RB denotes recently
T339 120-130 VBN denotes discovered
T340 131-137 NN denotes family
T341 138-140 IN denotes of
T342 141-146 JJ denotes human
T343 147-155 NN denotes cytidine
T344 156-166 NNS denotes deaminases
T345 166-167 , denotes ,
T346 168-170 VBZ denotes is
T347 171-180 VBN denotes expressed
T348 181-183 IN denotes in
T349 184-194 JJ denotes peripheral
T350 195-200 NN denotes blood
T351 201-212 NNS denotes lymphocytes
T352 213-216 CC denotes and
T353 217-220 VBZ denotes has
T354 221-225 VBN denotes been
T355 226-231 VBN denotes shown
T356 232-234 TO denotes to
T357 235-237 VB denotes be
T358 238-244 JJ denotes active
T359 245-252 IN denotes against
T11941 0-3 CD denotes Sp1
T11942 4-7 CC denotes and
T11943 8-11 JJ denotes Sp3
T11944 27-40 NN denotes transcription
R266 T318 T347 nsubjpass Sp1,expressed
R267 T319 T318 cc and,Sp1
R268 T320 T321 nsubj Sp3,regulate
R269 T321 T318 conj regulate,Sp1
R270 T322 T323 amod basal,transcription
R271 T323 T321 dobj transcription,regulate
R272 T324 T323 prep of,transcription
R273 T325 T328 det the,gene
R274 T326 T328 amod human,gene
R275 T327 T328 compound APOBEC3G,gene
R276 T328 T324 pobj gene,of
R277 T329 T328 appos APOBEC3G,gene
R278 T330 T331 punct (,A3G
R279 T331 T329 appos A3G,APOBEC3G
R280 T332 T329 punct ),APOBEC3G
R281 T333 T328 punct ",",gene
R282 T334 T335 det a,member
R283 T335 T328 appos member,gene
R284 T336 T335 prep of,member
R285 T337 T340 det the,family
R286 T338 T339 advmod recently,discovered
R287 T339 T340 amod discovered,family
R288 T340 T336 pobj family,of
R289 T341 T340 prep of,family
R290 T342 T344 amod human,deaminases
R291 T343 T344 compound cytidine,deaminases
R292 T344 T341 pobj deaminases,of
R293 T345 T347 punct ",",expressed
R294 T346 T347 auxpass is,expressed
R295 T347 T347 ROOT expressed,expressed
R296 T348 T347 prep in,expressed
R297 T349 T351 amod peripheral,lymphocytes
R298 T350 T351 compound blood,lymphocytes
R299 T351 T348 pobj lymphocytes,in
R300 T352 T347 cc and,expressed
R301 T353 T355 aux has,shown
R302 T354 T355 auxpass been,shown
R303 T355 T347 conj shown,expressed
R304 T356 T357 aux to,be
R305 T357 T355 xcomp be,shown
R306 T358 T357 acomp active,be
R307 T359 T358 prep against,active
R9721 T11942 T11941 cc and,Sp1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T64 0-67 Sentence denotes Sp1 and Sp3 regulate basal transcription of the human APOBEC3G gene
T1 0-67 Sentence denotes Sp1 and Sp3 regulate basal transcription of the human APOBEC3G gene
T2 70-78 Sentence denotes Abstract


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T76 0-3 NN denotes Sp1
T77 4-7 CC denotes and
T78 8-11 NN denotes Sp3
T79 12-20 VB denotes regulate
T80 21-26 JJ denotes basal
T81 27-40 NN denotes transcription
T82 41-43 IN denotes of
T83 44-47 DT denotes the
T84 48-53 JJ denotes human
T85 54-62 NN denotes APOBEC3G
T86 63-67 NN denotes gene
T87 79-87 NN denotes APOBEC3G
T88 88-89 -LRB- denotes (
T89 89-92 NN denotes A3G
T90 92-93 -RRB- denotes )
T91 93-94 -COMMA- denotes ,
T92 95-96 DT denotes a
T93 97-103 NN denotes member
T94 104-106 IN denotes of
T95 107-110 DT denotes the
T96 111-119 RB denotes recently
T97 120-130 VB denotes discovered
T98 131-137 NN denotes family
T99 138-140 IN denotes of
T100 141-146 JJ denotes human
T101 147-155 NN denotes cytidine
T102 156-166 NN denotes deaminases
T103 166-167 -COMMA- denotes ,
T104 168-170 VB denotes is
T105 171-180 VB denotes expressed
T106 181-183 IN denotes in
T107 184-194 JJ denotes peripheral
T108 195-200 NN denotes blood
T109 201-212 NN denotes lymphocytes
T110 213-216 CC denotes and
T111 217-220 VB denotes has
T112 221-225 VB denotes been
T113 226-231 VB denotes shown
T114 232-234 TO denotes to
T115 235-237 VB denotes be
T116 238-244 JJ denotes active
T117 245-252 IN denotes against
T11426 0-3 NN denotes Sp1
T11427 4-7 CC denotes and
T11428 8-11 NN denotes Sp3
T11429 27-40 NN denotes transcription
R42 T76 T77 arg1Of Sp1,and
R43 T77 T79 arg1Of and,regulate
R44 T78 T77 arg2Of Sp3,and
R45 T81 T79 arg2Of transcription,regulate
R46 T81 T80 arg1Of transcription,basal
R47 T81 T82 arg1Of transcription,of
R48 T86 T82 arg2Of gene,of
R49 T86 T83 arg1Of gene,the
R50 T86 T84 arg1Of gene,human
R51 T86 T85 arg1Of gene,APOBEC3G
R52 T87 T88 arg1Of APOBEC3G,(
R53 T87 T91 arg1Of APOBEC3G,","
R54 T87 T104 arg1Of APOBEC3G,is
