> top > docs > PMC:1858683 > spans > 6954-7075 > annotations

PMC:1858683 / 6954-7075 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4247 0-121 sentence denotes Double-homozygous mutant Pygo1 and Pygo2 mice had a phenotype similar to that of single Pygo2 nulls (Figure 1, Table 1).
T4248 1-7 JJ denotes Double
T4249 8-18 JJ denotes homozygous
T4250 7-8 HYPH denotes -
T4251 42-46 NNS denotes mice
T4252 19-25 NN denotes mutant
T4253 26-31 NN denotes Pygo1
T4254 32-35 CC denotes and
T4255 36-41 NN denotes Pygo2
T4256 47-50 VBD denotes had
T4257 51-52 DT denotes a
T4258 53-62 NN denotes phenotype
T4259 63-70 JJ denotes similar
T4260 71-73 IN denotes to
T4261 74-78 DT denotes that
T4262 79-81 IN denotes of
T4263 82-88 JJ denotes single
T4264 95-100 NNS denotes nulls
T4265 89-94 NN denotes Pygo2
T4266 101-102 -LRB- denotes (
T4267 112-117 NN denotes Table
T4268 102-108 NN denotes Figure
T4269 109-110 CD denotes 1
T4270 110-112 , denotes ,
T4271 118-119 CD denotes 1
T4272 119-120 -RRB- denotes )
T4273 120-121 . denotes .
R1191 T4248 T4249 amod Double,homozygous
R1192 T4249 T4251 amod homozygous,mice
R1193 T4250 T4249 punct -,homozygous
R1194 T4251 T4256 nsubj mice,had
R1195 T4252 T4251 nmod mutant,mice
R1196 T4253 T4251 nmod Pygo1,mice
R1197 T4254 T4253 cc and,Pygo1
R1198 T4255 T4253 conj Pygo2,Pygo1
R1199 T4257 T4258 det a,phenotype
R1200 T4258 T4256 dobj phenotype,had
R1201 T4259 T4258 amod similar,phenotype
R1202 T4260 T4259 prep to,similar
R1203 T4261 T4260 pobj that,to
R1204 T4262 T4261 prep of,that
R1205 T4263 T4264 amod single,nulls
R1206 T4264 T4262 pobj nulls,of
R1207 T4265 T4264 compound Pygo2,nulls
R1208 T4266 T4267 punct (,Table
R1209 T4267 T4256 parataxis Table,had
R1210 T4268 T4267 dep Figure,Table
R1211 T4269 T4268 nummod 1,Figure
R1212 T4270 T4267 punct ", ",Table
R1213 T4271 T4267 nummod 1,Table
R1214 T4272 T4267 punct ),Table
R1215 T4273 T4256 punct .,had


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4082 19-25 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T4083 26-31 PR_EXT:000013523 denotes Pygo1
T4084 36-41 PR_EXT:000013524 denotes Pygo2
T4085 42-46 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T4086 89-94 PR_EXT:000013524 denotes Pygo2
T4087 95-100 SO_EXT:null_sequence_entity denotes nulls


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4044 26-31 PR:000013523 denotes Pygo1
T4045 36-41 PR:000013524 denotes Pygo2
T4046 42-46 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T4047 89-94 PR:000013524 denotes Pygo2