> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 899-1072 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 899-1072 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T744 3-9 VBP denotes modify
T750 10-13 DT denotes the
T751 14-21 NNS denotes effects
T752 22-24 IN denotes of
T753 25-28 DT denotes the
T754 32-40 NN denotes deletion
T755 29-31 NN denotes hg
T756 40-41 . denotes .
T757 41-158 sentence denotes The second panel consisted of individual donor regions on an HG background for each QTL on MMU1, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 17.
T758 42-45 DT denotes The
T759 53-58 NN denotes panel
T760 46-52 JJ denotes second
T761 59-68 VBD denotes consisted
T762 69-71 IN denotes of
T763 72-82 JJ denotes individual
T764 89-96 NNS denotes regions
T765 83-88 NN denotes donor
T766 97-99 IN denotes on
T767 100-102 DT denotes an
T768 106-116 NN denotes background
T769 103-105 NN denotes HG
T770 117-120 IN denotes for
T771 121-125 DT denotes each
T772 126-129 NN denotes QTL
T773 130-132 IN denotes on
T774 133-136 NN denotes MMU
T775 136-137 CD denotes 1
T776 137-139 , denotes ,
T777 139-140 CD denotes 5
T778 140-142 , denotes ,
T779 142-143 CD denotes 8
T780 143-145 , denotes ,
T781 145-146 CD denotes 9
T782 146-148 , denotes ,
T783 148-150 CD denotes 11
T784 151-154 CC denotes and
T785 155-157 CD denotes 17
T786 157-158 . denotes .
T788 159-161 IN denotes Of
T790 162-165 DT denotes the
T792 166-169 CD denotes six
R162 T750 T751 det the,effects
R163 T751 T744 dobj effects,modify
R164 T752 T751 prep of,effects
R165 T753 T754 det the,deletion
R166 T754 T752 pobj deletion,of
R169 T758 T759 det The,panel
R170 T759 T761 nsubj panel,consisted
R172 T762 T761 prep of,consisted
R173 T763 T764 amod individual,regions
R174 T764 T762 pobj regions,of
R176 T766 T764 prep on,regions
R177 T767 T768 det an,background
R178 T768 T766 pobj background,on
R180 T770 T764 prep for,regions
R181 T771 T772 det each,QTL
R182 T772 T770 pobj QTL,for
R183 T773 T764 prep on,regions
R184 T774 T775 nmod MMU,1
R185 T775 T773 pobj 1,on
R186 T776 T775 punct ", ",1
R187 T777 T775 conj 5,1
R188 T778 T777 punct ", ",5
R189 T779 T777 conj 8,5
R190 T780 T779 punct ", ",8
R191 T781 T779 conj 9,8
R192 T782 T781 punct ", ",9
R193 T783 T781 conj 11,9
R194 T784 T783 cc and,11
R195 T785 T783 conj 17,11
R196 T786 T761 punct .,consisted
R167 T755 T754 compound hg,deletion
R171 T760 T759 amod second,panel
R175 T765 T764 compound donor,regions
R179 T769 T768 compound HG,background


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T565 32-40 SO_EXT:sequence_deletion_entity_or_process denotes deletion
T566 126-129 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T541 126-129 SO:0000771 denotes QTL