PMC:1482699 / 54910-55398 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1482699","source_url":"","text":"NA, nasal-anal body length; Tail, tail length; GFP, gonadal fat pad; FFP, femoral fat pad; MFP, mesenteric fat pad; RFP, retroperitoneal fat pad; TF, summed weight of four fat pads; AI, adiposity index (TF/body weight*100) and BMI, body mass index (body weight at sacrifice/NA2 *100). Values are expressed as LSMEANS ± SEM. LSMEANS in bold are significantly different than the respective control after Bonferroni correction (B6 (critical P \u003c 0.00625) or HG (P \u003c 0.00833)) within each sex.","tracks":[]}