> top > docs > PMC:1858683 > spans > 31016-31159 > annotations

PMC:1858683 / 31016-31159 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15514 142-143 . denotes .
T15513 131-136 NN denotes Pygo2
T15512 127-130 CC denotes and
T15511 121-126 NN denotes Pygo1
T15510 137-142 NNS denotes genes
T15509 117-120 DT denotes the
T15508 114-116 IN denotes of
T15507 102-113 NN denotes functioning
T15506 92-101 VB denotes eliminate
T15505 89-91 TO denotes to
T15504 79-88 VBG denotes targeting
T15503 74-78 NN denotes gene
T15502 70-73 DT denotes the
T15501 67-69 IN denotes of
T15500 59-66 NN denotes failure
T15499 57-58 DT denotes a
T15498 35-45 JJ denotes unexpected
T15497 46-53 NNS denotes results
T15496 29-34 DT denotes these
T15495 26-28 IN denotes of
T15494 54-56 VBZ denotes is
T15493 5-13 JJ denotes possible
T15492 14-25 NN denotes explanation
T15491 1-4 CD denotes One
T15490 0-143 sentence denotes One possible explanation of these unexpected results is a failure of the gene targeting to eliminate functioning of the Pygo1 and Pygo2 genes.
R3811 T15491 T15492 nummod One,explanation
R3812 T15492 T15494 nsubj explanation,is
R3813 T15493 T15492 amod possible,explanation
R3814 T15495 T15492 prep of,explanation
R3815 T15496 T15497 det these,results
R3816 T15497 T15495 pobj results,of
R3817 T15498 T15497 amod unexpected,results
R3818 T15499 T15500 det a,failure
R3819 T15500 T15494 attr failure,is
R3820 T15501 T15500 prep of,failure
R3821 T15502 T15503 det the,gene
R3822 T15503 T15501 pobj gene,of
R3823 T15504 T15503 amod targeting,gene
R3824 T15505 T15506 aux to,eliminate
R3825 T15506 T15500 acl eliminate,failure
R3826 T15507 T15506 dobj functioning,eliminate
R3827 T15508 T15507 prep of,functioning
R3828 T15509 T15510 det the,genes
R3829 T15510 T15508 pobj genes,of
R3830 T15511 T15510 nmod Pygo1,genes
R3831 T15512 T15511 cc and,Pygo1
R3832 T15513 T15511 conj Pygo2,Pygo1
R3833 T15514 T15494 punct .,is


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15094 137-142 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T15093 131-136 PR_EXT:000013524 denotes Pygo2
T15092 121-126 PR_EXT:000013523 denotes Pygo1
T15091 74-78 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14901 137-142 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T14900 131-136 PR:000013524 denotes Pygo2
T14899 121-126 PR:000013523 denotes Pygo1
T14898 74-78 SO:0000704 denotes gene