> top > docs > PMC:149350 > spans > 2537-2713 > annotations

PMC:149350 / 2537-2713 JSONTXT

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Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T559 55-61 PR:000005907 denotes alphaA
T560 66-72 PR:000005908 denotes alphaB


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T986 2-3 CD denotes 3
T987 0-1 CD denotes 2
T988 1-2 , denotes ,
T989 3-4 -RRB- denotes ]
T990 4-5 . denotes .
T991 5-161 sentence denotes These differences in the relative proportions of alphaA and alphaB within the lens suggest different functions for the two subunits in the developing lens.
T992 6-11 DT denotes These
T993 12-23 NNS denotes differences
T994 89-96 VBP denotes suggest
T995 24-26 IN denotes in
T996 27-30 DT denotes the
T997 40-51 NNS denotes proportions
T998 31-39 JJ denotes relative
T999 52-54 IN denotes of
T1000 55-61 NN denotes alphaA
T1001 62-65 CC denotes and
T1002 66-72 NN denotes alphaB
T1003 73-79 IN denotes within
T1004 80-83 DT denotes the
T1005 84-88 NN denotes lens
T1006 97-106 JJ denotes different
T1007 107-116 NNS denotes functions
T1008 117-120 IN denotes for
T1009 121-124 DT denotes the
T1010 129-137 NNS denotes subunits
T1011 125-128 CD denotes two
T1012 138-140 IN denotes in
T1013 141-144 DT denotes the
T1014 156-160 NN denotes lens
T1015 145-155 VBG denotes developing
T1016 160-161 . denotes .
T1018 162-167 RB denotes Prior
T1020 168-170 IN denotes to
T1021 171-174 DT denotes the
R450 T987 T986 nummod 2,3
R451 T988 T986 punct ",",3
R452 T989 T986 punct ],3
R454 T992 T993 det These,differences
R455 T993 T994 nsubj differences,suggest
R456 T995 T993 prep in,differences
R457 T996 T997 det the,proportions
R458 T997 T995 pobj proportions,in
R459 T998 T997 amod relative,proportions
R460 T999 T997 prep of,proportions
R461 T1000 T999 pobj alphaA,of
R462 T1001 T1000 cc and,alphaA
R463 T1002 T1000 conj alphaB,alphaA
R464 T1003 T997 prep within,proportions
R465 T1004 T1005 det the,lens
R466 T1005 T1003 pobj lens,within
R467 T1006 T1007 amod different,functions
R468 T1007 T994 dobj functions,suggest
R469 T1008 T994 prep for,suggest
R470 T1009 T1010 det the,subunits
R471 T1010 T1008 pobj subunits,for
R472 T1011 T1010 nummod two,subunits
R473 T1012 T1010 prep in,subunits
R474 T1013 T1014 det the,lens
R475 T1014 T1012 pobj lens,in
R476 T1015 T1014 amod developing,lens
R477 T1016 T994 punct .,suggest
R479 T1020 T1018 prep to,Prior


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T660 55-61 PR_EXT:000005907 denotes alphaA
T661 66-72 PR_EXT:000005908 denotes alphaB
T662 84-88 UBERON_EXT:lens denotes lens
T663 156-160 UBERON_EXT:lens denotes lens