> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 661-825 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 661-825 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T707 4-6 IN denotes in
T708 7-10 PRP$ denotes its
T709 11-19 NN denotes entirety
T710 20-24 IN denotes onto
T711 25-29 CC denotes both
T712 30-32 NN denotes HG
T713 40-51 NNS denotes backgrounds
T714 33-36 CC denotes and
T715 37-39 NN denotes B6
T716 51-53 , denotes ,
T717 53-56 IN denotes for
T718 57-58 DT denotes a
T719 59-64 NN denotes total
T720 65-67 IN denotes of
T721 68-73 CD denotes eight
T722 74-81 NNS denotes strains
T723 81-82 . denotes .
T725 83-93 JJ denotes Phenotypic
T726 94-110 NN denotes characterization
T727 129-138 VBD denotes confirmed
T728 111-113 IN denotes of
T729 114-117 DT denotes the
T730 123-128 NN denotes panel
T731 118-122 NN denotes MMU2
T732 139-142 DT denotes the
T733 143-154 NN denotes segregation
T734 155-157 IN denotes of
R122 T708 T709 poss its,entirety
R123 T709 T707 pobj entirety,in
R125 T711 T712 preconj both,HG
R126 T712 T713 nmod HG,backgrounds
R127 T713 T710 pobj backgrounds,onto
R132 T718 T719 det a,total
R133 T719 T717 pobj total,for
R134 T720 T719 prep of,total
R135 T721 T722 nummod eight,strains
R136 T722 T720 pobj strains,of
R138 T725 T726 amod Phenotypic,characterization
R139 T726 T727 nsubj characterization,confirmed
R140 T728 T726 prep of,characterization
R141 T729 T730 det the,panel
R142 T730 T728 pobj panel,of
R144 T732 T733 det the,segregation
R145 T733 T727 dobj segregation,confirmed
R146 T734 T733 prep of,segregation
R128 T714 T712 cc and,HG
R129 T715 T712 conj B6,HG
R143 T731 T730 compound MMU2,panel