> top > docs > PMC:1860061 > spans > 13340-13472 > annotations

PMC:1860061 / 13340-13472 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8339 0-132 sentence denotes Being aware of the importance of data reproducibility, we determined the coefficient of variation (CV) to measure data variability.
T8340 1-6 VBG denotes Being
T8341 59-69 VBD denotes determined
T8342 7-12 JJ denotes aware
T8343 13-15 IN denotes of
T8344 16-19 DT denotes the
T8345 20-30 NN denotes importance
T8346 31-33 IN denotes of
T8347 34-38 NNS denotes data
T8348 39-54 NN denotes reproducibility
T8349 54-56 , denotes ,
T8350 56-58 PRP denotes we
T8351 70-73 DT denotes the
T8352 74-85 NN denotes coefficient
T8353 86-88 IN denotes of
T8354 89-98 NN denotes variation
T8355 99-100 -LRB- denotes (
T8356 100-102 NN denotes CV
T8357 102-103 -RRB- denotes )
T8358 104-106 TO denotes to
T8359 107-114 VB denotes measure
T8360 115-119 NNS denotes data
T8361 120-131 NN denotes variability
T8362 131-132 . denotes .
R2463 T8340 T8341 advcl Being,determined
R2464 T8342 T8340 acomp aware,Being
R2465 T8343 T8342 prep of,aware
R2466 T8344 T8345 det the,importance
R2467 T8345 T8343 pobj importance,of
R2468 T8346 T8345 prep of,importance
R2469 T8347 T8348 compound data,reproducibility
R2470 T8348 T8346 pobj reproducibility,of
R2471 T8349 T8341 punct ", ",determined
R2472 T8350 T8341 nsubj we,determined
R2473 T8351 T8352 det the,coefficient
R2474 T8352 T8341 dobj coefficient,determined
R2475 T8353 T8352 prep of,coefficient
R2476 T8354 T8353 pobj variation,of
R2477 T8355 T8352 punct (,coefficient
R2478 T8356 T8352 appos CV,coefficient
R2479 T8357 T8341 punct ),determined
R2480 T8358 T8359 aux to,measure
R2481 T8359 T8341 advcl measure,determined
R2482 T8360 T8361 compound data,variability
R2483 T8361 T8359 dobj variability,measure
R2484 T8362 T8341 punct .,determined