> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 29827-30024 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 29827-30024 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19065 2-5 DT denotes the
T19066 41-48 NN denotes pathway
T19067 6-13 JJ denotes central
T19068 14-16 NN denotes Gh
T19069 17-30 JJ denotes intracellular
T19070 31-40 NN denotes signaling
T19071 48-50 , denotes ,
T19072 50-54 JJ denotes such
T19073 55-57 IN denotes as
T19074 58-60 NN denotes Gh
T19075 60-62 , denotes ,
T19076 62-68 NN denotes Stat5b
T19077 69-72 CC denotes and
T19078 73-79 NN denotes Stat5a
T19079 79-80 . denotes .
T19081 81-88 RB denotes Thirdly
T19082 134-144 VBN denotes identified
T19083 88-90 , denotes ,
T19084 90-95 NN denotes MMU11
T19085 103-106 NN denotes QTL
T19086 96-102 NN denotes growth
T19087 107-118 VBG denotes overlapping
T19088 119-123 NN denotes HG11
T19089 124-128 VBP denotes have
T19090 129-133 VBN denotes been
T19091 145-147 IN denotes in
T19092 148-149 DT denotes a
T19093 150-156 NN denotes number
T19094 157-159 IN denotes of
T19095 160-167 NNS denotes crosses
T19096 168-173 VBG denotes using
T19097 174-183 JJ denotes different
T19098 190-197 NNS denotes strains
T19099 184-189 NN denotes mouse
R5888 T19065 T19066 det the,pathway
R5897 T19067 T19066 amod central,pathway
R5901 T19068 T19066 nmod Gh,pathway
R5904 T19069 T19066 amod intracellular,pathway
R5908 T19070 T19066 compound signaling,pathway
R5913 T19072 T19073 amod such,as
R5920 T19074 T19073 pobj Gh,as
R5921 T19075 T19074 punct ", ",Gh
R5922 T19076 T19074 conj Stat5b,Gh
R5923 T19077 T19076 cc and,Stat5b
R5926 T19078 T19076 conj Stat5a,Stat5b
R5934 T19081 T19082 advmod Thirdly,identified
R5938 T19083 T19082 punct ", ",identified
R5943 T19084 T19085 compound MMU11,QTL
R5946 T19085 T19082 nsubjpass QTL,identified
R5949 T19086 T19085 compound growth,QTL
R5952 T19087 T19085 acl overlapping,QTL
R5955 T19088 T19087 dobj HG11,overlapping
R5959 T19089 T19082 aux have,identified
R5962 T19090 T19082 auxpass been,identified
R5965 T19091 T19082 prep in,identified
R5968 T19092 T19093 det a,number
R5972 T19093 T19091 pobj number,in
R5976 T19094 T19093 prep of,number
R5980 T19095 T19094 pobj crosses,of
R5983 T19096 T19082 advcl using,identified
R5985 T19097 T19098 amod different,strains
R5988 T19098 T19096 dobj strains,using
R5992 T19099 T19098 compound mouse,strains


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17606 14-16 CHEBI_GO_PR_EXT:growth_hormone denotes Gh
T17607 14-16 _FRAGMENT denotes Gh
T17608 31-48 GO:0060396 denotes signaling pathway
T17609 17-30 GO:0005622 denotes intracellular
T17610 17-48 GO:0030522 denotes intracellular signaling pathway
T17611 22-30 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cellular
T17612 58-60 CHEBI_GO_PR_EXT:growth_hormone denotes Gh
T17613 62-68 PR_EXT:000002092 denotes Stat5b
T17614 73-79 PR_EXT:000002091 denotes Stat5a
T17615 96-102 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T17616 103-106 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL
T17617 184-189 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
R4336 T17608 T17607 _lexicallyChainedTo signaling pathway,Gh


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17408 14-16 _FRAGMENT denotes Gh
T17409 31-48 GO:0060396 denotes signaling pathway
T17410 17-30 GO:0005622 denotes intracellular
T17411 17-48 GO:0030522 denotes intracellular signaling pathway
T17412 62-68 PR:000002092 denotes Stat5b
T17413 73-79 PR:000002091 denotes Stat5a
T17414 103-106 SO:0000771 denotes QTL
T17415 184-189 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
R4335 T17409 T17408 _lexicallyChainedTo signaling pathway,Gh