> top > docs > PMC:1626108 > spans > 14731-14843 > annotations

PMC:1626108 / 14731-14843 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11649 0-112 sentence denotes Cox11 behaves as a noncompetitive inhibitor of HKI by reducing the V max of HKI but not its K m toward glucose.
T11650 1-6 NN denotes Cox11
T11651 7-14 VBZ denotes behaves
T11652 15-17 IN denotes as
T11653 18-19 DT denotes a
T11654 35-44 NN denotes inhibitor
T11655 20-34 JJ denotes noncompetitive
T11656 45-47 IN denotes of
T11657 48-51 NN denotes HKI
T11658 52-54 IN denotes by
T11659 55-63 VBG denotes reducing
T11660 64-67 DT denotes the
T11661 68-73 NN denotes V max
T11662 74-76 IN denotes of
T11663 77-80 NN denotes HKI
T11664 81-84 CC denotes but
T11665 85-88 RB denotes not
T11666 89-92 PRP$ denotes its
T11667 93-96 NN denotes K m
T11668 97-103 IN denotes toward
T11669 104-111 NN denotes glucose
T11670 111-112 . denotes .
R7815 T11650 T11651 nsubj Cox11,behaves
R7816 T11652 T11651 prep as,behaves
R7817 T11653 T11654 det a,inhibitor
R7818 T11654 T11652 pobj inhibitor,as
R7819 T11655 T11654 amod noncompetitive,inhibitor
R7820 T11656 T11654 prep of,inhibitor
R7821 T11657 T11656 pobj HKI,of
R7822 T11658 T11651 prep by,behaves
R7823 T11659 T11658 pcomp reducing,by
R7824 T11660 T11661 det the,V max
R7825 T11661 T11659 dobj V max,reducing
R7826 T11662 T11661 prep of,V max
R7827 T11663 T11662 pobj HKI,of
R7828 T11664 T11661 cc but,V max
R7829 T11665 T11664 neg not,but
R7830 T11666 T11667 poss its,K m
R7831 T11667 T11661 conj K m,V max
R7832 T11668 T11667 prep toward,K m
R7833 T11669 T11668 pobj glucose,toward
R7834 T11670 T11651 punct .,behaves


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11500 1-6 PR_EXT:000005770 denotes Cox11
T11501 7-14 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_behavior denotes behaves
T11502 35-44 CHEBI_EXT:35222 denotes inhibitor
T11503 48-51 PR_EXT:000008608 denotes HKI
T11504 77-80 PR_EXT:000008608 denotes HKI
T11505 104-111 CHEBI:17234 denotes glucose


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11468 1-6 PR:000005770 denotes Cox11
T11469 35-44 CHEBI:35222 denotes inhibitor
T11470 48-51 PR:000008608 denotes HKI
T11471 77-80 PR:000008608 denotes HKI
T11472 104-111 CHEBI:17234 denotes glucose