> top > docs > PMC:1860061 > spans > 0-176 > annotations

PMC:1860061 / 0-176 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T457 0-154 sentence denotes Combining global genome and transcriptome approaches to identify the candidate genes of small-effect quantitative trait loci in collagen-induced arthritis
T458 10-16 JJ denotes global
T459 42-52 NNS denotes approaches
T460 17-23 NN denotes genome
T461 24-27 CC denotes and
T462 28-41 NN denotes transcriptome
T463 53-55 TO denotes to
T464 56-64 VB denotes identify
T465 65-68 DT denotes the
T466 79-84 NNS denotes genes
T467 69-78 NN denotes candidate
T468 85-87 IN denotes of
T469 88-93 JJ denotes small
T470 94-100 NN denotes effect
T471 93-94 HYPH denotes -
T472 120-124 NNS denotes loci
T473 101-113 JJ denotes quantitative
T474 114-119 NN denotes trait
T475 125-127 IN denotes in
T476 128-136 NN denotes collagen
T477 137-144 VBN denotes induced
T478 136-137 HYPH denotes -
T479 145-154 NN denotes arthritis
T480 154-155 sentence denotes
T456 0-9 VBG denotes Combining
R2 T459 T456 dobj approaches,Combining
R3 T460 T459 nmod genome,approaches
R4 T461 T460 cc and,genome
R5 T462 T460 conj transcriptome,genome
R9 T466 T464 dobj genes,identify
R10 T467 T466 compound candidate,genes
R13 T470 T472 nmod effect,loci
R14 T471 T470 punct -,effect
R15 T472 T468 pobj loci,of
R16 T473 T474 amod quantitative,trait
R17 T474 T472 compound trait,loci
R20 T477 T479 amod induced,arthritis
R21 T478 T477 punct -,induced
R1 T458 T459 amod global,approaches
R6 T463 T464 aux to,identify
R7 T464 T456 advcl identify,Combining
R8 T465 T466 det the,genes
R11 T468 T466 prep of,genes
R12 T469 T470 amod small,effect
R18 T475 T464 prep in,identify
R19 T476 T477 npadvmod collagen,induced
R22 T479 T475 pobj arthritis,in


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T430 17-23 SO_EXT:0001026 denotes genome
T431 79-84 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T432 101-124 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes quantitative trait loci
T433 128-136 CHEBI_PR_EXT:collagen denotes collagen


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T406 17-23 SO:0001026 denotes genome
T407 79-84 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T408 101-124 SO:0000771 denotes quantitative trait loci