> top > docs > PMC:1584416 > spans > 1524-1685 > annotations

PMC:1584416 / 1524-1685 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T322 1-4 CC denotes and
T323 5-14 VBP denotes highlight
T324 15-18 DT denotes the
T325 19-28 NN denotes potential
T326 29-31 IN denotes of
T327 32-44 NNS denotes combinations
T328 45-47 IN denotes of
T329 48-57 JJ denotes recessive
T330 58-65 NNS denotes alleles
T331 66-68 TO denotes to
T332 69-75 VB denotes affect
T333 76-80 CC denotes both
T334 116-126 NN denotes plasticity
T335 81-87 JJ denotes normal
T336 88-91 CC denotes and
T337 92-104 JJ denotes pathological
T338 105-115 JJ denotes phenotypic
T339 127-129 IN denotes in
T340 130-137 NNS denotes mammals
T341 137-138 . denotes .
R237 T334 T332 dobj plasticity,affect
R238 T335 T334 amod normal,plasticity
R239 T336 T335 cc and,normal
R240 T337 T335 conj pathological,normal
R241 T338 T334 amod phenotypic,plasticity
R227 T324 T325 det the,potential
R228 T325 T323 dobj potential,highlight
R229 T326 T325 prep of,potential
R230 T327 T326 pobj combinations,of
R231 T328 T327 prep of,combinations
R232 T329 T330 amod recessive,alleles
R233 T330 T328 pobj alleles,of
R234 T331 T332 aux to,affect
R235 T332 T325 acl affect,potential
R236 T333 T334 preconj both,plasticity
R242 T339 T332 prep in,affect
R243 T340 T339 pobj mammals,in


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T45 58-65 SO:0001023 denotes alleles
T46 130-137 NCBITaxon:40674 denotes mammals


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T82 58-65 SO_EXT:0001023 denotes alleles
T83 130-137 NCBITaxon:40674 denotes mammals