> top > docs > PMC:1626108 > spans > 46731-47127 > annotations

PMC:1626108 / 46731-47127 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9184 0-396 sentence denotes Protein colocalization analysis was carried out on the Nikon TE2000U microscope equipped with appropriate excitation and emission filter wheels, cube filters, 100 W mercury light source, Nomarski/DIC, and Plan Apochromat optics (100×, 60×, and 40× oil objectives with NA of 1.4, 40 ×LWD, and 20 ×LWD objectives and encoded motorized Z-Stage (Prior Scientific, Rockland, Maryland, United States).
T9185 1-8 NN denotes Protein
T9186 9-23 NN denotes colocalization
T9187 24-32 NN denotes analysis
T9188 37-44 VBN denotes carried
T9189 33-36 VBD denotes was
T9190 45-48 RP denotes out
T9191 49-51 IN denotes on
T9192 52-55 DT denotes the
T9193 70-80 NN denotes microscope
T9194 56-61 NNP denotes Nikon
T9195 62-69 NN denotes TE2000U
T9196 81-89 VBN denotes equipped
T9197 90-94 IN denotes with
T9198 95-106 JJ denotes appropriate
T9199 138-144 NNS denotes wheels
T9200 107-117 NN denotes excitation
T9201 118-121 CC denotes and
T9202 122-130 NN denotes emission
T9203 131-137 NN denotes filter
T9204 144-146 , denotes ,
T9205 146-150 NN denotes cube
T9206 151-158 NNS denotes filters
T9207 158-160 , denotes ,
T9208 160-163 CD denotes 100
T9209 164-165 NNP denotes W
T9210 180-186 NN denotes source
T9211 166-173 NN denotes mercury
T9212 174-179 NN denotes light
T9213 186-188 , denotes ,
T9214 188-196 NNP denotes Nomarski
T9215 197-200 NNP denotes DIC
T9216 196-197 HYPH denotes /
T9217 222-228 NNS denotes optics
T9218 200-202 , denotes ,
T9219 202-205 CC denotes and
T9220 206-210 NNP denotes Plan
T9221 211-221 NNP denotes Apochromat
T9222 229-230 -LRB- denotes (
T9223 230-233 CD denotes 100
T9224 253-263 NNS denotes objectives
T9225 233-234 SYM denotes ×
T9226 234-236 , denotes ,
T9227 236-238 CD denotes 60
T9228 238-239 SYM denotes ×
T9229 239-241 , denotes ,
T9230 241-244 CC denotes and
T9231 245-247 CD denotes 40
T9232 247-248 SYM denotes ×
T9233 249-252 NN denotes oil
T9234 264-268 IN denotes with
T9235 269-271 NN denotes NA
T9236 272-274 IN denotes of
T9237 275-278 CD denotes 1.4
T9238 278-280 , denotes ,
T9239 280-282 CD denotes 40
T9240 284-287 NN denotes LWD
T9241 283-284 SYM denotes ×
T9242 301-311 NNS denotes objectives
T9243 287-289 , denotes ,
T9244 289-292 CC denotes and
T9245 293-295 CD denotes 20
T9246 297-300 NN denotes LWD
T9247 296-297 SYM denotes ×
T9248 312-315 CC denotes and
T9249 316-323 VBN denotes encoded
T9250 336-341 NNP denotes Stage
T9251 324-333 VBN denotes motorized
T9252 334-335 NNP denotes Z
T9253 335-336 HYPH denotes -
T9254 342-343 -LRB- denotes (
T9255 349-359 NNP denotes Scientific
T9256 343-348 NNP denotes Prior
T9257 359-361 , denotes ,
T9258 361-369 NNP denotes Rockland
T9259 369-371 , denotes ,
T9260 371-379 NNP denotes Maryland
T9261 379-381 , denotes ,
T9262 381-387 NNP denotes United
T9263 388-394 NNP denotes States
T9264 394-395 -RRB- denotes )
T9265 395-396 . denotes .
