PMC:1574314 / 40862-43300 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1574314","source_url":"","text":"Plant material and organ sampling\nHybrid poplar cell suspension cultures (Populus trichocarpa X Populus deltoides H11-11) were maintained as described previously [64]. Four days after transfer to fresh medium, cells were harvested by vacuum filtration, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C to await analysis. Hybrid poplar cuttings (P. trichocarpa X P. deltoides H11-11) were grown in Promix soil under controlled greenhouse conditions (22°C/19°C day/night, 16-h day) for 2 weeks. Thereafter, young trees were placed in a growth chamber (Conviron, Environmental Growth Chambers Inc., Chagrin Falls, OH) where conditions were as follows: 26°C/22°C day/night, 20-h day, 60% RH, light intensity 100 μmol m-2 s-1. Plants were fertilized once every 2 weeks alternatively with 10/52/10 (0.5 g/l) plus 15.5/0/0 (Ca 19% 0.5 g/l) or with 20/20/20 (1 g/l) until PI 16 stage was reached [65]. Apex, young (LPI 1) and mature (LPI 12) leaves, upper stem (10 cm below the apex), primary phloem and xylem (10 cm above the ground) and roots were simultaneously removed from the trees, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C. Each specific organ was harvested from 12 different trees. Three biological samples were thus created by pooling each organ sample from four different trees. Ten-year-old field-grown trees (P. trichocarpa X P. deltoides) located in Sainte-Croix-de-Lotbinière (46° 39'55\"N 71° 51' 13\" W) were used for sampling various bud types. Post-dormancy buds were collected on April 8 2005 on male and female trees by quickly removing them from previously cut branches. Bud samples were then flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C. Other cut branches from male and female trees (P. trichocarpa X P. deltoides) were also brought back to greenhouses to induce bud flush using the following conditions; 22°C/19°C day/night, 16-h day. Branches were placed in plastic buckets half-filled with water and buds were allowed to develop. Male and female catkins (P. trichocarpa X P. deltoides) were collected when the completed developmental state was reached; 6 days for males and 11 days for females. At this stage, male catkins harbored pollenic bags and female catkins harbored fruiting capsules (Figure 7B,C). Other 10-year-old field-grown tree (P. trichocarpa X P. deltoides) organs (primary phloem, secondary xylem and xylem cambium-enriched) were kindly provided by Dr. Janice Cooke, Université Laval.","divisions":[{"label":"title","span":{"begin":0,"end":33}}],"tracks":[]}