> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 78-276 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 78-276 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T588 4-5 sentence denotes
T589 15-25 sentence denotes Background
T590 15-25 NN denotes Background
T592 26-30 JJ denotes High
T593 31-37 NN denotes growth
T594 43-51 NN denotes modifier
T595 38-39 -LRB- denotes (
T596 39-41 NN denotes hg
T597 41-42 -RRB- denotes )
T598 177-187 VBN denotes identified
T599 52-55 CC denotes and
T600 56-66 NN denotes background
T601 67-78 JJ denotes independent
T602 98-102 NNS denotes loci
T603 79-91 JJ denotes quantitative
T604 92-97 NN denotes trait
T605 103-104 -LRB- denotes (
T606 104-107 NN denotes QTL
T607 107-108 -RRB- denotes )
T608 109-118 VBG denotes affecting
T609 119-125 NN denotes growth
T610 125-127 , denotes ,
T611 127-136 NN denotes adiposity
T612 137-140 CC denotes and
T613 141-148 NN denotes carcass
T614 149-160 NN denotes composition
T615 161-165 VBD denotes were
T616 166-176 RB denotes previously
T617 188-190 IN denotes on
T618 191-196 NN denotes mouse
R13 T592 T593 amod High,growth
R14 T593 T594 nmod growth,modifier
R15 T594 T598 nsubjpass modifier,identified
R19 T599 T594 cc and,modifier
R20 T600 T601 npadvmod background,independent
R21 T601 T602 amod independent,loci
R22 T602 T594 conj loci,modifier
R25 T605 T602 punct (,loci
R26 T606 T602 appos QTL,loci
R27 T607 T594 punct ),modifier
R28 T608 T594 acl affecting,modifier
R29 T609 T608 dobj growth,affecting
R30 T610 T609 punct ", ",growth
R31 T611 T609 conj adiposity,growth
R32 T612 T611 cc and,adiposity
R33 T613 T614 compound carcass,composition
R34 T614 T611 conj composition,adiposity
R35 T615 T598 auxpass were,identified
R36 T616 T598 advmod previously,identified
R37 T617 T598 prep on,identified
R16 T595 T593 punct (,growth
R17 T596 T593 appos hg,growth
R18 T597 T594 punct ),modifier
R23 T603 T604 amod quantitative,trait
R24 T604 T602 compound trait,loci


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T549 31-37 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T550 79-102 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes quantitative trait loci
T551 104-107 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL
T552 119-125 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T553 141-148 UBERON:0008979 denotes carcass
T554 191-196 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T531 79-102 SO:0000771 denotes quantitative trait loci
T532 104-107 SO:0000771 denotes QTL
T533 141-148 UBERON:0008979 denotes carcass
T534 191-196 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse