> top > docs > PMC:149350 > spans > 5-161 > annotations

PMC:149350 / 5-161 JSONTXT

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Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T40 33-40 _FRAGMENT denotes AlphaA-
T41 52-62 PR:000005907 denotes crystallin
T42 45-62 PR:000005908 denotes AlphaB-crystallin
T43 79-84 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
R1 T41 T40 _lexicallyChainedTo crystallin,AlphaA-


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T138 9-25 NN denotes characterization
T140 26-28 IN denotes of
T141 29-32 DT denotes the
T142 85-89 NN denotes lens
T143 33-39 NN denotes AlphaA
T144 52-62 NN denotes crystallin
T145 39-40 HYPH denotes -
T146 41-44 CC denotes and
T147 45-51 NN denotes AlphaB
T148 51-52 HYPH denotes -
T149 63-69 JJ denotes double
T150 70-78 NN denotes knockout
T151 79-84 NN denotes mouse
T152 89-90 sentence denotes
T153 100-110 sentence denotes Background
T154 100-110 NN denotes Background
T156 111-114 CD denotes One
T157 115-123 NN denotes approach
T159 124-126 IN denotes to
T160 127-136 VBG denotes resolving
T161 137-141 DT denotes some
T162 142-144 IN denotes of
T163 145-148 DT denotes the
T165 149-151 FW denotes in
T166 152-156 FW denotes vivo
R8 T140 T138 prep of,characterization
R9 T141 T142 det the,lens
R10 T142 T140 pobj lens,of
R11 T143 T144 nmod AlphaA,crystallin
R12 T144 T142 nmod crystallin,lens
R13 T145 T143 punct -,AlphaA
R14 T146 T143 cc and,AlphaA
R15 T147 T143 conj AlphaB,AlphaA
R16 T148 T144 punct -,crystallin
R17 T149 T150 amod double,knockout
R18 T150 T142 compound knockout,lens
R19 T151 T142 compound mouse,lens
R20 T156 T157 nummod One,approach
R22 T159 T157 prep to,approach
R23 T160 T159 pcomp resolving,to
R24 T161 T160 dobj some,resolving
R25 T162 T161 prep of,some
R28 T165 T166 advmod in,vivo


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T79 33-40 _FRAGMENT denotes AlphaA-
T80 52-62 PR_EXT:000005907 denotes crystallin
T81 45-62 PR_EXT:000005908 denotes AlphaB-crystallin
T82 79-84 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T83 85-89 UBERON_EXT:lens denotes lens
R281 T80 T79 _lexicallyChainedTo crystallin,AlphaA-