> top > docs > PMC:1626108 > spans > 10426-10550 > annotations

PMC:1626108 / 10426-10550 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10921 0-4 NN denotes site
T10925 5-8 CC denotes and
T10926 9-17 NN denotes membrane
T10927 18-26 VBG denotes spanning
T10928 17-18 HYPH denotes -
T10929 27-33 NN denotes domain
T10930 33-34 . denotes .
T10932 35-38 DT denotes The
T10933 57-62 NNS denotes lines
T10934 39-45 JJ denotes dotted
T10935 46-49 CC denotes and
T10936 50-56 JJ denotes dashed
T10937 91-100 VBP denotes represent
T10938 63-68 IN denotes above
T10939 69-72 DT denotes the
T10940 81-90 NNS denotes sequences
T10941 73-80 JJ denotes aligned
T10942 100-102 , denotes ,
T10943 102-114 RB denotes respectively
T10944 114-116 , denotes ,
T10945 116-121 NN denotes Cox11
T10946 122-123 NN denotes N
T10947 121-122 HYPH denotes -
R7212 T10925 T10921 cc and,site
R7213 T10926 T10927 npadvmod membrane,spanning
R7214 T10927 T10929 amod spanning,domain
R7215 T10928 T10927 punct -,spanning
R7216 T10929 T10921 conj domain,site
R7218 T10932 T10933 det The,lines
R7219 T10933 T10937 nsubj lines,represent
R7220 T10934 T10933 amod dotted,lines
R7221 T10935 T10934 cc and,dotted
R7222 T10936 T10934 conj dashed,dotted
R7223 T10938 T10933 prep above,lines
R7224 T10939 T10940 det the,sequences
R7225 T10940 T10938 pobj sequences,above
R7226 T10941 T10940 amod aligned,sequences
R7227 T10942 T10937 punct ", ",represent
R7228 T10943 T10937 advmod respectively,represent
R7229 T10944 T10937 punct ", ",represent
R7230 T10945 T10946 nmod Cox11,N
R7232 T10947 T10946 punct -,N


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10765 9-17 GO:0016020 denotes membrane
T10766 9-33 SO_EXT:0001077 denotes membrane-spanning domain
T10767 81-90 SO_EXT:biological_sequence denotes sequences
T10768 116-121 PR_EXT:000005770 denotes Cox11
T10769 122-123 CHEBI_SO_EXT:N_terminus_or_N_terminal_region denotes N


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10689 9-17 GO:0016020 denotes membrane
T10690 9-33 SO:0001077 denotes membrane-spanning domain
T10691 116-121 PR:000005770 denotes Cox11