> top > docs > PMC:1860061 > spans > 4289-4580 > annotations

PMC:1860061 / 4289-4580 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3007 1-9 NNS denotes patterns
T3009 10-12 IN denotes in
T3010 13-20 JJ denotes certain
T3011 21-28 NNS denotes tissues
T3012 29-32 CC denotes and
T3013 33-45 JJ denotes pathological
T3014 46-52 NNS denotes stages
T3015 53-55 IN denotes of
T3016 56-59 DT denotes the
T3017 60-67 NN denotes disease
T3018 67-68 . denotes .
T3019 68-185 sentence denotes Genes involved in immunoinflammatory responses were differentially expressed in the blood cells in RA patients [18].
T3020 69-74 NNS denotes Genes
T3021 136-145 VBN denotes expressed
T3022 75-83 VBN denotes involved
T3023 84-86 IN denotes in
T3024 87-105 JJ denotes immunoinflammatory
T3025 106-115 NNS denotes responses
T3026 116-120 VBD denotes were
T3027 121-135 RB denotes differentially
T3028 146-148 IN denotes in
T3029 149-152 DT denotes the
T3030 159-164 NNS denotes cells
T3031 153-158 NN denotes blood
T3032 165-167 IN denotes in
T3033 168-170 NN denotes RA
T3034 171-179 NNS denotes patients
T3035 180-181 -LRB- denotes [
T3036 181-183 CD denotes 18
T3037 183-184 -RRB- denotes ]
T3038 184-185 . denotes .
T3040 186-196 NNS denotes Chemokines
T3041 225-236 VBN denotes upregulated
T3042 197-200 CC denotes and
T3043 201-209 NN denotes adhesion
T3044 210-219 NNS denotes molecules
T3045 220-224 VBD denotes were
T3046 237-239 IN denotes in
T3047 240-243 DT denotes the
T3048 244-249 NN denotes joint
T3049 250-252 IN denotes at
T3050 253-256 DT denotes the
T3051 268-273 NN denotes phase
T3052 257-267 NN denotes initiation
T3053 274-276 IN denotes of
T3054 277-286 NN denotes arthritis
T3055 287-289 IN denotes in
R689 T3009 T3007 prep in,patterns
R690 T3010 T3011 amod certain,tissues
R692 T3011 T3009 pobj tissues,in
R693 T3012 T3011 cc and,tissues
R694 T3013 T3014 amod pathological,stages
R696 T3014 T3011 conj stages,tissues
R697 T3015 T3014 prep of,stages
R698 T3016 T3017 det the,disease
R700 T3017 T3015 pobj disease,of
R703 T3020 T3021 nsubjpass Genes,expressed
R705 T3022 T3020 acl involved,Genes
R706 T3023 T3022 prep in,involved
R707 T3024 T3025 amod immunoinflammatory,responses
R708 T3025 T3023 pobj responses,in
R710 T3026 T3021 auxpass were,expressed
R711 T3027 T3021 advmod differentially,expressed
R712 T3028 T3021 prep in,expressed
R714 T3029 T3030 det the,cells
R715 T3030 T3028 pobj cells,in
R716 T3031 T3030 compound blood,cells
R717 T3032 T3021 prep in,expressed
R719 T3033 T3034 compound RA,patients
R720 T3034 T3032 pobj patients,in
R721 T3035 T3036 punct [,18
R723 T3036 T3021 parataxis 18,expressed
R724 T3037 T3036 punct ],18
R725 T3038 T3021 punct .,expressed
R729 T3040 T3041 nsubjpass Chemokines,upregulated
R731 T3042 T3040 cc and,Chemokines
R732 T3043 T3044 compound adhesion,molecules
R733 T3044 T3040 conj molecules,Chemokines
R734 T3045 T3041 auxpass were,upregulated
R735 T3046 T3041 prep in,upregulated
R736 T3047 T3048 det the,joint
R737 T3048 T3046 pobj joint,in
R739 T3049 T3041 prep at,upregulated
R740 T3050 T3051 det the,phase
R741 T3051 T3049 pobj phase,at
R743 T3052 T3051 compound initiation,phase
R745 T3053 T3051 prep of,phase
R746 T3054 T3053 pobj arthritis,of
R747 T3055 T3041 prep in,upregulated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2381 21-28 UBERON:0000479 denotes tissues
T2382 69-74 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes Genes
T2383 87-115 GO:0002437 denotes immunoinflammatory responses
T2384 136-145 GO:0010467 denotes expressed
T2385 153-158 UBERON:0000178 denotes blood
T2386 153-164 CL:0000081 denotes blood cells
T2387 159-164 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T2388 186-196 GO_EXT:0008009 denotes Chemokines
T2389 201-209 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_adhesion_entity_or_process denotes adhesion
T2390 210-219 CHEBI:36357 denotes molecules
T2391 225-236 GO_EXT:positive_regulation denotes upregulated
T2392 244-249 UBERON:0004905 denotes joint


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
17244351-15158620-4361119 181-183 15158620 denotes 18


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2288 21-28 UBERON:0000479 denotes tissues
T2289 69-74 SO:0000704 denotes Genes
T2290 87-115 GO:0002437 denotes immunoinflammatory responses
T2291 136-145 GO:0010467 denotes expressed
T2292 153-158 UBERON:0000178 denotes blood
T2293 153-164 CL:0000081 denotes blood cells
T2294 210-219 CHEBI:36357 denotes molecules
T2295 244-249 UBERON:0004905 denotes joint