> top > docs > PMC:1635039 > spans > 30605-30800 > annotations

PMC:1635039 / 30605-30800 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15918 0-195 sentence denotes Alk5 (and Alk2) mutant and control embryos were generated by mating Alk5ko/+(Alk2ko/+)/Wnt1-Cre male mice with females homozygous for the Alk5flox (Alk2flox) allele and the R26R reporter[12,19].
T15919 1-5 NN denotes Alk5
T15920 17-23 NN denotes mutant
T15921 6-7 -LRB- denotes (
T15922 7-10 CC denotes and
T15923 11-15 NN denotes Alk2
T15924 15-16 -RRB- denotes )
T15925 36-43 NNS denotes embryos
T15926 24-27 CC denotes and
T15927 28-35 NN denotes control
T15928 49-58 VBN denotes generated
T15929 44-48 VBD denotes were
T15930 59-61 IN denotes by
T15931 62-68 VBG denotes mating
T15932 69-75 NN denotes Alk5ko
T15933 102-106 NNS denotes mice
T15934 75-76 HYPH denotes /
T15935 76-77 SYM denotes +
T15936 77-78 -LRB- denotes (
T15937 78-84 NN denotes Alk2ko
T15938 84-85 HYPH denotes /
T15939 85-86 SYM denotes +
T15940 86-87 -RRB- denotes )
T15941 87-88 HYPH denotes /
T15942 88-92 NN denotes Wnt1
T15943 93-96 NN denotes Cre
T15944 92-93 HYPH denotes -
T15945 97-101 JJ denotes male
T15946 107-111 IN denotes with
T15947 112-119 NNS denotes females
T15948 120-130 JJ denotes homozygous
T15949 131-134 IN denotes for
T15950 135-138 DT denotes the
T15951 159-165 NN denotes allele
T15952 139-147 NN denotes Alk5flox
T15953 148-149 -LRB- denotes (
T15954 149-157 NN denotes Alk2flox
T15955 157-158 -RRB- denotes )
T15956 166-169 CC denotes and
T15957 170-173 DT denotes the
T15958 179-187 NN denotes reporter
T15959 174-178 NN denotes R26R
T15960 187-188 -LRB- denotes [
T15961 191-193 CD denotes 19
T15962 188-190 CD denotes 12
T15963 190-191 , denotes ,
T15964 193-194 -RRB- denotes ]
T15965 194-195 . denotes .
R4833 T15919 T15920 nmod Alk5,mutant
R4834 T15920 T15925 nmod mutant,embryos
R4835 T15921 T15919 punct (,Alk5
R4836 T15922 T15919 cc and,Alk5
R4837 T15923 T15919 conj Alk2,Alk5
R4838 T15924 T15920 punct ),mutant
R4839 T15925 T15928 nsubjpass embryos,generated
R4840 T15926 T15920 cc and,mutant
R4841 T15927 T15920 conj control,mutant
R4842 T15929 T15928 auxpass were,generated
R4843 T15930 T15928 agent by,generated
R4844 T15931 T15930 pcomp mating,by
R4845 T15932 T15933 nmod Alk5ko,mice
R4846 T15933 T15931 dobj mice,mating
R4847 T15934 T15932 punct /,Alk5ko
R4848 T15935 T15932 punct +,Alk5ko
R4849 T15936 T15937 punct (,Alk2ko
R4850 T15937 T15932 parataxis Alk2ko,Alk5ko
R4851 T15938 T15937 punct /,Alk2ko
R4852 T15939 T15937 punct +,Alk2ko
R4853 T15940 T15937 punct ),Alk2ko
R4854 T15941 T15932 punct /,Alk5ko
R4855 T15942 T15943 compound Wnt1,Cre
R4856 T15943 T15932 appos Cre,Alk5ko
R4857 T15944 T15943 punct -,Cre
R4858 T15945 T15933 amod male,mice
R4859 T15946 T15931 prep with,mating
R4860 T15947 T15946 pobj females,with
R4861 T15948 T15947 amod homozygous,females
R4862 T15949 T15948 prep for,homozygous
R4863 T15950 T15951 det the,allele
R4864 T15951 T15949 pobj allele,for
R4865 T15952 T15951 nmod Alk5flox,allele
R4866 T15953 T15954 punct (,Alk2flox
R4867 T15954 T15952 parataxis Alk2flox,Alk5flox
R4868 T15955 T15954 punct ),Alk2flox
R4869 T15956 T15951 cc and,allele
R4870 T15957 T15958 det the,reporter
R4871 T15958 T15951 conj reporter,allele
R4872 T15959 T15958 compound R26R,reporter
R4873 T15960 T15961 punct [,19
R4874 T15961 T15931 parataxis 19,mating
R4875 T15962 T15961 nummod 12,19
R4876 T15963 T15961 punct ",",19
R4877 T15964 T15961 punct ],19
R4878 T15965 T15928 punct .,generated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15891 1-5 PR_EXT:000000047 denotes Alk5
T15892 11-15 PR_EXT:000000067 denotes Alk2
T15893 17-23 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T15894 36-43 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T15895 62-68 GO:0007618 denotes mating
T15896 69-73 PR_EXT:000000047 denotes Alk5
T15897 76-77 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T15898 78-82 PR_EXT:000000067 denotes Alk2
T15899 85-86 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T15900 88-92 PR_EXT:000017435 denotes Wnt1
T15901 97-101 PATO_UBERON_EXT:male_or_bearer_of_maleness denotes male
T15902 102-106 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T15903 112-119 PATO_UBERON_EXT:female_or_bearer_of_femaleness denotes females
T15904 139-143 PR_EXT:000000047 denotes Alk5
T15905 143-147 SO:0000359 denotes flox
T15906 149-153 PR_EXT:000000067 denotes Alk2
T15907 153-157 SO:0000359 denotes flox
T15908 159-165 SO_EXT:0001023 denotes allele


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15872 1-5 PR:000000047 denotes Alk5
T15873 11-15 PR:000000067 denotes Alk2
T15874 36-43 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T15875 62-68 GO:0007618 denotes mating
T15876 69-73 PR:000000047 denotes Alk5
T15877 78-82 PR:000000067 denotes Alk2
T15878 88-92 PR:000017435 denotes Wnt1
T15879 102-106 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T15880 139-143 PR:000000047 denotes Alk5
T15881 143-147 SO:0000359 denotes flox
T15882 149-153 PR:000000067 denotes Alk2
T15883 153-157 SO:0000359 denotes flox
T15884 159-165 SO:0001023 denotes allele