R55 T87 T105 arg2Of APOBEC3G,expressed
R56 T87 T111 arg1Of APOBEC3G,has
R57 T87 T112 arg1Of APOBEC3G,been
R58 T87 T113 arg2Of APOBEC3G,shown
R59 T87 T115 arg1Of APOBEC3G,be
R60 T87 T116 arg1Of APOBEC3G,active
R61 T89 T88 arg2Of A3G,(
R62 T90 T88 arg3Of ),(
R63 T93 T91 arg2Of member,","
R64 T93 T92 arg1Of member,a
R65 T93 T94 arg1Of member,of
R66 T97 T96 arg1Of discovered,recently
R67 T98 T94 arg2Of family,of
R68 T98 T95 arg1Of family,the
R69 T98 T97 arg1Of family,discovered
R70 T98 T99 arg1Of family,of
R71 T102 T99 arg2Of deaminases,of
R72 T102 T100 arg1Of deaminases,human
R73 T102 T101 arg1Of deaminases,cytidine
R74 T105 T104 arg2Of expressed,is
R75 T105 T106 arg1Of expressed,in
R76 T105 T110 arg1Of expressed,and
R77 T109 T106 arg2Of lymphocytes,in
R78 T109 T107 arg1Of lymphocytes,peripheral
R79 T109 T108 arg1Of lymphocytes,blood
R80 T110 T103 arg1Of and,","
R81 T113 T110 arg2Of shown,and
R82 T113 T111 arg2Of shown,has
R83 T113 T112 arg2Of shown,been
R84 T115 T113 arg3Of be,shown
R85 T115 T114 arg1Of be,to
R86 T116 T115 arg2Of active,be
R87 T116 T117 arg1Of active,against
R9254 T11426 T11427 arg1Of Sp1,and
R9255 T11428 T11427 arg2Of Sp3,and


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T294 79-87 Antecedent denotes APOBEC3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T657 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T658 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
T659 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T660 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T661 27-40 Transcription denotes transcription
T662 54-62 Protein denotes APOBEC3G
T663 79-87 Protein denotes APOBEC3G
T664 89-92 Protein denotes A3G
T665 171-180 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T12702 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T12703 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
R545 T657 T660 causeOf Sp1,regulate
R546 T658 T659 causeOf Sp3,regulate
R547 T661 T660 themeOf transcription,regulate
R548 T661 T659 themeOf transcription,regulate
R549 T662 T661 themeOf APOBEC3G,transcription
R551 T663 T665 themeOf APOBEC3G,expressed
R552 T664 T663 equivalentTo A3G,APOBEC3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T678 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T679 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
T680 48-67 Protein denotes human APOBEC3G gene
T681 27-40 Transcription denotes transcription
T682 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T683 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T684 79-87 Protein denotes APOBEC3G
T685 89-92 Protein denotes A3G
T686 131-166 Protein denotes family of human cytidine deaminases
T687 171-180 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T688 171-180 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T12745 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T12746 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
R560 T678 T682 causeOf Sp1,regulate
R561 T679 T683 causeOf Sp3,regulate
R562 T680 T681 themeOf human APOBEC3G gene,transcription
R563 T681 T682 themeOf transcription,regulate
R564 T681 T683 themeOf transcription,regulate
R565 T684 T687 themeOf APOBEC3G,expressed
R566 T685 T688 themeOf A3G,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T43 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T44 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
T45 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T46 12-20 Regulation denotes regulate
T47 27-40 Transcription denotes transcription
T48 54-62 Protein denotes APOBEC3G
T49 79-87 Protein denotes APOBEC3G
T50 89-92 Protein denotes A3G
T51 171-180 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T11349 0-3 Protein denotes Sp1
T11350 8-11 Protein denotes Sp3
R27 T43 T46 causeOf Sp1,regulate
R28 T44 T45 causeOf Sp3,regulate
R29 T47 T46 themeOf transcription,regulate
R30 T47 T45 themeOf transcription,regulate
R31 T48 T47 themeOf APOBEC3G,transcription
R33 T49 T51 themeOf APOBEC3G,expressed
R34 T50 T49 equivalentTo A3G,APOBEC3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11889 0-3 P08047 denotes Sp1
T11890 8-11 Q02447 denotes Sp3
T295 0-3 P08047 denotes Sp1
T296 8-11 Q02447 denotes Sp3
T297 54-62 Q9HC16 denotes APOBEC3G
T298 79-87 Q9HC16 denotes APOBEC3G
T299 89-92 Q9HC16 denotes A3G