> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 708-907 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 708-907 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T716 4-6 , denotes ,
T717 6-9 IN denotes for
T718 10-11 DT denotes a
T719 12-17 NN denotes total
T720 18-20 IN denotes of
T721 21-26 CD denotes eight
T722 27-34 NNS denotes strains
T723 34-35 . denotes .
T725 36-46 JJ denotes Phenotypic
T726 47-63 NN denotes characterization
T727 82-91 VBD denotes confirmed
T728 64-66 IN denotes of
T729 67-70 DT denotes the
T730 76-81 NN denotes panel
T731 71-75 NN denotes MMU2
T732 92-95 DT denotes the
T733 96-107 NN denotes segregation
T734 108-110 IN denotes of
T735 111-119 JJ denotes multiple
T736 120-126 NN denotes growth
T737 139-142 NN denotes QTL
T738 127-130 CC denotes and
T739 131-138 NN denotes obesity
T740 143-146 CC denotes and
T741 147-155 RB denotes strongly
T742 156-165 VBD denotes suggested
T743 166-170 IN denotes that
T745 171-172 DT denotes a
T746 173-179 NN denotes subset
T747 180-182 IN denotes of
T748 183-188 DT denotes these
T749 189-193 NNS denotes loci
R132 T718 T719 det a,total
R133 T719 T717 pobj total,for
R134 T720 T719 prep of,total
R135 T721 T722 nummod eight,strains
R136 T722 T720 pobj strains,of
R138 T725 T726 amod Phenotypic,characterization
R139 T726 T727 nsubj characterization,confirmed
R140 T728 T726 prep of,characterization
R141 T729 T730 det the,panel
R142 T730 T728 pobj panel,of
R144 T732 T733 det the,segregation
R145 T733 T727 dobj segregation,confirmed
R146 T734 T733 prep of,segregation
R147 T735 T736 amod multiple,growth
R148 T736 T737 nmod growth,QTL
R149 T737 T734 pobj QTL,of
R152 T740 T727 cc and,confirmed
R153 T741 T742 advmod strongly,suggested
R154 T742 T727 conj suggested,confirmed
R143 T731 T730 compound MMU2,panel
R150 T738 T736 cc and,growth
R151 T739 T736 conj obesity,growth
R157 T745 T746 det a,subset
R159 T747 T746 prep of,subset
R160 T748 T749 det these,loci
R161 T749 T747 pobj loci,of


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T563 120-126 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T564 139-142 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T540 139-142 SO:0000771 denotes QTL