> top > docs > PMC:1858683 > spans > 13443-13603 > annotations

PMC:1858683 / 13443-13603 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T23675 159-160 . denotes .
T23674 154-159 NN denotes Wnt11
T23673 151-153 IN denotes by
T23672 142-150 VBN denotes measured
T23671 139-141 IN denotes as
T23670 134-138 NNS denotes tips
T23669 125-133 JJ denotes ureteric
T23668 122-124 IN denotes of
T23667 114-121 NN denotes density
T23666 106-113 VBN denotes reduced
T23665 102-105 CC denotes and
T23664 100-102 , denotes ,
T23663 95-100 NN denotes Wnt9b
T23662 91-94 CC denotes and
T23661 85-90 NN denotes Wnt7b
T23660 71-76 NN denotes stalk
T23659 62-70 JJ denotes ureteric
T23658 77-84 NNS denotes markers
T23657 58-61 DT denotes the
T23656 54-57 IN denotes for
T23655 34-44 NN denotes expression
T23654 45-53 NNS denotes patterns
T23653 27-33 JJ denotes normal
T23652 20-26 VBD denotes showed
T23651 5-11 NN denotes mutant
T23650 12-19 NNS denotes kidneys
T23649 1-4 DT denotes The
T23648 0-160 sentence denotes The mutant kidneys showed normal expression patterns for the ureteric stalk markers Wnt7b and Wnt9b, and reduced density of ureteric tips as measured by Wnt11.
R6829 T23649 T23650 det The,kidneys
R6830 T23650 T23652 nsubj kidneys,showed
R6831 T23651 T23650 compound mutant,kidneys
R6832 T23653 T23654 amod normal,patterns
R6833 T23654 T23652 dobj patterns,showed
R6834 T23655 T23654 compound expression,patterns
R6835 T23656 T23654 prep for,patterns
R6836 T23657 T23658 det the,markers
R6837 T23658 T23656 pobj markers,for
R6838 T23659 T23660 amod ureteric,stalk
R6839 T23660 T23658 compound stalk,markers
R6840 T23661 T23658 appos Wnt7b,markers
R6841 T23662 T23661 cc and,Wnt7b
R6842 T23663 T23661 conj Wnt9b,Wnt7b
R6843 T23664 T23654 punct ", ",patterns
R6844 T23665 T23654 cc and,patterns
R6845 T23666 T23667 amod reduced,density
R6846 T23667 T23654 conj density,patterns
R6847 T23668 T23667 prep of,density
R6848 T23669 T23670 amod ureteric,tips
R6849 T23670 T23668 pobj tips,of
R6850 T23671 T23672 mark as,measured
R6851 T23672 T23652 advcl measured,showed
R6852 T23673 T23672 agent by,measured
R6853 T23674 T23673 pobj Wnt11,by
R6854 T23675 T23652 punct .,showed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T23565 154-159 PR_EXT:000017438 denotes Wnt11
T23564 125-138 UBERON:0006364 denotes ureteric tips
T23563 95-100 PR_EXT:000017453 denotes Wnt9b
T23562 85-90 PR_EXT:000017449 denotes Wnt7b
T23561 77-84 CHEBI_SO_EXT:molecular_indicator_or_label_or_marker_or_tag denotes markers
T23560 62-76 UBERON:0012238 denotes ureteric stalk
T23559 34-44 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T23558 12-19 UBERON:0002113 denotes kidneys
T23557 5-11 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T23532 154-159 PR:000017438 denotes Wnt11
T23531 125-138 UBERON:0006364 denotes ureteric tips
T23530 95-100 PR:000017453 denotes Wnt9b
T23529 85-90 PR:000017449 denotes Wnt7b
T23528 62-76 UBERON:0012238 denotes ureteric stalk
T23527 34-44 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T23526 12-19 UBERON:0002113 denotes kidneys