PMC:1630711 / 24919-25315 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"17083276-1606614-85837826","span":{"begin":392,"end":394},"obj":"1606614"},{"id":"T42866","span":{"begin":392,"end":394},"obj":"1606614"}],"text":"DNA CpG Methylation at Pericentric Heterochromatin Is Not Altered in p150CAF-1-Depleted ES Cells\nTotal DNA was isolated from cells transfected with a control or the p150CAF-1 siRNA vector and digested with MaeII, whose recognition sequence is present in major satellite repeats. Digested DNA was run onto an agarose gel and analyzed by Southern blotting using the pSAT major satellite probe [47]."}