> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 3402-3569 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 3402-3569 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3034 0-167 sentence denotes Numerous traditionally developed and speed congenics have been used to successfully isolate mouse QTL for a wide array of traits, including growth and obesity [7-13].
T3035 1-9 JJ denotes Numerous
T3036 44-53 NNS denotes congenics
T3037 10-23 RB denotes traditionally
T3038 24-33 VBN denotes developed
T3039 34-37 CC denotes and
T3040 38-43 NN denotes speed
T3041 64-68 VBN denotes used
T3042 54-58 VBP denotes have
T3043 59-63 VBN denotes been
T3044 69-71 TO denotes to
T3045 85-92 VB denotes isolate
T3046 72-84 RB denotes successfully
T3047 93-98 NN denotes mouse
T3048 99-102 NN denotes QTL
T3049 103-106 IN denotes for
T3050 107-108 DT denotes a
T3051 114-119 NN denotes array
T3052 109-113 JJ denotes wide
T3053 120-122 IN denotes of
T3054 123-129 NNS denotes traits
T3055 129-131 , denotes ,
T3056 131-140 VBG denotes including
T3057 141-147 NN denotes growth
T3058 148-151 CC denotes and
T3059 152-159 NN denotes obesity
T3060 160-161 -LRB- denotes [
T3061 161-162 CD denotes 7
T3062 162-163 SYM denotes -
T3063 163-165 CD denotes 13
T3064 165-166 -RRB- denotes ]
T3065 166-167 . denotes .
R570 T3035 T3036 amod Numerous,congenics
R571 T3036 T3041 nsubjpass congenics,used
R572 T3037 T3038 advmod traditionally,developed
R574 T3038 T3036 amod developed,congenics
R575 T3039 T3038 cc and,developed
R576 T3040 T3038 conj speed,developed
R578 T3042 T3041 aux have,used
R579 T3043 T3041 auxpass been,used
R581 T3044 T3045 aux to,isolate
R582 T3045 T3041 advcl isolate,used
R583 T3046 T3045 advmod successfully,isolate
R584 T3047 T3048 compound mouse,QTL
R586 T3048 T3045 dobj QTL,isolate
R587 T3049 T3045 prep for,isolate
R590 T3051 T3049 pobj array,for
R591 T3052 T3051 amod wide,array
R596 T3056 T3051 prep including,array
R597 T3057 T3056 pobj growth,including
R598 T3058 T3057 cc and,growth
R599 T3059 T3057 conj obesity,growth
R601 T3060 T3061 punct [,7
R602 T3061 T3041 parataxis 7,used
R603 T3062 T3063 punct -,13
R605 T3063 T3061 prep 13,7
R606 T3064 T3061 punct ],7
R607 T3065 T3041 punct .,used
R589 T3050 T3051 det a,array
R592 T3053 T3051 prep of,array
R593 T3054 T3053 pobj traits,of
R594 T3055 T3051 punct ", ",array


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2653 93-98 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T2654 99-102 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL
T2655 141-147 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2580 93-98 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T2581 99-102 SO:0000771 denotes QTL