R6112 T9185 T9186 compound Protein,colocalization
R6113 T9186 T9187 compound colocalization,analysis
R6114 T9187 T9188 nsubjpass analysis,carried
R6115 T9189 T9188 auxpass was,carried
R6116 T9190 T9188 prt out,carried
R6117 T9191 T9188 prep on,carried
R6118 T9192 T9193 det the,microscope
R6119 T9193 T9191 pobj microscope,on
R6120 T9194 T9195 compound Nikon,TE2000U
R6121 T9195 T9193 compound TE2000U,microscope
R6122 T9196 T9193 acl equipped,microscope
R6123 T9197 T9196 prep with,equipped
R6124 T9198 T9199 amod appropriate,wheels
R6125 T9199 T9197 pobj wheels,with
R6126 T9200 T9199 nmod excitation,wheels
R6127 T9201 T9200 cc and,excitation
R6128 T9202 T9200 conj emission,excitation
R6129 T9203 T9199 compound filter,wheels
R6130 T9204 T9199 punct ", ",wheels
R6131 T9205 T9206 compound cube,filters
R6132 T9206 T9199 appos filters,wheels
R6133 T9207 T9199 punct ", ",wheels
R6134 T9208 T9209 nummod 100,W
R6135 T9209 T9210 compound W,source
R6136 T9210 T9199 appos source,wheels
R6137 T9211 T9210 compound mercury,source
R6138 T9212 T9210 compound light,source
R6139 T9213 T9199 punct ", ",wheels
R6140 T9214 T9215 nmod Nomarski,DIC
R6141 T9215 T9217 nmod DIC,optics
R6142 T9216 T9215 punct /,DIC
R6143 T9217 T9199 appos optics,wheels
R6144 T9218 T9215 punct ", ",DIC
R6145 T9219 T9215 cc and,DIC
R6146 T9220 T9221 compound Plan,Apochromat
R6147 T9221 T9215 conj Apochromat,DIC
R6148 T9222 T9217 punct (,optics
R6149 T9223 T9224 nummod 100,objectives
R6150 T9224 T9217 appos objectives,optics
R6151 T9225 T9223 punct ×,100
R6152 T9226 T9223 punct ", ",100
R6153 T9227 T9223 conj 60,100
R6154 T9228 T9227 punct ×,60
R6155 T9229 T9227 punct ", ",60
R6156 T9230 T9227 cc and,60
R6157 T9231 T9227 conj 40,60
R6158 T9232 T9231 punct ×,40
R6159 T9233 T9224 compound oil,objectives
R6160 T9234 T9224 prep with,objectives
R6161 T9235 T9234 pobj NA,with
R6162 T9236 T9235 prep of,NA
R6163 T9237 T9236 pobj 1.4,of
R6164 T9238 T9224 punct ", ",objectives
R6165 T9239 T9240 nummod 40,LWD
R6166 T9240 T9242 nmod LWD,objectives
R6167 T9241 T9239 punct ×,40
R6168 T9242 T9224 conj objectives,objectives
R6169 T9243 T9240 punct ", ",LWD
R6170 T9244 T9240 cc and,LWD
R6171 T9245 T9246 nummod 20,LWD
R6172 T9246 T9240 conj LWD,LWD
R6173 T9247 T9245 punct ×,20
R6174 T9248 T9242 cc and,objectives
R6175 T9249 T9250 amod encoded,Stage
R6176 T9250 T9242 conj Stage,objectives
R6177 T9251 T9250 amod motorized,Stage
R6178 T9252 T9250 compound Z,Stage
R6179 T9253 T9250 punct -,Stage
R6180 T9254 T9255 punct (,Scientific
R6181 T9255 T9250 parataxis Scientific,Stage
R6182 T9256 T9255 compound Prior,Scientific
R6183 T9257 T9255 punct ", ",Scientific
R6184 T9258 T9255 npadvmod Rockland,Scientific
R6185 T9259 T9255 punct ", ",Scientific
R6186 T9260 T9255 npadvmod Maryland,Scientific
R6187 T9261 T9255 punct ", ",Scientific
R6188 T9262 T9263 compound United,States
R6189 T9263 T9255 npadvmod States,Scientific
R6190 T9264 T9255 punct ),Scientific
R6191 T9265 T9188 punct .,carried


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8880 1-8 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes Protein
T8881 11-23 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_localization_process_or_quality denotes localization
T8882 166-173 CHEBI_EXT:mercury denotes mercury