> top > docs > PMC:1858683 > spans > 3727-3856 > annotations

PMC:1858683 / 3727-3856 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2882 0-129 sentence denotes Lgs binds the central armadillo repeats of β-catenin, while Pygo interacts with Lgs, mediating activation of Wnt targets [9,13].
T2883 1-4 NN denotes Lgs
T2884 5-10 VBZ denotes binds
T2885 11-14 DT denotes the
T2886 33-40 NNS denotes repeats
T2887 15-22 JJ denotes central
T2888 23-32 NN denotes armadillo
T2889 41-43 IN denotes of
T2890 44-45 NN denotes β
T2891 46-53 NN denotes catenin
T2892 45-46 HYPH denotes -
T2893 53-55 , denotes ,
T2894 55-60 IN denotes while
T2895 66-75 VBZ denotes interacts
T2896 61-65 NN denotes Pygo
T2897 76-80 IN denotes with
T2898 81-84 NN denotes Lgs
T2899 84-86 , denotes ,
T2900 86-95 VBG denotes mediating
T2901 96-106 NN denotes activation
T2902 107-109 IN denotes of
T2903 110-113 NN denotes Wnt
T2904 114-121 NNS denotes targets
T2905 122-123 -LRB- denotes [
T2906 125-127 CD denotes 13
T2907 123-124 CD denotes 9
T2908 124-125 , denotes ,
T2909 127-128 -RRB- denotes ]
T2910 128-129 . denotes .
R625 T2883 T2884 nsubj Lgs,binds
R626 T2885 T2886 det the,repeats
R627 T2886 T2884 dobj repeats,binds
R628 T2887 T2886 amod central,repeats
R629 T2888 T2886 compound armadillo,repeats
R630 T2889 T2886 prep of,repeats
R631 T2890 T2891 compound β,catenin
R632 T2891 T2889 pobj catenin,of
R633 T2892 T2891 punct -,catenin
R634 T2893 T2884 punct ", ",binds
R635 T2894 T2895 mark while,interacts
R636 T2895 T2884 advcl interacts,binds
R637 T2896 T2895 nsubj Pygo,interacts
R638 T2897 T2895 prep with,interacts
R639 T2898 T2897 pobj Lgs,with
R640 T2899 T2895 punct ", ",interacts
R641 T2900 T2895 advcl mediating,interacts
R642 T2901 T2900 dobj activation,mediating
R643 T2902 T2901 prep of,activation
R644 T2903 T2904 compound Wnt,targets
R645 T2904 T2902 pobj targets,of
R646 T2905 T2906 punct [,13
R647 T2906 T2895 parataxis 13,interacts
R648 T2907 T2906 nummod 9,13
R649 T2908 T2906 punct ",",13
R650 T2909 T2906 punct ],13
R651 T2910 T2884 punct .,binds


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2574 1-4 PR_EXT:Q961D9 denotes Lgs
T2575 5-10 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes binds
T2576 23-32 PR_EXT:P18824 denotes armadillo
T2577 33-40 SO_EXT:sequence_repeat_unit_or_region denotes repeats
T2578 44-53 PR_EXT:000002198 denotes β-catenin
T2579 61-65 PR_EXT:Pygo denotes Pygo
T2580 81-84 PR_EXT:Q961D9 denotes Lgs


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2473 1-4 PR:Q961D9 denotes Lgs
T2474 23-32 PR:P18824 denotes armadillo
T2475 44-53 PR:000002198 denotes β-catenin
T2476 81-84 PR:Q961D9 denotes Lgs


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
17425782-11955446-8469435 123-124 11955446 denotes 9
17425782-16169192-8469436 125-127 16169192 denotes 13