> top > docs > PMC:1630711 > spans > 854-1076 > annotations

PMC:1630711 / 854-1076 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T950 1-8 IN denotes between
T951 9-12 DT denotes the
T952 37-43 NNS denotes stages
T953 13-16 CD denotes two
T954 17-21 NN denotes cell
T955 16-17 HYPH denotes -
T956 22-25 CC denotes and
T957 26-36 NN denotes blastocyst
T958 43-44 . denotes .
T960 45-47 IN denotes In
T961 132-140 VBZ denotes displays
T962 48-55 NN denotes p150CAF
T963 79-86 NNS denotes embryos
T964 55-56 HYPH denotes -
T965 56-57 CD denotes 1
T966 58-64 NN denotes mutant
T967 65-67 CD denotes 16
T968 68-72 NN denotes cell
T969 67-68 HYPH denotes -
T970 73-78 NN denotes stage
T971 86-88 , denotes ,
T972 88-91 DT denotes the
T973 100-112 NN denotes organization
T974 92-99 JJ denotes altered
T975 113-115 IN denotes of
T976 116-131 NN denotes heterochromatin
T977 141-153 NNS denotes similarities
T978 154-156 IN denotes to
T979 157-160 DT denotes the
T980 161-170 NN denotes structure
T981 171-173 IN denotes of
T982 174-189 NN denotes heterochromatin
T983 190-192 IN denotes in
T984 193-196 CD denotes two
T985 201-205 CD denotes four
T986 196-197 HYPH denotes -
T987 198-200 IN denotes to
T988 206-210 NN denotes cell
T989 205-206 HYPH denotes -
T990 211-216 NN denotes stage
T992 217-221 JJ denotes wild
T994 221-222 HYPH denotes -
R138 T951 T952 det the,stages
R139 T952 T950 pobj stages,between
R140 T953 T954 nummod two,cell
R141 T954 T952 nmod cell,stages
R142 T955 T954 punct -,cell
R143 T956 T954 cc and,cell
R144 T957 T954 conj blastocyst,cell
R146 T960 T961 prep In,displays
R147 T962 T963 nmod p150CAF,embryos
R148 T963 T960 pobj embryos,In
R149 T964 T962 punct -,p150CAF
R150 T965 T962 nummod 1,p150CAF
R151 T966 T963 nmod mutant,embryos
R152 T967 T968 nummod 16,cell
R153 T968 T970 compound cell,stage
R154 T969 T968 punct -,cell
R155 T970 T963 compound stage,embryos
R156 T971 T961 punct ", ",displays
R157 T972 T973 det the,organization
R158 T973 T961 nsubj organization,displays
R159 T974 T973 amod altered,organization
R160 T975 T973 prep of,organization
R161 T976 T975 pobj heterochromatin,of
R162 T977 T961 dobj similarities,displays
R163 T978 T977 prep to,similarities
R164 T979 T980 det the,structure
R165 T980 T978 pobj structure,to
R166 T981 T980 prep of,structure
R167 T982 T981 pobj heterochromatin,of
R168 T983 T961 prep in,displays
R169 T984 T985 quantmod two,four
R170 T985 T988 nummod four,cell
R171 T986 T985 punct -,four
R172 T987 T985 quantmod to,four
R173 T988 T990 nmod cell,stage
R174 T989 T988 punct -,cell


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T746 13-21,37-43 UBERON:0007232 denotes two-cell stages
T747 17-21 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T748 26-36 UBERON:0000358 denotes blastocyst
T749 48-57 PR_EXT:000005402 denotes p150CAF-1
T750 58-64 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T751 68-72 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T752 79-86 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T753 116-131 GO:0000792 denotes heterochromatin
T754 174-189 GO:0000792 denotes heterochromatin
T756 193-197,206-216 UBERON:0007232 denotes two- cell stage
T757 201-216 UBERON:0007233 denotes four-cell stage
T758 206-210 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T671 13-21,37-43 UBERON:0007232 denotes two-cell stages
T672 26-36 UBERON:0000358 denotes blastocyst
T673 48-57 PR:000005402 denotes p150CAF-1
T674 79-86 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T675 116-131 GO:0000792 denotes heterochromatin
T676 174-189 GO:0000792 denotes heterochromatin
T678 193-197,206-216 UBERON:0007232 denotes two- cell stage
T679 201-216 UBERON:0007233 denotes four-cell stage